• 17 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


ATARI is just a brand name at this point, trying to feed off of people’s nostalgia. There’s nothing left of the company that made this stuff in the 80s.

Isn’t that another “can’t count to three” moment?

Too many imps in the center square. Too easy to just get ganged with fireballs. I found that I needed to hang out in the hallway and get the marines that were coming in.

WTF? Is this Nightmare difficulty? Just how many enemies are crammed in the hallways here.

I get that this is a joke project. But, if you were to reduce the difficulty to some common denominator, it could actually be a viable CAPTCHA. Then again, there’s already good AI bots that could dominate this.

Ignoring indie games here is ignoring the answer to the entire premise. It’s part of the equation.

It would be like complaining that there’s no place to see big cats, while not mentioning the zoo at all.

This author has no fucking clue that the indie gaming industry exists.

Balatro screenshot

Like Balatro… you know, the fucking Indie Game of the Year, that was also nominated for Best Game of the Year at the Game Awards.

Localthunk was able to build this in Lua… WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!

I mean, if these guys are willing to do morally reprehensible stuff like this, then it should just be expected that they would do the same kind of thing for whatever new products they develop.

Why? I think the only thing that is bad with the practice is involvement with kids. Enforce age limits within the gambling sites, and really that’s up to the FTC and gaming commissions.

Borderlands 2 had an excellent antag with some pretty good writing. With Borderlands 3, the antags were so insufferable, with the rest of the characters only progressing the plot because of stupid decisions, that I really didn’t feel the need to continue.

It’s just getting wierd because people can cash in on it easily.

Yep, I remember the old South Park episode about “Internet Dollars” something like 15 years old, and suddenly, people are figuring out how to do just that.

(the idea that you are either best or worst)

“If you not first, you’re last.”

So, this guy is Ricky Bobby?

Translation: We don’t know how to create new IP, and nostalgiabait sells.

So do mega-corporations with more money than God, like Microsoft.

And they already said no to root-level anti-cheats.

World of Warcraft has battle pets that you can capture by throwing cages at them and then train and fight them against other battle pets.

Which is arguable a more realistic representation of what Pokemon represents: slavery.

This is an incredibly condescending headline, directed at the wrong party. They had every right to blame Funko.

Especially when Cloudflare is super transparent about their incident reports.

AI could have been a decent bridge for indie developers to fill in holes in their talent pool with something that was halfway decent. After all, if you have two developers, and none of them are good at art or voice acting, maybe they can put enough time and effort to produce actually good AI images and voice work. It wouldn’t be a substitute for real artists and voice actors, but at least they can have something where they previously had nothing. Or artists that use the tech for getting a starting design, and use their own talents for producing the final picture. Or musicians getting a starting idea, etc., etc.

The problem is that all we seeing are billion dollar companies spending even less effort to save money. These companies think they can rush their people into spending five minutes on an AI image, and whoopsie, there’s an obviously bad AI image with 6 fingers and weird background objects.

This technology is not for them. They have the money to spend on this shit. It should be for the people, but now there’s so much bad rep from corpos that it’s ruining it for everybody.

The actual CCG they had was miles better than the one in Witcher 3 as well. I miss that game.

They tried. Starbound didn’t do all that great. Granted, it’s been 10 years.

One of my all-time favorites. If you don’t like horror games, don’t let that stop you. It’s too important a story to pass up, and worse-case, you can turn off some of the scary elements of the game. It’s really a sci-fi masterpiece first, and a horror game second.

Portal 2 has, hands-down, the most hilariously-written dialogue I have ever seen in a video game. That alone is worth playing the game, but it’s also a fun puzzle game to boot.

The game throws big bosses at you at a time when you won’t have range weapons, and expects you to dodge these big sweeping attacks that would be more appropriate fighting with ranged weapons. And by the time you get a ranged weapon, it’s too late, and they’ve raised the stakes again for future bosses to the point that having a ranged weapon isn’t even an advantage.

I was forced to reduce the difficulty just for the bosses. All of the other enemies were mostly fine.

Try playing Environmental Station Alpha. Super cutesy robot, absolutely unfair difficulty for a Metroidvania. Which is a shame, because there’s an interesting story and gameplay buried in that difficulty, and I love Metroidvanias.

I thought the reward for the puzzles was not good enough, either. When you play Outer Wilds, you figure things out, unlock a wonderful story, and learn tricks for other puzzles. When you play Tunic, you (eventually) figure things out and get a bad ending for a game that barely reveals anything, story-wise.

I also thought that requiring a web app or a bunch of paperwork to figure out the language was far too inconvenient for a game made in the 21st century. They borrowed the wrong lessons from Fez.

Launchers allow you to change settings before having the game up, for example, which can be nice.

Or you can change options after the game launches, like a normal game.

Have you seen PeerTube? It’s a good attempt, but even with the P2P-style sharing, they are experiencing 100x the problems that Lemmy has here because of the sheer amount of bandwidth and storage they have to deal with from a tiny micro-fraction of a percentage of the content that YouTube or OnlyFans serves.

Right now, large corporations are the only ones with the resources to even attempt such a thing, unfortunately.

Video streaming is not cheap. Petabytes and petabytes of data transferred, stored, streaming, networked, etc., etc. YouTube is already barely profitable and only from pissing off their audience and streamers.

A comparison to Patreon isn’t fair at all because they have almost no infrastructure to speak of. What do they actually do? Host a web site with some forum software on it? Handle subscriptions and emails, with a light bit of payment handling? Really?

Oscars and Grammys are so behind the times, just advertisers of the pop sectors of their respective industries.

I played Dark Souls for 80 hours before I thought it was crap. Shit graphics (on the Xbox 360), shit difficulty, no story, thought the game was just one big trollface, tempting you with ideas that might pan out, but don’t. I kept playing because everybody else thought it was the best game ever, and convinced myself that it was like other RPGs, where if you grinded enough to get the right gear, you could tame the difficulty. It didn’t. Difficulty for older areas was better, but new area difficulty was still shit.

All patents need to be killed. They only benefit the rich and powerful.

The engineers that work there certainly aren’t going to stage a coup.

What engineers? Musk fired all of them when he first started.

Microsoft is ruining Windows. It just keeps getting worse. Whether it be their insistence on AI and cloud garbage, or just a general sense of incompetence, I can’t help but feel like the operating system has seen better days. Normally I wouldn’t care too much, big tech ruins another thing, whatever. But the problem is Microsoft has such a dominant market share that you can’t really escape them. I guess unless you use a Mac or something I don’t know.

To most of us, this is probably just a summary of events over the past year or so. But, it's good to know that this sort of news is reaching non-gaming channels.

A video about the art of Disco Elysium, and the character portraits in particular.

A well-balanced look at what they did right (graphics and acting), and the dumb decisions that got them at this point.

A look into the world of video game modding, machinima, and other fan creations. This video goes over the history, some popular examples, and interviews with several creators. Just how much of a game is yours to do what you want with? Where are the limits?