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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Starfield wasn’t terrible, but it also wasn’t great, very mediocre. I bought the limited edition like a fool because I saw the gameplay trailers and thought it looked awesome. I should have expected there would be very little depth to any of the systems.

Fallout 4 and Skyrim are my top played games on Steam by a mile, but I always play heavily modded.

Here’s the thing, I hate the debt obsession in the US, however it’s also really not that difficult to not get into way more debt then you can manage (barring medical expenses) and having a high credit score (even though it is stupid) absolutely does help in a ton of ways here.

I would encourage Americans to play the game smart, use credit as if it were debit, do not intentionally go into debt unless absolutely necessary, and if you’re in that position you should start seeking help, because getting crushed in debt is fucking awful.

I learned a lot of what NOT to do from my parents and paying attention during the 2008 crisis.

Sort of, I mean it’s a bit of a moot point since everyone agrees already gfe sucks

They’re not talking about gfe, they’re talking about the newer Nvidia app that replaces gfe

I wouldn’t put it past a writer to do exactly this, pre AI it was common too.

Right, “if they can access the old games still, we can’t pay a understaffed 3rd party a pittance to slap a coat of paint on it and resell it at full price”

Elder Scrolls lore is pretty cool, they’ve never been AMAZING stories, but there’s enough there to RP and make decisions and such that have some kind of impact.

Starfields core gameplay is actually leagues more refined then prior games on the same engine, feels really good to play, where it lacks heavily is story, which is historically how they made up the difference between the lackluster gameplay.

To clarify a little, I mostly mean the FPS style gunplay.

I love Elden Ring and From Soft games in general, but the way they work is completely different.

There are no dialog trees in Elden Ring, no skills outside of combat, rudimentary crafting mechanics, rudimentary “enchanting” through things like affinity or ashes of war in ER.

Blatantly put, the focus is on completely different mechanics/systems that are much more simple, meaning much easier to not run into lots of bugs.

It’s just not really a good comparison.

Unless there’s a multiplayer aspect where it gives an unfair advantage, while it might be a bit unsavory and potentially predatory, I think being able to get those mtx in game “legit” without it being a slog is honestly much less shitty then other MTX I’ve seen.

You keep saying the ONLY POSSIBLE REASON is to get people to buy it twice, I provided reasoning and evidence to the contrary but you don’t care, so yes we’re done here 👍

You’re refusing to understand the reality of developing for the PC market and instead just shifting all the blame on corporate greed and corporate incompetence at the same time.

The only recent console I own is the switch, everything else is PC all day.

I waited for GTA V to come to PC and played it a lot when it did, so… Maybe if you only expect the fomo crowd to be the only gamers in existence… Sure.

Other then they’re different systems, console is much easier to test/develop on because its a consistent environment, PCs by comparison have so many potential differences per device that it’s much more nuanced.

Would you rather they release a broken ass game on PC or wait and let them optimize and potentially add extra functionality?

I know what I’m picking…

To be fair, when gta v did release on PC, it had a bunch of extra features they couldn’t get working performatively on the last Gen console hardware.

Lol you’re correct it did increase the health pool, but what I remembered most was the cosmetic aspect, I was young tho

Wow this brought it full circle, the name looked familiar but then it clicked, back in my pirating days lol

Also Mindcrack UHC, not sure if that came before the hunger games mods tho

I didn’t see Plateup! mentioned, similar to Overcooked but rogue lite with more emphasis on RNG and customization of the restaurant (through where you place the tables/utilities)

I think they saw the writing on the wall with PC gaming resurging

Used to play a ton of FPS, don’t really have the desire to do so anymore these days. Started up another heavily modded run of Skyrim the other day

I’m not sure how you’re still not getting my question, yes if it needs to be reworded to “who is the seller?” there ya go.

I’m just big hammer man, no shirt, light roll, I change nothing about my playstyle for fights besides using a teensy faith to give myself a basic damage nerf for whichever element/type I’m going against if I’m really needing it. But that’s how I play the game, I don’t go for the most OP build combo because that just takes the fun out of it.

The wicker men it’s kinda like the golems in the base game, the real damage comes when you stagger them the 3rd time and the fall over, chunk them for like 60% of their health on the crit.

When I beat the first and second major bosses in the DLC I was elated, because it was very challenging, but doable if I played extremely well, and learned what each telegraph meant they were about to do.

Same, I’m having a hard time deciding how to play the upcoming dlc, do I just wait till seamless updates? That could take like a month+ or do I bite the bullet and make a vanilla char again to prep…

Seamless co-op is pretty great, dev said he has some fixes and qol stuff planned for the DLC update version