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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


To be honest, Wizard is the best way to play Avowed.

I have really being enjoying it, granted, I didn’t actually buy it. Just playing through Game Pass. I was definitely watching for it and started checking it out Day 1.

Is it GotY? Nah, but there haven’t been many recent games that I’ve enjoyedn as much.

Ah well I’m glad to see the devs sticking to their passions. I’m sure they’re proud of this move.

With that said, I’m still surprised EA didn’t try to capitalize on it somehow.

Yeah fuck the 2+ million people working for big tech. They don’t deserve work unless it’s for a genuine, good-hearted startup.

Perhaps why this feels like them trying to save face.

It’s also on Humble Bundle Choice along with 7 other games this month.

Although it looks like it might only be redeemable through the EA. Of course, I’m not sure if the EA app is also required for the Steam version.

I played it some on PS5 since it was included in PS plus and got bored with it pretty quickly. It should really have been a shorter game.

I loved the first three Hitman games but I couldn’t tell your which were the last three because it’s so incredibly confusing.

I loved the Hitman games when I was younger, but somewhere around Hitman Absolution, I just lost interest because of this. They renamed this, resold that, combined this with that.

Last time I downloaded something, it was to try it in VR when it said there was a VR patch. I couldn’t do anything. I found out later, it’s only for PSVR 1 and only on PS4 with the camera and a dual shock 4 controller that has the light bar for tracking. Literally nothing explained that anywhere.

It’s an absolute mess and a shame.

These big ass studios need to calm the fuck down with their expectations. Every game can’t be a billion dollar hit and we’re all too fucking poor and/or exasperated to buy every game that releases for $50+. You’re still competing with other games that are either better, have an established foothold in the market, or just cheaper.

I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it looked pretty interesting, at least in the environments. I thought, maybe it’ll go on sale, be added to HumbleBundle, or be added as a free game somewhere and I might try it. I can’t imagine very many people seeing it, and thinking “I can’t wait for this game!”. Aside from the interesting setting and the obvious ‘big celebrity’ drop, the trailer gave almost nothing else to desire.

No worries. Knowing that it virtually never goes on sale is still useful information and helpful in my decision making. Thanks!

That’s fair, though if it never goes on sale, then there’s no rush either. I’ll get my fill of Satisfactory first and then probably reconsider it then.

Definitely. I got back into it recently too, but when I first found it, I lost many, many hours to it.

Oh I don’t doubt that I’d enjoy it, I just rarely pay full price for games anymore. It gives me StarCraft vibes.

Perhaps when I’ve tired myself of Satisfactory, I’ll pick it up, if it still hasn’t gone on sale by then.

In the meantime though, I also have Mindustry.

I’ve been watching for a sale, if that ever happens. I just picked up Satisfactory on sale and had a similar conversation with a friend. I said I’m definitely the target demographic for it and Factorio is the other on radar.

I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is a great game…

I know it may not be the most legal conversation, but how best can one back up physical games? It has been a long, long time since I last looked into it.

I did not know most of that. Very informative, thanks!

Do you use it on a Pixel? Last I read, that’s the only officially supported phone. It feels ironic giving Google money for a phone so you can use deGoogle more.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it, I just wish it supported more devices.

No. The game is paid. It should come with all available settings. This is just one step away from studios hiding HD textures behind paywalls.

And this line of thinking is what let’s them get away with it.

That’s how I was originally introduced to him, and then again later on Critical Role.

That’s what I thought. I don’t care how much it looks like Diablo, if it’s not even in the same genre, then there’s no comparison.

To be fair, I’m pretty sure that’s how PS5 handled that scenario even before this update.

I don’t remember where I read it, but it was rumored to be a wireless standalone headset, with codename Deckard.

I’m not sure if that means they’ll make it more affordable or make it more advanced so it were to be an upgrade from the Index and charge that quality pricing.

Or they announce their new VR headset. Something like that, requiring a hands-on demo, would certainly benefit from an in person announcement.

I’ve played a handful of bot games but I’ll wait until it’s out of beta and more people are actually on and playing.

I think you and I both know that’s exactly what they’re going to do.

I believe they’re referring to the slide and dive mechanics. AFAIK considering this is the first game I’ve played in awhile, you can now sprint, slide, and dive in any direction.

Think like strafe sprinting and diving around a corner as you turn your aim around behind you to shoot at someone you just dove passed.

The gameplay has changed so little over the years but that’s because it’s unfortunately pretty solid.

I played a lot when I was younger but stopped because I didn’t have the money, hard drive space, or internet bandwidth to keep up with the new games and updates.

With that said, I actually jumped into this beta since it was included in Game Pass and it reminded me of CoD of my youth.

Will I every give them anymore more money? Nah.

Will I play it some more via Game Pass? Maybe.

My biggest complaint is the ecosystem is cancer. They have CoD HQ that acts as a launcher but can only handle a couple games and if you select to play one of the games it can’t play, it fully closes and launches the game you want to play.

Can you simply download and launch only the game you want to play? Nope.

This is all to get your eyes on as much of their content as possible to really squeeze out those last few dollars.

The amount of players I saw with the skins that cost them $100 minimum was crazy. These are very likely the same people that buy every game every year and are precisely the target demographic they’re marketing towards.

+1 for Populous.

But my answer to this every time is Red Faction (1, specifically. While I did enjoy Guerrilla, I want to see a throw back to more fully destructible environments on next gen tech).