Haha ok well over Christmas I usually play KotOR one or two (with the big fan made mods and sometimes difficulty mods).
But this year I’m doing a Rogue Trader playthrough instead.
Also Stalker Gamma may make an appearance but that’s a whole thing to set up (if you don’t want to install mods etc).
In terms of Total War burnout I recommend trying the SFO mod (big overhaul of balance and mechanics) on WH3. It for sure breathes new life into the older factions.
And for some strategic top-down Real-time-with-pause fun, try Doorkickers or Doorkickers 2. Game 1 is older but a full release, whereas game 2 is at the end of a loooong early access, but it still my preference. Probably game 1 is <$10 though.
If you’re still looking for something, just point me in a direction and I’ll send more. This is my jam.
We’re riding this wave over in the Total War community too. Broken game, weak and overpriced DLC.
We kicked off (and then all their other games managed to flop at once, so they came crawling back) and now we’ve got a notable amount more effort into the DLC coming at the end of the month, as well as price cuts, refunds and redoing of the bad DLC.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I’m seeing positive movements in general on legacy resting-on-laurels games.
I also don’t want to be marketed at. If it’s good I’ll find out organically.
And I don’t want to find out about it at/before release-time. Because then I’ll want to buy it on release.
That’s the time the game is most buggy and least optimised (maybe also unbalanced too).
Complaining it didn’t sell well enough on release is some real crybaby stuff as well.
“It didn’t go exactly the best way I wanted it to go 😭😭”
Have you tried any Warhammer fantasy stuff (it’s not the sci-fi “40k” setting).
Vermintide is supposed to be really good!
It’s not specifically action but Total War Warhammer games are amazing.
I’ve got a lot of hours in them and I’m not usually one for this kind of strategy game.
There’s two types of gameplay in it.
First is a Civilisation-style empire management tool and army-builder.
Second is the live action battle gameplay, where you’re mashing thousands of troops and monsters against one another. That’s the half of the game that’s fast-paced and bloody as hell.
The main thing stopping me is that I only use my PC for gaming, and I know the support for drivers etc isn’t as good on Linux (though I know this is debated).
However if Linux became more centralised, with a “gaming first” distro like this, the graphics drivers would have a “main test case” to work with.
This is my theory anyway.