That’s the key here. People who were willing to pre-pay for the game ahead of time are clearly not the target of the DRM, and yet they’re the ones choosing to cancel their purchase. It’s not pirates complaining because they want to play the game for free, it’s people who were looking forward to buying the game.
At that point, what even is the purpose of defining it? It’s such a specific term that was designed to only apply to their hardware. It’s like creating a new word for a car because you added air conditioning to it.
Sure, they had the first GPU because they coined a term that only applied to one specific product.
And also the concept of your collection of souls being recoverable from your last point of death.
I know the “death bag” mechanic had been done before, but the disappearing cache is a core element of Soulslike gameplay that has been repeated so many times since then. It adds a sense of urgency and FOMO to the recovery of your stuff. If you die again, it’s gone for good.
A company like Nintendo definitely has a law firm on retainer. They’re paying them whether or not they’re being used. There’s no waste of money happening by going after “IP violations.”
A waste of time and energy, perhaps. But the lawyers are getting the same money whether they do this or nothing at all.
Honestly, there’s way too much in this game to go without the wiki IMO. Not that you can’t have a good time without it, but it definitely opens up so much in the game.
Stuff like which dinos are good at gathering which resources, some have weight reductions for some materials, etc. Some dinos have passive abilities that are nice to know about.
If you’re all about the grind and randomly discovering things, that’s definitely an option, but there’s stuff that you’re likely to never find accidentally, like boss battles and the means to unlock them.
I assume that includes Windows as a platform, which would include Steam users as well. It’s easy to look good when you include your competitor’s numbers in your own.