Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Right? Why should I pay full price for a game and it’s a buggy mess, sometimes even unplayable past a certain piont? All this has done has made me wait a year or two for games that I want, so I can get functional games, which is the opposite of how the studios want to make money.

This is a good suggestion because in the Subnautica Below Zero you can play a custom game mode where you can turn off predator aggression, hunger, thirst, and freezing allowing you to roam to your hearts content without getting eaten.

I’m playing through Knights of the Old Republic right now. The only thing that makes the graphics tolerable is playing on my switch. The screen is small enough to minimize the bad graphics and jank. But if I was playing it on a TV or computer screen I wouldn’t be able to continue. It hasn’t aged well at all.

Oh god I just finished this game and you are making me want to cry all over agian.

The sequel was even more brutal. I cried like crazy at the end of both games. Like full on sobbing into a paper towel bc tissues weren’t going to cut it crying.

Me too! I’m playing it right now. I’ve been surprised how many times it’s made me laugh out loud. For such a bleak looking game it can be quite funny at times.

I’m playing Fea Farm so, farm, fish and hang out with my friends all day. Plus I have cute little fairy wings in that game. I’m set for life.

Ark. I have shitty rural internet so no online multiplayer for me. When I heard they were coming out with a single player I was SO excited. I could RIDE DINOSAURS. I could live on dinosaur island with my dinosaur friends!

Turns out it was less dinosaur island and more dying of dehydration and getting my dinosaur friends killed in new and exciting ways. Rest in peace, Tuber, Izzy and No Name, you will be missed.

I loved Subnautica, but it was too scary and claustrophobic for me to finish because I am a weenie. The first time I had to go down to that abandoned underwater cave base shivers

I’m playing The Long Dark and I think it fits what you are looking for, however it is a survival game so if your not looking for a walking simulatior steer clear.

The premise is your plane was brought down by an eletro magnetic storm in the Canadian wilderness mid winter and you have to survive and unravel the mystery of what’s happening.

Very creepy, lonely vibes with some really unsettling sequences, but no jump scares or anything.