a nazi salute is pretty much anti-everyone, man.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
There seems to be additional settings though? I’m still on android 14 (oneui 6.1, had huawei up until last week or so). So perhaps they put Wifi and mobile data separately under that arrow?
Can you draw down different menus based on whether you draw from left or the right side of the top of the screen? (I had that in huawei as default for a long time now but had to enable it on this samsung)
That’s probably your mobile connection? Are you translating or does an English android say “Internet”?
What’s the symbol?
There’s also an option you can turn on that allows you pulling the menu down from the right side of the top of the screen, and you get the whole menu. I tried linking but for some reason I haven’t been able to upload images with my new phones for some reason. And then pulling down from the left side will just bring down the normal menu.
You can also reorganise the tiles so you have your most used in the quick bar.
You’re entirely right.
But see if the political view is only held by members or a certain religious group (even if not all members of said religion accept said political thought), it’s easy to conflate it, so that you can ban anyone opposing said political thought based on “they’re discriminating against me because of my religion”.
Fuck twitch.
To put it to perspective Star Citizen’s Kickstarter started on 2012. GTA 5 released on 2013, and GTA 6 is supposed to be out in 2025. If it doesn’t get delayed too significantly we will get 2 full GTA games before SC is released.
To put that in perspective, you just pretty much shower how developing GTA 6 has taken just as long, pretty much.
The release full games, so going from one release to the next measures basically the timeline of developing one game.
As someone who’s enjoyed league and Overwatch for years, I like it.
I mean, the inherent annoying thing in moba is the farming, but aside from that.
Smite 1 I used to play a bit and it’s reminiscent, but much better. The movement feels good.
There are threads which are sharing game invites to the playtest. And technically I can invite people too
See but the question isn’t “originated”.
It’s “popularised”.
Which Mario clearly did, outpassing both “Galaxian” and Crash in terms of popularity.
I know that Crash is bigger for you, but in the big picture, comparing Mario to Crash is like comparing Pokemon to Digimon.
The main core series, Super Mario, began with the platformer game Super Mario Bros. (1985) on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The main games consist of Mario trying to rescue Princess Peach from the villain Bowser and saving the Mushroom Kingdom.
As of June 2024, the Mario video game franchise has sold more than 900 million units worldwide, making it the best-selling video game franchise of all time. The main Super Mario series alone has sold more than 495 million copies worldwide.
Super Mario Bros. 1985 NES, estimated revenue $1,652,300,000
Have to scroll quite far down this list https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises to find Crash.
100 Apples > 1 Life, and you could grind more to make some levels more forgiving, like semi-adjustable difficulty level based on your previous approach… And later on — warp zones, you get to choose from a few options so the progression has variation.
100 coins = 1UP and warp zones? And… you think they’re from Crash Bandicoot?
What are you smoking? That’s like a 2005 game.
Jonathan S. Harbour of the University of Advancing Technology argues that Tomb Raider (1996) by Eidos Interactive (now Square Enix Europe) is “largely responsible for the popularity of this genre”.
Hell, Max Payne was definitely more popular, and it came out in 2001.
It was weird in a Nintendo way, yeah, but imo there was hardly anything illogical about it. The triple handle setup was reasoned in the way that if there was a more “classic” control scheme in the game, you might use the d-pad instead of the joystick (which was shit in the way it wore out though). Most games did use the joystick, but not all, and not all the time.
I think the reasoning was to have more adaptability in traditional Nintendo sort of way.
Also, the Dreamcast controller looks very weird as well, has less buttons and came out two years after.
Carts a cutback?
Were you a kid when N64 came out?
Carts lasted ages longer than discs. Sure for some actually responsible adult player discs would probably have been better but for preteens fighting with their siblings on who’s turn it is and what will be played…?
(We once ruined a PS2 game because we had it upright and it fell and the disc took such a deep scratch it never worked past that point again. I still feel guilty and feel I missed out on HP2. And that was 5 years after we got a N64, so PS1 discs would’ve been even more at risk.)
The controller is weird by modern standards , yeah, but it wasn’t too weird at the time. It’s sort of like two controllers in one, a more classic form like the snes and the basic ps1 controller and a more modern one with a joystick with the middle-handle.
There was no weirdness at all using it when it came out. The “basic” model (think xbox controller) only came out a bit later.
But nowadays? Idk, I don’t have one, but we tried playing Goldeneye 64 with my brother and man the control schemes were all over the place and I couldn’t for the life of me get “in the groove” and we used to play 4 player deatmatch a ton for years and I was ace at it.
Idk man.
In the 1980s 8-inch drives used with some mid-range systems increased from a low of about 30 MB in 1980, to a top-of-the-line 3 GB in 1989.
Seems like 30MB wasn’t horribly uncommon in “mid-range systems” in 1980, so I doubt that 40MB in 1982 would’ve been “incredibly uncommon.”
But I’ve no personal experience from the time.
“What was a native phone functionality”
I’ve always had video calls on my native messenger since they became a thing.
They’ve never “gone” anywhere.
I’m from Finland, where Nokia is from. Mobile phone usage was higher here than pretty much anywhere since the 90’s. The later Nokias had video calls, but as you say, they wouldn’t have gone on the data plan, but charged as minutes (but not normal minutes, just like MMS was more expensive than std SMS).
The apps became more popular exactly for that reason; everything was on your data (which is unlimited), and not charged as SMS or minutes. A lot of the people I know don’t even do regular phone calls anymore, just using WhatsApp to call.
So yeah, no-one just used videocalls. What’s the point?
It’s honestly amazing that we had GPRS video calls in the late 2000s but still don’t have them in the era of the smartphone
Not really.
There plenty of resources if you want to video call. WhatsApp, TG, Signal or even (lol) Skype, have videocalls.
It’s just that why would you?
Most calls you definitely don’t need video, and often it’d be a downright negative thing. You need to look at the screen and look presentable, as opposed to being able to do things while on the phone.
The reason videocalls aren’t more popular is the same exact reason Google Glass isn’t.
I agree.
But to be fair, they’re not looking to make great videogames, they’re looking to make video games that make profit. If they have the IP and just slap 40 in the works, probability says that some might make the entire thing profitable, as long as you keep costs down. (Exploit cheap labour and AI tools prolly.)
I just hope one or two of them ends up being playable.
I think you forget not everyone lives in the same place and under the same marketing that you do.
“Ethnocentrism”, I believe it’s called.