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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


They threaten a crap ton to scare devs into not entering court, but tbf I’m pretty sure the guy they got was for actual piracy, and the court ordered the millions in alleged damages to be paid in $40 installments to Nintendo per month for the rest of his life.


It was set at 20-30% of his salary so yeah I guess that’s still a pretty hefty chunk of change.

Yeah the one big thing Valve probably won’t touch is ARM because unlike WINE, that’s a whole other beast in which the only valid solution is for game devs to compile for ARM, because translation layers like Rossetta and Box64 will always have 20-30% performance losses.

I was gonna make a joke about Nintendo, but I’m pretty sure they actually sued someone for publicly hosting 30 year old copies of the Nintendo Power magazine.

Google maps couldn’t navigate its way out of a straight road with the shit tier routing algorithm they haven’t updated for a decade.

I’ve seen GPS devices from as far back as 2005 that can run circles around this absolute junk software, including the touchscreen UX,

I hate this thing so much that I would pay to have Tesla to release their map system for any device just so we can experience Valhalla outside of OSMAnd and OrganicMaps which both lack the modern rendering flare.

Seriously the only thing they change every update is a new design made up their yearly hired college interns, and another removed feature to reduce their cloud running cost.

Only if it’s jailbreakable

Just to spite Nintendo for shutting down Yuzu and Ryujinx

2 player Mario Kart Wii, 16 race game with aggressive items and motion controls.

I watched my friend eat 5 blueshells in one race lmao

Usually TF2 is up here too depending on the seasonal update rotation.

U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) is calling for Valve to pull the controversial game Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which has players acting as a Palestinian resistance fighter, from gaming platform Steam.

The game, created by Brazilian developer Nidal Nijm, has already been removed from Steam in several countries, including the United Kingdom, following a request for removal from the U.K. Counter-Terrorism Internet Referral Unit, 404 Media reported. Nijm also said that the game is blocked across the European Union due to EU violations flagged by the French government’s cybercrime unit. In an email from Valve that Nijm showed to Polygon, the violation is of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2021/784, which addresses the “dissemination of terrorist content online.”

I think the funniest thing here is that this game was made by a Brazilian and it went relatively unknown until some skrub said it was anti semetic after Oct 7, despite having been published since 2022.

I wish Valve would get off their ass and make games again so they’d have a proper engine to rival UE5.

Half of Epic’s gamestore wouldn’t exist if this was the 2000s when people were flocking to the source engine because it was free and heavily modded

I don’t care how much of a pirate cheapo game this is, watching Nintendo go ape over practically a knockoff someone could have made as a joke is amusing, especially with their playerbase success.

I’m assuming Ubisoft thought people would blindly cash in on a a legacy franchise. I’m sure the game was fine, but nothing mindblowing. Just didn’t make enough money for the cash money execs.

Sometimes I wish No Man’s Sky and Elite Dangerous would combine their talents into one game just to get Star Citizen to shut up permanently.

Each one could use features from the other. Add in a dynamic user controlled economy, and suddenly everything SC has been promising after wasting hundreds millions of dollars would be right there.

As much crap Frontier gets, they made a killer custom game engine which perfectly makes it hugely immersive from day one, which shouldn’t be surprising considering the original Elite was the first proper wireframe 3D graphics game.

Hello Games got a proper roasting for releasing a shell game, but they actually bounced back. Their planet generation and surface gameplay is unmatched, and their updates outshine Frontier’s.

ED started out as a crowdfund too, and No Man’s Sky as essentially a startup. Both of these game’s received their fair share of criticism, but ultimately they produced a solid 4/5 game. Meanwhile Scam Citizen has been bankrolling for 12 years now, yet they hardly seem to receive the same level of criticism as ED ans NMS got for comparatively much much smaller issues.

It is noted for being one of the highest-funded crowdfunding projects, having raised over US$700 million as of May 2024


The people who will be most happy to have it would be the wiimmfi team and the devs running pokemon classic network.

They can finally see what the implementation of gen 5 ranked battles and game sync was, instead of having to reverse engineer it all.

Everyone else is probably only interested in asset data, Nintendo switch 2, or finding exploits for homebrew lol.

I did before I switched to Fedora because I wanted something with updated packages lol.

The Arch complaint was a joke, but the hatred for Ubuntu is real.

First distro I tried and it made me think Linux was a broken mess. Turns out it was just Canonical screwing around.

Finally I’m early enough to the thread where I can reccomend people use Fedora or Mint like a normal person and not shitty Ubuntu or furry infected Arch.

Oh and also windows insider hub can get screwed lmao

Buddy super mario bros was coded in 6502 assembly and required the devs to use every data saving trick in the book like metasprites, sprite flicker, tilesets, color pallets, etc.

Android apps can be notoriously overhead bloat from Java, so for the modern age this is decently impressive.

Remember when android releases had groundbreaking new features and really cool dessert names?

Good time, good times.

Roblox is just knockoff exploitative gmod. Only reason it keeps going is because its free to download.

More annoyed it hasn’t been banned or sued under other consumer protection laws.

Even DLSS only works great for some types of games.

Although there have been some clever uses of it, lots of games could gain a lot from proper efficiency of the game engine.

War Thunder runs like total crap on even the highest end hardware, yet World of Warships has much more detailed ships and textures running fine off an HDD and older than GTX 7XX graphics.

Meanwhile on Linux, Compiz still runs crazy window effects and 3D cube desktop much better and faster than KDE. It’s so good I even recommend it for old devices with any kid of gpu because the hardware acceleration will make your desktop fast and responsive compared to even the lightest windows managers like openbox.

TF2 went from 32 bit to 64 bit and had immediate gains in performance upwards of 50% and almost entirely removing stuttering issues from the game.

Batman Arkham Knight ran on a heavily modified version of Unreal 3 which was insane for the time.

Most modern games and applications really don’t need the latest and greatest hardware, they just need to be efficiently programmed which is sometimes almost an art itself. Slapping on “AI” to reduce the work is sort of a lazy solution that will have side effects because you’re effectively predicting the output.

This scrub is why Brawl ran in slow motion and included random tripping because the 5 melee players scared him with enjoyable competitive gameplay.

It’s probably because they didn’t want to pay Dolby licensing fees, not because it makes a 2 second difference in the loading screen.

even see how this would affect the loading screen considering I run live AC3 encoding on an old laptop much older than the switch and it has zero effect on the boot and login time. nvm it was a GC game.

Basically every Wii game shipped with Dolby Digital no issue.

I still remember when they went after the R4 devs and it accomplished nothing because there were already at least 30 other flashcarts by that point with hundreds of R4 copies.

I remember when volvo invented lootboxes to make tf2 free to play instead of selling a $60 “AAA” title with a battlepass and lootboxes included.

Yeah but a lot of DS and Wii games got lucky because most of them were hosted on Gamespy, so getting the hands on the actual software was fairly easy.

A select few Nintendo proprietary games had to be completely reverse engineered, like Gen 4 and 5 Pokemon.

Although I do expect Mario Maker won’t be too difficult.

I kind of doubt this because Yuzu doesn’t actually have any of the cryptographic key material that Nintendo could have a valid reason to sue over. They only offer instructions to dump keys, which has to be argued is causing harm because its completely legal to do on consoles and games that you own.

Dolphin ships with the Wii’s AES key but Nintendo never pursued them in court.

Most likely Nintendo won’t get anywhere and only get Yuzu to remove some wiki pages and stuff which will make it slightly harder to use or slow down development by threatening more lawsuits.

I never realized how stupid GeForce Experience was until I built a PC for someone and realized I’d have to explain to them that they need to register an account on a special software just to keep their GPU driver updated.

Even with the insanity of Nvidia on linux, all I have to do is sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia once and let dnf handle updates automatically.

These AAA games are as AAA as the mortgage bonds were in 2007 lol.

as long as it comes with an unpatchable hardware vuln thast exploitable

homebrew on switch has been abysmal compared to previous consoles because no ones gonna pay to get their switch mod chipped if they cant just gg ez the system with an sd card.

hell even the “old” switch exploit isn’t even a coldboot so you need to either keep a trinket/phone/pc around or never shutdown the console.


but tbf that basically invented the lootbox which then made TF2 free to play

DirectX13 will be a wrapper windows only API for vulkan /s

War Thunder, I can almost guarantee this is a WT review.

Superfighters (original web game) and Superfighters Deluxe (on steam)

Really good 2D platform brawler based around weapon drops.

literally a rootkit bruh

Not even the linux wine hackers feel like removing the DRM just to play the game. They’d rather spend that time on an actual needed software like photoshop.