Despite my current profile name, I do not speak Japanese (yet)
My interests are: #gaming #fanfiction #manga #industrial #music #linux
Libre, not gratis.
Email: [email protected]
just pre-emptively block or whatever other domain they use
email is unusable without bowing to either google or microsoft
xmpp is far more niche than ever before thanks to the big players
http is highly grandfathered in ++ big tech is still working on the extinguish part, ever wonder why most websites are 30mb+ javascript programs? this is one of the reasons
Didn’t DLC and MTX come about because consumers wouldn’t accept a rise in sticker price for games?
I’m not saying you’re wrong, either, you may very well have a point. I’m just having a hard time reconciling “We added DLC in order to make more money since we can’t raise the sticker price” with “30% discounts are a reflection of how high the profit margins are for sellers”
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 55% off right now (Steam)
Street Fighter 6 44% off right now (Fanatical)
Starfield 33% off right now (40%, microsoft store, Feb 8 2024)
Fairing a little bit better than the above:
Resident Evil 4 Remake 25% off right now (Steam)
Persona 3 Reload 15% off right now GameBillet
Baldur’s Gate 3 10% off historically (10%, gog, Dec 21 2023)
These are just the ones I’m familiar with off the top of my head. Of them, only Baldur’s Gate 3’s discount levels are what I would call “healthy”. 10% for Christmas and no discount since means it’s doing well.
Naturally, you’re getting downvoted into oblivion for recognizing a hit-piece when you see one.