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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Yea 2/3 added the upgrades stuff which is why I liked it less. Others like that stuff, but then it just became another generic FPS to me

Crysis is in my top 3 all time!

The graphics are one thing, but why I love it so much is because it’s the only game where you start and end as what you are supposed to be, a super soldier!

There is no stupid power up’s, no modding your suit, no upgrades nothing you are fully powered from the start and that’s how it’s supposed to be.

The game is just brilliant and the story compelling. A+

Man, I recently ran into this shit when I bought a computer for my patents. I wanted to upgrade their hard drive and the fucking thing wouldn’t boot unless I fully cloned the original hard drive into the new one.

I never even knew about this fuckery

I’ll just say as an aging gamer, I simply do not have time to grind or replay things. I could do that stuff in highschool, but not anymore.

Grinding especially is a no-go for me. 100% achievements? No chance in hell that’s happening.

Life moves too fast and there’s too much entertainment. Devs that think people have time to sit there and enjoy some obscure shit they hid, will be disappointed.

I don’t know about recession, but I know I’ve hit a personal inflection point with prices where I’m just sick of the bullshit and only buy if absolutely necessary, or on sale.

Everyone is so fucking greedy, everyone wants just 5 more dollars bro to the point where the consumerism has been driven out of me.

I actually have money to buy shit, I just don’t want to anymore because nothing seems to correspond to its value anymore.

A new car? 35 k for a fucking base kia, gtfo out with this shit.

New phone? 1.2k for the same screen bullshit as the last 5 years.

Same with this PS5, they are pricing this shit like it’s lifesaving medicine, when in reality it’s just shit no-one really needs

I don’t think so. I can still remember missions and dialog from 3. 5 is just too much stuff. I don’t know how to explain it. I never liked the 3 character stuff just removed any and all immersion.

Previous GTA you were playing and living a character. 5 you’re running errands for no particular reason.

I second this motion. People also need to stop posting images of themselves all over the web. Especially their own kids. Parents plastering their kids images all over social media should not be condoned.

And on a related note we need much better sex-education in this country and a much healthier relationship with nudity.

This is fantastic news.

As a Bayern hater, I was worried they’d be getting a good coach.

I loved CIV 4, CIV 5 just made things worse and less engaging Imo.

Your eyes can’t possibly tell the difference. We’re past the max eye resolution at this point.

Corporate PR speak always sounds cringe and I despise it. Just be humans you fucking pricks.

Where is the beta and why isn’t it the main version?

Hm not really sure this answers what I mean. If you are hosting a site, how do you stop corps demanding your name from the hosting provider and going after you?

They literarily didn’t need to change a single thing for me. Exact game just let a buddy forage and build with me. It would be amazing and relaxing!

You don’t have to play co-op, but I wanted co-op so badly. I just want more good, ideally LAN co-ops, they are a dying breed.

Make sure you put in the description you are a small one dev team. Most people are reasonable and understand you can only do so much.

People are way less patient with asshole AAA studios that crank out garbage because they waste time implementing micro transactions or bullshit DLCd

We need a Micheal Ficher for game reviews.

Buys his own shit and tells the truth without nitpicking like a douche or fanboying like a simp

I quite liked DL 1, but reading the reviews made me stay away from 2. It’s not even about the bugs, but apparently the game is just meh.

Maybe I’ll get it in 5 years when it’s 10$. Maybe.

Right, we’re all millionaires over here. Yup, not living paycheck to paycheck at all! No sir!

No smartwatch will appeal to me util it last a full week at LEAST.

This daily charging for a watch is insanity.

I fucking despise fanboys. Apple or Google, they are both just cocksuckers that just excuse any bullshit the corp sends their way. Then they are shocked when the company fucks them in the ass.

Meta, x alphabet… All these renamings and they all suck donkey balls. Not one cool name. And all 3 have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY worse.

It’s useful but pretty much impossible on most flagships