I love how accurate this is.
No you reinvented too much!
No we liked what you did before but now you retracted it, and it has an off vibe now!
The series is failing.
The studios are going bankrupt because they ignored what we want!
Why haven’t anyone else adopted a game/book we love?
The definition of “good” can be adjusted, depending on how desperate you are.
That said, I m against sacrificing my standards when it comes to paid things, I want to get what I paid for, and definitely back the people praising BG3 and want games of that caliber now that Larian has shown everybody that it’s possible.
thanks for the tip! at least now I have a goal that’s not story dependent. I can get by that, setting a small goal for my limited time. and I believe achieving that personal goal will give me more satisfaction than finishing a part of a story in one run. because I expect to drag this game out as long as I can.
I’m not young anymore where finishing as many games as possible is the goal, I’m an old gamer where enjoyment of even a few intervals of play is sufficient.
I’m not disappointed at the game but on myself.
I patiently waited for Elden Ring to go on sale, excited to play it. But the reality is i don’t have enought time to play.
So what happens is I die a few times, restart my progress, die a few more, then my IRL game time has ran out. And I’m still where I started, no progress made,.
If i consistently evade enemies just to get far on the map, then what I’ve done is stunt my character progression and just horse around the map. I mean that’s not playing, it’s being a tourist inside the game.
Yeah but that in itself underlines the problem. A large part of people’s time is spent on work. And yes people do tend to use what is familiar.
Think of adobe. They offer students free access to adobe products. Which in turn transfers to a workforce that mainly use their products which in turn bleeds unto nonprofessionals using their products because of the abundance of youtube tutorials by professionals on how to use adobe products.
There’s a trend of using old point and shoot camera instead of the mobile phone or a mirrorless cams. The older the camera the more prestige you get.
Maybe they’ll use MySpace to post those photos. Haha.
Let’s see. Retro websites being used by gen z to try and see what it felt like during the times of their elders. To get a feel of the nostalgia posts they keep seeing in social media.
Google’s android OS has more market share than Microssoft. do you think that all the privacy apps out there protect us from google’s prying eyes? even if you install every privacy app you have on your android device, the underlying OS is still google and only rooting or totally not using an android device is the option to secure your mobile activity from google’s spying.
and all of these android device has GMAIL, CHrome and every google proprietary app installed on them from the beginning. Microsoft was brought to court just for internet explorer for inticompetitive issues, but goole gets away with it with not just chrome but every google app pre installed on any android device.
so do not downplay the danger of google.
Sudoku is nice - me 40sh