Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
These patents are absolute bullshit and should be thrown the fuck out: They have existed in countless games and both predate Pokemon. It’s absolutely insane what large corporations get away with by abusing the system because they have the resources to do so, while regular everyday people and small companies get screwed repeatedly.
I was more of a Palm guy back then, but I picked up a Droid after getting sick of Palm fucking up their new OS and cheaping out on their flagships. They could have been great, but they chose to be shit because they took too many shortcuts and fought too much internally. Design/interface wise, the Pre and PalmOS were brilliant - way ahead of their time.
Fuck yeah!
Also, here’s shameless plug for [email protected]
Maybe we’ll find out more details later but we don’t know anything for sure yet. Publishers doing shady stuff wouldn’t surprise me one bit, but I’ve heard of devs doing sketchy stuff too.