I had huge age of empire nostalgia vibes,
My friend had the same feeling but age of mythology instead.
Neither of us played the “other” game but we both agreed the sound design in 0ad was almost identical to our different memories.
They are top down strategy games so i sort of gave it this umbrella term. “Age of … “ strategy games
Pace yourself.
This is a huge game, i thought i was right before the end game twice but it just keeps on going. I have yet to start on the DLC’s and i was actually hoping to have moved the other sp rpgs on my todo list by now.
Its great though, if only cyberpunk was this big but they purposely kept it short because 70% of witcher 3 players didn’t get to the halfway point
Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?
I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.
When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?
From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:
sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)
real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog
politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.
None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren’t prey, stop baiting.
Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.
But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn’t based on literal brainwashing.
A textfile with channel urls + a yt-dlp script + a self hosted jellyfin servers.
Saves on bandwidth too, you only download once and can keep your favorites saved offline as long as you have storage space.
I do run my own invidious client too for video searches and “filler” channels you watch selectively.
On the contrary having moved to linux made me enjoy way more very old games recently from the 90s just enable the right libraries in proton.
With compatibility layers like proton/wine itself i see no reason why we couldn’t have old games playable click and play in the future.
We would need a community of maintenance but the biggest hurdle is actually ip ownership and copyright law. Why let customer’s play old games if they can buy a new version instead.
Do you know kingdome come deliverance? If not, i highly recommend it.
I would describe it pretty much as rdr2 in medieval times as far as gameplay is concerned.
A fair warning though, rdr is a highly polished big money AAA game.
Kingdome come is… sm else. Hard to explain but you have to get kinda used to it and its unique (very fun when mastered) combat system.
Some general recommendations to expand your horizon of whats out there.
Thomas was alone
Portal 1 (and if you enjoy the puzzles also 2)
The forgotten city
The outer wilds
Currently enjoying death stranding which i can also recommend.
Have fun!
In short
Raytracing is pure math. Its sort of a realistic simulation of real light and how it interacts with materials. As you now color is light and colors can bleed and mix trough light even on non transparent materials.
Of course the games implementation matters a lot, i bet not a single game is capable of using the full capacity of what raytracing can offer.
On the point of traditional light still looking as good (or better in some cases) that makes alot of sense because this is done with manual labor and intend. (Yes even with dynamic lighting though gamd engines make it easier) The results are technically leas realistic (but depending on cut corners neither is rtx) but they may be more creative and atmospheric if done by skilled artists.
For a player its going to be up to preference and realistically non rtx light will remain just fine but now imagine the dev perspective where rtx may be far easier to implement.
Though i never heard of a game ditching traditional ligjt for exclusively raytracing but as the tech goes fully mainstream we may see that happen.
Edit: not so short but still far from complete
Surely by now its people who dislike digital entertainment that is the atypical niche group? The digital world is only expanding, games are everywhere even my grandma plays candycrush.
What is commonly understood as being a real gamer has grown more into a subgroup of dedicated competitive multiplayer enjoyers. In the early days you couldn’tbe a gamer without being into computers in general and you werent into computers without owning a figurative math nerd membercard.
Imagine “If you don’t binge watch you don’t really watch tv” similar silly sentiment
Economic innovation drives poverty for aslong as profit will be its motivator.
Don’t get me wrong programmers and digital artists alike all need the means for a decent standard of living but in the digital world where everything can be copied indefinitely any kind of engineered scarcity or exclusivity other then being part of an in game world should be illegal.
What if this code developed by rockstar is the missing key to allow robotic prothesis to function smoothly? What if someone still held patents on cogs wheels and insulated copper wired. Copyright may have its uses but its curse against progress.
I remember when everyone was joking about T posing in cyberpunk, i’ve seen it happen in cyberpunk just once… and 3 times in starfield.
Much of this feels subjective. If you focused on the main game then cyberpunk was great, but look to hard in the details and the illusion fell flat. Star field feels much more complete in these details but anything that is not top level hardware gives a worse performance and looks then i had in modded skyrim.
English isnt my first language but isnt “fine” the same as “just ok” as in “it wasn’t a bad experience”. I don’t think that requires additional praise.
My experience with cyberpunk at launch is that i was very disappointed but it was very much “fine”.
Yes there where alot of bugs but sadly enough that has become the norm at launch. It was hardly more buggy then the average Bethesda game.
The writing and quest are actually amazing. The gameplay loop remains fun.
The biggest issue was and remains cut content and oversold hype. If marketing had not lied so much people would have treated it like every other game.
I find starfield currently to be exactly as polished and buggy as cyberpunk was. I am equally disappointed by some limitations. But I actually stopped playing starfield in favor for replaying cyberpunk because the storytelling is so much more interesting.
I like the necktie. I love neckties in real live.
Bowtie is still the clear winner for me and apparently the general opinion. But it is your duck, your opinion matters most.