What review page are you talking about??
Are you sure you’re not just hearing that people have complained and then assuming they actually did?
Sorta. The foundation does.
“I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don’t.”
The movie makes it clear that:
I mean… They have though. It’s not in bing.com but “Microsoft copilot” is their newly rebranded Bing + AI search engine, which they’re embedding directly into desktops. They’ve been doing the AI summaries longer than Google has afaik.
Yes in that there is a new battlepass every month with new guns and armor to unlock.
No in that you can earn the battlepass with in game currency and never have to give them more than the $40 that the game cost to have a ton of fun.
Beyond that - They’ve taken live service games to a better place. There’s an ongoing galactic campaign and the individual missions you run contribute to galactic objectives which have real consequences in game. They have a dedicated “Game Master” like a DND Dungeon Master who decides when to release new units, what happens when we succeed and how to punish failure.
And most importantly: It’s a lot of fun.
So you’re going to take all the places a character could be in the next 200ms, do Ray casting on all of them and send that data to the server to check every 17ms?
While the server also does that for 15 other players at the same time.
Do you know what algorithmic complexity is? Big O notation? If so - that’s a n³ * 15m³ problem space that you’re expanding out across 200ms every 17ms, where n is player locations possible in x/y/z and m is the other players locations. Physics collisions are usually the biggest drain on a computer’s cycles in game and in the worst case that’s n² complexity.
You’re talking insanely taxing here.
You cannot break the speed of light with computational effort.
You’re saying that you want to have a round trip from client to server and back happen in-between frames.
You cannot do that. Period. You will not ever have latencies that low.
Even if you frame lock it at 60fps that means you’re calculating views, sending the data up the tube, checking it on the server, responding back with all the data about the new character that should appear and then rendering the new guy within 17ms.
That is physically impossible.
You can hit “take screenshot” but it results in a black frame iirc. Same for screen record.