Personally there are a few games which left me very dissappointed, after hyping myself up for years in certain cases.

Divinity Original Sin: turns out I prefer more streamlined, less packed games (love Pillars of Eternity) and that coop play in a CRPG stresses me out.

Wasteland 2: I actually managed to finish this one but secretly I admit I was hoping for a better Fallout which I didn’t really get. New Vegas did the cowboy theme much better.

INSIDE: while the design was cool, it was just a ton of boring, easy puzzles in comparison to LIMBO, its predecessor.


1nsane 2.

So many good memories of dragging my desktop PC, CRT monitor, desktop speakers, and LAN hub over to my friend’s house. Pizza, white castle, smoking schwag and playing hours of king of the hill. 1nsane was just the shit to get your friends worked up. Rune was cool, UT was most excellent, but 1nsane was something special.

For so many years we yearned for a next gen copy. Then we got 1nsane 2, and what. the. fuck.

Original deus ex. Yeah I’m sure the story is very good. But gameplay is just not enjoyable to me no matter how many times I try. Combat is annoying unless you put all skill points to X gun skill, then it is boring. In stealth I have no feel how visible I am and gep gun is annoying to use.

I have tried to enjoy it at least 5 times since I like the new ones but at this point I give up. And yeah I tried with mods and shit.

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010?). Cars felt right due to Criterion working on them to make them like in Burnout, but their Autolog service, plentiful cutscenes, menu, performance issues and a lot of boring lonely sprints on time killed it for me. I loved to drive in free mode, but avoided races like fire.

GTA IV, but it was on me, maybe. They totally shifted the tone of the game, changed so much I felt like I play a different series. While I came to like it more, the first time it just didn’t work for me.

TellTale’s The Walking Dead after S1. It’s either them losing their juice or me and my friends starting to understand the formula and how low stakes it actually is.

I haven’t liked a Need for Speed game since the original Most Wanted (and that was the first one since Porsche Unleashed.) I’ve played a few since and some were okay, but none of them have grabbed me the way the old NFS games did. I spent more time playing any of the first five NFS games individually than I have playing all of them in total since MW.


GTA IV is weird compared to the others GTA (it misses the big booms and the big vehicles that are present in the other titles of the series) but it’s a good game taken on his own.

I only played S2 after S1 of walking dead.

I remember the best moment of S2 was a flashback to S1. It was just a simple dialogue dialogue between Lee and Clementine, but just that was way more impactful than any other moment in S2. It was a very human moment. That was when I realized how much better written S1 was.

Some of the writers of S1 left telltale to make Firewatch, so that probably explains why S2 and the other seasons didn’t live up to S1.

Master of Orion 3 Played 1 and 2 all the time as a kid with my brother and my father. We were SO hyped that there was going to be a MOO3 and we bought it blind because that’s what you did back then. We were in for a massive disappointment. They had some good intentions to reduce Mikromanagement but we never understood how to really play it. We tried it again after a while but came to the same conclusion

Diablo 4

Really loved the first cinematic and enjoyed the Beta. But I’m already bored after reaching lv 30. Haven’t played it in weeks. I don’t know, the MMO aspect kinda ruined the expirience for me and the combat isn’t fun enought to keep me engaged.

Yeah, unfortunately:

  • Horizon Forbidden West
  • God Of War Ragnorak

I was extremely excited for it on PS5, however when playing them - I felt bored after a few hours. Quit playing and never went back.

Don’t know whether it was just overhyped for me or just not my type of game anymore.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of GoW 2018 when I played it on PC. The combat is quite bad, especially compared to the PS2 titles. Not sure why they thought it was a great idea to give the game third person shooter controls and place the camera right behind Kratos’ ass so you don’t see a damn thing.

Lost count of the number of times I’ve been hit by insta kill projectiles I couldn’t see because Kratos is blocking the entire view. It felt like I was fighting the camera controls more than the actual enemies.

Weird. I suck at games and didn’t die very often in GoW 2018. I do play on easy, but oh well.

Also, definitely far from the worst-camera game for me. I do recall a few moments, but nothing that stuck with me.

Maybe it’s the PC version that sucked bad? I had the PS4 version.

As someone who just played horizon zero dawn and wound up loving it, what was your issue with Forbidden West?

I know at the beginning of Zero Dawn I wasn’t really digging the story, and it unfortunately took a while to get better, but when it did it was really good. I was glad the mechanics were enjoyable for me or else I wouldn’t have stuck around long enough

@[email protected]

The biggest issues have already been mentioned by others but I’d just like to add - there’s a lot more climbing in Forbidden West, but the mechanics feel a lot worse (to me anyway). I found the climbing in HZD boring but serviceable; in HFW it just feels awful, Aloy never does what I want her to do and I regularly plunge to my doom for unknown reasons. Also the pullcaster (basically a grappling hook) is super clunky to use and adds essentially nothing gameplay-wise, just some random superfluous interaction points. It feels like there might have been some cut content there.

I enjoyed Zero Dawn quite a bit - the hunting and fighting mechanics in particular - but Forbidden West is kind of a sidegrade at best. It just feels like a sequel for the sake of a sequel.

Forbidden West’s story is a bland and predictable after coming from Zero Dawn. It feels cheap. They introduce tge bad guy early on, and while the characters are all trying to figure it out, it’s really obvious to the player.

There’s a lot more interaction with Aloy’s friends, which is fine on its own, but they also brought in the main hub trope, where all your friends gather at the base and you keep going back home after every mission. It makes the game feel a lot more like a level-based game than a real open world game.

Where ZD would have you go from A to B to C to D, FW makes you go A-B-A-C-A-D-A.

There are some other criticisms, but these are the ones that bothered me. That’s not to say it was a bad game, but I don’t have any desire to go back and play it again like I did with HZD.


The issues I had with Horizon Zero Dawn continued in Forbidden West unfortunately.

  • Characters continues to stay quite dull
  • Side missions not very fun
  • Open world that’s quite empty besides some beasts here and there
  • It’s quite much: Go to A, B, C then go back to A. You’re finally at A, go to Y! Which felt quite a drag and a waste of time (for me).

The only thing that I loved were the graphics and that was it sadly.

I really liked Zero Dawn because it was new and the story still had to be unfolded but after that magic is gone, it’s for me – just another open-world game.

Thank you, I appreciate the response and insight. Hopefully they can iron out a lot of these problems for future titles

New World.

Started off as a PvP mmo with a focus on territory control with some survival elements. Not a traditonal mmo to be sure, but definitely an interesting concept.

Turned into a generic themepark PvE mmo but with none on the features one would expect from a modern mmo.

Its gotten better since, but AGS tends to drop the ball just a little more with each update.

I peaced out about 3 months after release, tried it again a year later and even with improvements it still couldn’t snag me. I just found myself longing for the original concept.

I’m gonna preface this comment by saying none of the games I mention below are bad games, in fact I think they’re very good games… they just weren’t for me.

The Outer Wilds:

I’m probably gonna take some flack for this one! I was SO looking forward to this game, I’d heard such great things about it.

I played it for around 10-15 hours, all the while thinking to myself ‘any time now this game will open up and I’ll get to the main meat of the game.’ I slowly came to the realisation that this wasn’t going to happen and that the game wasn’t going to change gear or anything. Ultimately I found the game boring.

The game is about exploration and piecing together a story, unfortunately I found the story dull and consequently didn’t care about piecing it together. Im also one of those gamers that often quick clicks through dialogue, I just want the gist of what’s being said. I want to ‘play’ a game, I don’t want to ‘read’ a game. I have books for that.

I also didn’t enjoy the exploration, I found it tedious. Now that’s strange for me… I love exploration games. I’ve wondered about this and I think the reason I didn’t enjoy exploration in the out wilds is the art style. The ‘cutesy’ art style just left me cold. None of the locations filled me with awe or wonder. I never got that feeling of ‘I wonder what’s over there!’ like I do in other exploration games.

Red Dead Redemption:

I’ve tried to play this game 3 times now. Each time I get so far and just stop…. It just bores me!

On paper this should be exactly the type of game I love, but for some reason I just don’t. I’ve thought long and hard about this game, why does it fail to keep me engaged? I’ve come up with a couple of potential reasons.

Colours. This game can be very mono chromatic. It’s often all dull greys and browns and I genuinely think that does play a part in me finding my time in the game dull also.

Getting around. Travel is tedious in this game and there’s a lot of it. It’s walking or horses.

The map. The map is large, but a lot of it is empty and looks the same.

Missions. I often found them a chore and quite repetitive.

I’m kind of still on the fence about this game, I still wonder if there’s a hump to get over and then the game opens up…. But I fear there isn’t.


This one is my fault. I don’t like fps games and didn’t realise that’s what this game was. I thought it was more puzzle solving and exploration.

I like the story and I like the art style but ultimately it’s a ‘pew pew pew’ game, which isn’t fun for me.

Yeah, I just played through outer wilds and I completely disagree. I thought each planet was pretty wonder-inducing. The story is pretty standard, I think, but the way it’s presented, non-linearly and requiring some degree of actually putting the pieces together, and the way the story serves new exploration hints to you at the same time it’s giving you clues about the history is pretty masterfully done, o think. And I DON’T usually like exploration games, I thought outer wilds would be a mid experience overall for me. But there’s no such thing as perfect, so I get it.

Ark. I have shitty rural internet so no online multiplayer for me. When I heard they were coming out with a single player I was SO excited. I could RIDE DINOSAURS. I could live on dinosaur island with my dinosaur friends!

Turns out it was less dinosaur island and more dying of dehydration and getting my dinosaur friends killed in new and exciting ways. Rest in peace, Tuber, Izzy and No Name, you will be missed.

Ah, seconding ark. I wanted a couple weeks after my friends jumped aboard the hype train, which lasted only a short couple weeks. A few years later and it’s free on EGS, a friend of mine owns a steam copy, and we cannot for our lives manage to connect a private game server between the two platforms. Basically first and one of the very few games I’ve ever refunded on steam, and not even worth playing for free from EGS.

(don’t hurt me)

So far it’s been Baldurs Gate 3. I’ve found it clunky to play and it doesn’t run well on my machine despite far surpassing the recommended hardware.

I’m definitely going to do some trouble shooting and give it a much more in depth try, but it’s way easier to just play another game than figure out why this one is broken lol.

@[email protected]

I’m not disappointed at the game but on myself.

I patiently waited for Elden Ring to go on sale, excited to play it. But the reality is i don’t have enought time to play.

So what happens is I die a few times, restart my progress, die a few more, then my IRL game time has ran out. And I’m still where I started, no progress made,.

If i consistently evade enemies just to get far on the map, then what I’ve done is stunt my character progression and just horse around the map. I mean that’s not playing, it’s being a tourist inside the game.

@[email protected]

May I offer some unsolicited advice.

  1. Your damage output is as important if not more important than “getting gud”. The more damage you do, the fewer attacks you have to dodge. That’s kind of the secret to all these Souls games.

  2. Damage output and damage mitigation come from stacking many small, incremental bonuses. The most important upgrade for damage output is upgrading your weapon with ores. Pick one weapon (eg. Longsword) and invest all ores into it. Any weapon is viable for the whole game as long as you upgrade it. Don’t be afraid to commit ores into your chosen weapon as you will eventually have an unlimited supply.

  3. It’s possible to suicide-run into dangerous areas for powerful items since you don’t lose items upon death. You can collect mid and high-tier ores this way even at low level.

  4. It’s perfectly okay to farm exp from higher level, non-bosses. It’s low risk since you’ll be near a rest site. A good example is killing Vulgar Militiamen from the Farum Greatbridge site in the most northeast area of Caelid. You can horse yourself there ignoring everything. There are plenty of ideal spots that people have found, just look them up.

  5. If you’re still having trouble, do each step in the following video as you see fit. Notice that most of these improvements are obtained by acquiring items, and not obtained by leveling up.

Thank you so much! I’ll try this on my next play through.

Definitely! I truly believe Elden Ring is accessible, it’s just not immediately clear how.

More unsolicited advice. Consider an easy mode mod (if you have it for PC). There’s a few good ones that rebalance it to be a “normal” dodge-and-hit action game instead of a full on soulsborne. I also like a “keep runes on death” mod to take away that terror of actually leaving your little stomping grounds and exploring the beautiful world.

The game is so much more fun when it isn’t forcing “play it this way” down your throat.

Thank you for the advice, but my 9 year old son has now marked the computer as his territory and I’m now exiled to the Playstation.

Fair enough. There’s always Persona 5. It’s a lot less headache inducing.

Yes! , jrpg one of my “go to” genre 👍

A lot of them you are meant to run past, you don’t get meaningful xp from mobs until you get to late game secret areas, early game just Google where dungeons are, ride torrent to them and kill bosses for levels

You mean, grinding on mobs won’t give me meaningful xp? So it’s the bosses that I need to kill.

Nah. There’s a middleground of things worth your time, that you can discover fairly easily.

When you’re getting 50 runes per enemy and you need 5,000 to level, run past em because you’ll soon find enemies that net you 2000 runes per kill. If you find an enemy that gives good runes, then consider grinding killing it.

Bosses give decent runes, but I don’t think they’ll float ya (and I hate that git gud shit. I suck bad and only barely squeaked by a win by getting absurdly overleveled with an OP weapon).

thanks for the tip! at least now I have a goal that’s not story dependent. I can get by that, setting a small goal for my limited time. and I believe achieving that personal goal will give me more satisfaction than finishing a part of a story in one run. because I expect to drag this game out as long as I can.

I’m not young anymore where finishing as many games as possible is the goal, I’m an old gamer where enjoyment of even a few intervals of play is sufficient.

Each enemy gives you a set amount of runes (souls) that you can use to level up, harder enemies give more.

I can agree wholeheartedly. I found Elden Ring to be a very boring game.

That’s not at all what they said lol

Eh…that’s what I heard. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Vengefu1 Tuna

Dead Cells. I played for ~60 hours, but could not get the final boss down. It’s a tiny stage with a huge boss that has very quick combos that can 2 shot you. I tried a dozen times to figure him out in the training area (where you can practice boss fights) and I still couldn’t get it. It’s probably me though, my reflexes aren’t quite what they used to be.

Honestly my biggest problem with Dead Cells is that in Boss Cells 0 (BC for short) the game feels fun and fast but once you go to 2 and above it really feels like a slog to play for me.

Call it a skill issue but I have more fun on lower BC/difficulties than on the higher ones

Cyberpunk 2077. I waited a year for the bugs to be sorted out, got it for half price, and it was just a very blah game. The Ascent is a way better game both in terms of being cyberpunk-y and also just being a fun game.

Gran Turismo 7. Only 4 high payout races to earn money. All my friends still play on Gran Turismo Sport because boost doesn’t work in multiplayer. They updated the missions awhile back called the human comedy where if you had it on hard mode it was easy and easy mode was down right impossible. I will never purchase pre-order or digital ever again.

RDR2, I eventually caved and bought it after months of friends telling me how good it is. But the movement and control scheme are just so bad it instantly ruined the game for me. Even qwop has better controls.

@[email protected]


I’ve been a PC gamer for 25 years, and RDR2 is by far thebmost annoying control setup. Everything feels laggy due to the emphasis on fluid and realistic animations.

Plus it suffers feom the same issue as GTA5: “Press Key to progress story”. They both seem more like open world tech demos to me.

Good graphics, though. But graphics don’t matter if the gameplay is good.

@[email protected]

Same here! It seems like a great game otherwise, but I just couldn’t get immersed in it because of the controls. Didn’t feel like I was playing as Arthur so much as watching him and hoping he’d do what I want.

That tops my list. I started out maybe 4 or 5 times and then decided I had better things to do with my time. Like housework or getting a root canal.


If the controls are even remotely close to the first game (or GTA:IV) I totally understand what you mean.


I think this was why I started playing it for a while but just dropped off and never went back. I was always fighting the controls.

Patient Gamers
[email protected]
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