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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I can’t trust phone calls these days. Even if it’s a number that I recognize, there’s still a chance it could be a scammer spoofing the number. That happened to me once where someone spoofed my credit union’s number to try give them my money to protect my account.

I would like to see what Star Tropics would look like in 3D. It’s been 30 years since Zoda’s Revenge, I think we’re due for a new game.

Hopefully they have a better path management system. Creating paths in Planet Coaster was confusing and tedious.

I ball the old fashioned way: at that basketball machine at the arcade.

Most crafting mechanics suck and feel grafted on. This is especially true if crafting isn’t the main point of the game.

Breath of the Wild was a much needed change in a series that had started to go stale. While I like Zelda games, the formula of go to the dungeon, get item, defeat boss, go to next dungeon and repeat was getting worn out, with exploration taking a backseat.

There are too many Pokemon. I don’t know if that’s a hot take, but I’m including it anyway.

Having parts of the map blocked off at the beginning of GTA games is garbage and the in game explainations even moreso. Part of the fun is walking around doing random stuff, I want to be able to do that from the get go. Thankfully GTA V got it right.

The GameCube controller is overrated. While I like the giant A button and the shoulder triggers, the D-pad is too small, the X and Y buttons are oddly shaped and easy to mix up, and there should’ve been a shoulder on the left side too.

I’m still waiting for the Atari 2600 version of Skyrim.

The one thing I do miss about the N64 controller is the Z trigger on the back. It’s something that no modern controller has seemed to replicate. The closest I’ve seen is the Steam Deck, and even the triggers on the back of it aren’t quite the same.

Are they going to acquire Coleco next?

Tell Me Why is similar to Life is Strange (Dontnod developed both games) and it’s set in southern Alaska. It’s worth checking out.

I forgot about hint hotlines. They’d charge per minute and did everything they could to keep you on the phone. I called a hotline once and my parents weren’t too happy about it.

Acting and professional sports are dream jobs with plenty of fresh faces waiting in line and yet they have unions.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for the GameCube. I had rented it during Spring Break one year. I also got sick during that same Spring Break. Playing that game helped me though the sickness and kept me occupied when I probably would’ve went stir crazy otherwise.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It was so tedious to get through the opening area that by the time I got to the first dungeon I was getting tired of it. It did get better after that dungeon and the game opened up a lot more, but it one of my least favorite Zelda games.

Maybe nosebleeds at a bottom 5 NFL team, and even that is questionable. Football tickets are very expensive these days.

Of course he’s not my friend. He never replied to my friend request.