Formerly /u/Zagorath on the alien site.
If very many developers integrating Denuvo are making errors with it, it’s because of Denuvo. Their documentation is insufficient or their interface is poorly designed or something. Or maybe their code really is just shit. Most likely some combination of factors. Regardless, I’m not letting them off the hook; this is still their fault as much as it is that of the companies choosing to use it.
I don’t mind the fact that apps on Android show ads. I mind the terrible inconsistency of those ads. Some have an X button at the top left, some at the top right. I’ve seen “mute” buttons in at least three different quadrants, plus some are within a small landscape window rather than taking up the full portrait-held phone. And some don’t have mute at all.
And then some have a fake-out X button that actually clicks on the ad if you try to use it.
And a couple of times I’ve gotten an ad that I literally couldn’t exit. Had to force quit the app to get back to it.
If the ads were a consistent experience, I would have a much less intensely negative opinion of them.
I’m not aware of any allegations relating to Age of Mythology or any of the Forgotten Empires–lead Age games. It would strike me as unlikely, given the nature of these games as remasters of ancient code by a group formed initially as modders for AoE2.
A different situation from aoe4, which was developed primarily by Relic, which is a much more conventional game development company, and was developed from scratch.
I’m very nervous about the game’s future, given the AoE3 remake was just officially mothballed last week and AoM has fewer active players on Steam.
But for the game in its current state, I’d say that yes, it’s really, really good. It made a fair few changes from the old version, nearly all of which are excellent improvements. They said their goal was to make this game the game you remember playing through nostalgia goggles, rather than being strictly faithful to the original, and I think they did that really well. You can build bigger armies and reuse god powers. Better quality of life features, etc.
The Chinese expansion releases next month, and they’ve committed to at least one more expansion after that (by preselling the Premium Edition with the first 2 expansions). Aztects or something else from the Americas is likely. If it turns out those expansions are going to be cheap and rushed and crap just to meet their contractual obligations, that’s really unfortunate. I really hope that won’t happen. But in the worst case…the game with what they’ve released already is really good.
Feel free to head over to [email protected] if you want to discuss more.
I’m an absolute sucker for a hidden traitor mechanic. Boardgames like Battlestar Galactica, Werewolf, and Secret Hitler (the latter of which might be my absolute favourite board game). More recently I’ve just started playing Among Us (I never got into it during its ~2020 peak) which is the first time I’ve seen the hidden traitor translated well into video games (unless you count that one minigame from Jackbox Games).
From what I’ve seen, that doesn’t seem to be true. The Definitive Edition seems to have been extremely successful and most of the pros and fans did indeed convert over to it.
Hopefully there’ll be a good modding community that the community of aoe3 fans can coalesce around to continue patching it, like WoL did pre-DE.
I should say, this is when I play ranked games at a slightly-above-average Elo. RTS games have a reputation for trending to go much longer at very low Elos because players aren’t good at doing aggressive strategies. I dunno how much this would apply in AoM though, compared to AoE2 (which is my main source for this point) because defensive buildings are much stronger in AoE2 than AoM.
Since 3 DE came out in 2020, they’ve already released 4 noteworthy DLC (plus some cosmetics):
So this would have been the 5th expansion since the release of DE.
It’s never been my personal favourite in the franchise, but it’s still a game I have a lot of fondness for, and seeing it shunted off to the side is kinda sad.
Oh, so they have. I dunno what that means precisely. I think I saw they stopped selling the old AoE3 version, but last I checked AoM EE and AoE2HD were still for sale, but deliberately greyed out and renamed to make it clearer that they’re the old versions. Not sure if they’re still for sale or not as of now.
I don’t play a lot of big budget games where this kind of thing tends to happen. Probably the worst experience I’ve had has been thanks to confusion caused by multiple remasters.
Age of Empires 2 released in 1999 with an expansion in 2000. It was rereleased in 2013 as the HD Edition on Steam.
Then it was rereleased again as the Definitive Edition in 2019.
And I have seen people get confused and buy the HD version when they meant to get DE. Not quite the same as the OP because it’s not caused by malicious anti-consumer bullshit. But that’s the closest I’ve been.
I genuinely do love AoE2 and would rate it among my favourite games of all time, but yeah I think it gets a little overrated.
4 is better, IMO, and Myth is just great.
The AoE2 community gets pretty damn toxic if you dare suggest that, though. Or even if they get a whiff that you might be saying good things about other Age games at all.
It’s a huge improvement over the original. They’ve made a bunch of balance improvements without infringing on the unique identities of each civ (which is unfortunately what happened when they tried to do balance changes to the 2013 Extended Edition). The graphics are all new and now look how the game is in your nostalgia, rather than…how it actually looked. You can build bigger armies, and reuse god powers (for a cost). There’s improvement in quality-of-life features, like modern hotkeys, as well as tools to assist with scouting and eco management, if you’re a lower-skilled player who gets overwhelmed by all the multitasking.
Mobile is undoubtedly the worst. It’s unbearable. Hardly even a game.
I’ve never played the DS game. I might put Age of Empires Online in this spot instead.
It’s unfortunate, to me, that 3 ended up this low. It’s not my favourite, by a long shot, but it’s functional and fun. Which is more than can be said for the DE version of 1. I love the bones of 1, but the DE was terrible. So terrible that they tried releasing it again in the Return to Rome DLC for 2.
Which leaves us with the 3 good games. Being the mod of [email protected], nobody should be surprised that my favourite is Myth. 4 is actually my second favourite, and 2 is only in 3rd place. But Myth still has too many bugs and missing polish features. Even though it’s my #1 favourite, if I was asked to list which I think is the best, I’d put it in 3rd.
Oh neat, I didn’t know they did that. Do their GPUs have a specific niche, or are they aimed generally at competing with Nvidia and AMD Radeon?
edit: just to be clear what I mean, as an example, Qualcomm makes processors, but they fill the specific niche of mobile device processors, they don’t compete with Intel & AMD’s desktop lines.
This back and forth from the comments on the article is interesting:
What the article ommits: The youtuber in question has a long history of threatening smaller channels with various actions against them, from brigading to lawyers to copyright strikes, if they do something he doesn’t like and don’t bow to his will. So I’m not surprised to see someone was fed up with him eventually.
Two wrongs don’t make a right as my nan used to say. This YouTuber being a bit of a grunt does not negate the fact YouTube itself is happy taking a hands off approach to a fundamental part of their business model because the ones it affects are not the ones that give them most of the money.
Of course it’s a problem, I just feel 0 sympathy in this case and I find it ironic that it’s him especially that got hit with the same treatment he threatens others with.
Actually, not necessarily. Plagiarism is not interchangeable with copyright infringement. Plagiarism is specifically academic misconduct.
Those videos that upload an entire movie to YouTube and put “no copyright infringement intended” in the description are not committing plagiarism, because they are being honest about how the content they are using is not their own. But they are committing copyright infringement.
Likewise, you can do plagiarism while not doing copyright infringement, if you take something that is public domain and use it in your research paper without explaining where you got it. It’s public domain, so there’s nothing legally wrong there. But it’s academically dishonest.
I think the combination of calling him Charlie, making him a unicorn-like creature, and going to a place called Candy (Kingdom instead of Mountain) makes it a little more than mere friendly homage for my liking. Probably not enough to give rise to a legal claim of copyright or trademark infringement, but enough to be ethically very shaky.
It’s like if that Borderlands sniper was also an anthropomorphised polar bear from the 100 Acre Tundra.
The thing is, my mobo was, as far as I can tell (based on the release date of the 1.0 version of its firmware), released in 2017. I didn’t go out of my way to avoid TPM 2.0, I just bought recent hardware made by reputable manufacturers, and built a computer out of them. The fact that Microsoft arbitrarily decided a less than 4 year-old computer couldn’t run on their new operating system is pretty galling.
Yeah that’s definitely a problem. It’s actually part of why I stopped using a Reddit app and just used on my phone, back in the day. But my experience is that lemmy-ui is not as nice to use on mobile. I do occasionally use the “copy permalink” option from the app, and then paste that into my browser. But that’s inconvenient enough that I only quite rarely do it.