Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


“all violence inflicted on Palestine by Israel is self defense” is only true on opposite day and is only as true as the corollary because turnabout is fair play.

They don’t need to update well; they’re a compromise to achieve slightly more reactive lighting than ‘baked’ ambient lights. Perhaps one could describe it as ‘parbaked’. Only the ones directly affected by changes of scene conditions need to be updated, and some tentative precalculations for “likely” changes can be tackled in advance while pre-established probes contribute no additional process load because they aren’t being updated unless, as previously stated, something acts on them. IF direct light changes and “sticks” long enough to affect the probes, any perceived ‘lag’ in the light changes will be glossed over by the player’s brain as “oh, my characters’ eyes are adjusting, neat how they accommodated for that.”–even though it’s not actually intentional but rather a drawback of the technology’s limitations.

I’ve seen an awesome “kludge” method where, instead of simulating billions of photons bouncing in billions of directions off every surface in the entire world, they are taking extremely low resolution cube map snapshots from the perspective of surfaces on a “one per square(area)” basis once every couple frames and blending between them over distance to inform the diffuse lighting of a scene as if it were ambient light mapping rather than direct light. Which is cool because not only can it represent the brightness of emissive textures, but it also makes it less necessary to manually fill scenes with manually placed key lights, fill lights, and backlights.

It’s also why a flashlight may be able to run for dozens of hours straight on a single battery but in video games it’ll die in minutes if not seconds. Realism is unfair. Also the same reason why nuclear reactors in video games are always dangerous. Because representing them realistically would be boring to the average adrenaline junkie “gamer”.

Someone’s got to do something about these fucking chicken shit publishers. I think it’s time for the industry to move on without them. Everything can be self published now. We have the technology.

“We need as many golden parachutes prepared as possible, people! This shit is going DOWN!”

What, you mean, after laying off all the creatives?

Who could have ever imagined such an unprecedented outcome except literally fucking everyone.

Ubisoft will have to get used to people not owning their games.

Bravery means doing the right thing even when it’s dangerous.

shooters peaked at titanfall and it’s all been downhill from there.

I don’t want a fucking ‘hero’ character unless it’s a PVE game with an actual GODS DAMNED STORY.

Fuck this shit.

thank you for the suggestion! i tried linux mint years and years ago on a spare computer but i didn’t really get ‘into’ it enough to feel like i could be used to it… but it would be super cool if the passage of time and new developments may have produced an even more approachable experience

hot damn… dare i to hope? dare i to DREAM? you know what, if anyone could get linux to be supported everywhere, it’d probably be valve.

i for one would find it absolutely hilarious if valve just closed microsoft as a “redundant” or “vestigial”

big ole uno reverse card

valve is a fucking money printer

honestly would be funny if valve bought microsoft instead

(edit: typo and clarification)

L take.

His worst video.

And an entire month too late for April Fools Day.

i wish the gaming community could form a SPAC and buy Deus Ex collectively, with the sole mission to immediately release it into the public domain.

Then EVERYBODY can create Deus Ex games.

trebuchet would leave more evidence

less mobile than drones which can swarm in from, potentially, all directions.

also i don’t think you can buy trebuchets from hundreds of stores ready to operate out of a convenient little box

furthermore once the trebuchet has fired and you have to get away, it will take quite some time to pick it up, pack it, and depart.

oh dear oh no what if there were hundreds of drones piloted by hundreds of people wouldn’t that be just awful

WB sure would deserve it if, for instance, a hail of bricks came falling randomly out of the blue at terminal velocity to pummel all of their fancy cars to shit where they were parked at their lot.

Be sure to never ever fly a remote control drone anywhere near a premises owned by WB, kids. Wouldn’t want to be implicated with a completely blameless karmic act of the gods.

Bear in mind I am specifically saying nobody SHOULD do this.

But I would find it very funny if it happened anyway :3

Acceptable. It is a game worth owning outright in itself.

knowing our luck it’ll be released exclusively on fucking epic games store -_-

sounds pretty dope, i’ll be looking forward to this.

i don’t trust chrome OR whatever browser microsoft wants me to use.

also to say i ‘trust’ firefox would also be an overstatement, but you could fairly describe it as, “I distrust firefox less” than either google or microsoft.

A most cursed miracle.

Perhaps it would have been a better miracle to have never launched at all…

not only is it tragic that these devs were so mistreated, but it sucks even more that they went through all that bullshit to produce such a WET TURD

The era of piracy has returned. 🏴‍☠️