Was Dishonoured 2 any good? I finished the first one but it was really soured by the whole chaos system thing. I really didn’t like how I was supposed to play the game without killing anyone to get the good game. Playing the game without killing people is boring but the sad ending is so depressing it makes you feel like you failed.
I’m enjoying the game but it suffers from that problem where the world feels so hollow, like a museum piece and all you can do is observe. It all looks great from a distance and I always want to go places I see far away but when you get there it’s just dead. Buildings you can’t go in, shops you can’t buy from, vendors you can’t talk to. You walk down these bustling side streets with loads of activity and all you can do I buy a taco from a vending machine.
How did this work? The way I remember it HL2 was pretty much the first game on Steam. I remember it being really controversial because you had to install Steam to play the game even offline and people didn’t like that. It was like the original Rockstar Social Club.
How did the survey exist early enough for HL2 to be developed around it?
I know everyone hates AI being forced into stuff but I think it could be great for games, both in regards to voice acting like here and with creating loads of low-level content, like boring litter, etc. I’m playing Cyberpunk right now and I keeps thinking how it’s a shame that you can’t enter most of the buildings. I’m hoping that with AI that will somehow become possible. Imagine being able to walk into a huge office block, find any random person then have a deep conversation with them. It’ll be amazing. Right now if you walk up to anyone who doesn’t have something specific to say it’s just “Can I help you” and shit like that.
Everyone’s in here acting like this is happening because they’re getting rid of shops. The shops wouldn’t be going anywhere if people were using them.
People use digital media because it’s so much more convenient. I’ve moved house three times in the past four years and it was so much easier just having to move my console rather than lug a bunch of games with it. Plus I can buy them while I’m sitting on my arse and I don’t have to go to a shop or wait until the next day for a delivery.
People are using digital media because it’s convenient, not because the shops are closing.