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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


Could just be a codename, but a bg3/dos style game set in Arthurian legend would be sick

Been a while but I played around with the a770 in Arch for a few months. It didn’t play nice with proton and even native games were hit and miss. Better support from Intel than nvidia gives, but it’s a new platform and Linux development was definitely taking a back seat to the windows drivers which were also a buggy mess.

And basically nobody had the cards so if something didn’t work your options were to give up or become a computer graphics programming wizard and fix it all yourself from scratch.

To answer the question: not really, no. The drivers themselves may have been fine, but who knows how any given software will handle a brand new GPU architecture.

Sick. I got an a770le when they launched. Buggy AF, but not bad performance when it decided to work. It currently lives as a dedicated av1 encoder in a Plex server

He didn’t already have a trademark? I’m surprised.

Anyway, here comes a flood of ragebait about how Geoff is trying to own the concept of award shows

It’s very good. Whether it outstays its welcome depends on the individual. If you just beeline the main story it’s not all that long, but if you play it as intended it’s quite a long ride.

I don’t regret playing it at all, fwiw

Can’t say I love Annapurna, but at least control 2 will be on steam. Hopefully from day 1.

PlayStation what? Did they announce this thing at the last state of play?

I always watch those, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard of this…

I’m cautiously optimistic, but prime is made by a completely different developer than dread so there’s no guarantees, unfortunately

Training an AI is intensive, but using them after the fact is relatively cheap. Cheaper than traditional rendering to reach the same level of detail. The upfront cost of training is offset by the savings on every video card running the tech from then on. Kinda like how railroads are expensive to build but much cheaper to operate after the fact.

It’s pretty simple. If you can’t understand delayed gratification, then you’re right: school did fail you.

Ps.: the railroad comparison really breaks down when you consider that they’re cheaper to build than the highways that trucks use and that we don’t, in fact, need to truck in the resources anyway. We’ve been building railroads longer than trucks have existed, after all.

From moondrop?! I have some really cheap iems from them, they’re great

I can’t think of a single developer who has the chops to follow that act who would be interested. Even Larian would have a hard time outdoing themselves.

Yeah, in the long run this could be good for the industry.

That said, if I’d bought a series x on the promise of many years of high quality exclusives (a promise Xbox explicitly made) I would probably be a bit upset in the now…

It’s shaping up that a ps5 is gonna be just the flatly superior console, and Xbox owners will be stuck holding the bag

I’ve been quite comfortable with not owning any new Ubisoft games for a few years now

On the one hand valve having a monopoly is bad for the industry and it’s consumers.

On the other hand nobody seems to be trying to provide a truly competitive service without also being far more anti-consumer than valve from the get go.

Yeah, but there’s only so much delays can fix. Sometimes suck is sticky.

Yeah, I hear you. It was a slog getting to the end. Frankly, I don’t think anyone should feel bad about just reading a synopsis and skipping to the sequel.

Alan Wake 1 and The American Nightmare follow-up. I’m also playing through control again now.

I wanna catch up before going into AW2, but I heard American Nightmare isn’t cannon anymore so that may have been a bit of a waste of time.

Yeah, I played it back to back with cyberpunk TPL and it felt pretty sterile and soulless by comparison.

It’s an excuse for me and some buddies to get drunk and yell at Geoff keighly for a couple hours.

I put very little stock in them as a true reflection of quality in the industry, though it’s occasionally nice to see Indies and smaller devs get some recognition.

Yeah. It’s a good game. That’s all. Pretty formulaic and not Bethesda’s finest work. Good, but nothing award worthy.

You mean dual boot for the steam deck? Iirc the new OLED model will allow custom bios/firmware so that could be a possibility soon

If you mean the old Debian based one, yes. SteamOS 3+ is arch based and released with the steam deck. Valve said they’d release a version for desktops, but have yet to follow through.

A gaming-focused, curated experience that just works™️

With a little know how you can get 99% of the way there with any arch based distro, but installing a new OS for non techies can be pretty intimidating. Having Valve’s assurance that it works with all common hardware would help more people take the plunge, I think.

Not exactly. There’s the old Debian based version and a user edited version of the deck’s recovery image. The latter gets you pretty close to the experience, but as with most arch based distros it’s not always a super user-friendly experience.

I’ve heard this so many times. If they were all true the a770 on the shelf in my office would have created an AI singularity. Alas, on the shelf it stays. Maybe a second generation will actually have most of the bugs hammered out and be performant enough to rival AMD and Nvidia

If it’s even possible it would take years or decades of work building up good will. It’s kinda Valve’s game to lose right now. They just need to not make any enormous mistakes and they win by default. Fortunately for Valve, they seem to be one of the few companies in game dev that isn’t managed exclusively by misanthropes and buffoons.

Unity was never open source and thus could never follow blender’s path. They’re almost certainly referring to Godot.

Yeah, very few studios would retool an existing project. The real question is whether any of them will be picking unity for their next project. And will young people getting into game dev choose Unity over others? I don’t expect to see a sharp decrease in the number of Unity projects in the next year, but rather a slow descent, while Godot picks up steam and Unreal further cements itself as the professional’s tool.

ID and Bethesda Softworks and both using different custom, proprietary engines. Retraining your entire studio on a new engine is extremely time consuming, especially if it’s a custom engine with limited learning materials, like ID tech. There’s a big cost/benefit analysis there, and frankly, if Bethesda ever did switch engines, I think they’d be more likely to go with Unreal for this reason. Current staff, and certainly new hires, are much more likely to be familiar with it.

I’ve got ~50 hrs in game.

I’ve had 1 full crash, and a good handful of NPCs running into walls or levitating through ceilings.

Performance is fine, I guess, but I got the game as part of a promotion while upgrading my graphics card so it had better be. I believe folks who say it runs like dog on hardware that’s only a couple years old. It’s apparently unplayable if installed on a hard disk instead of an SSD.

All in, it’s the smoothest Bethesda launch I’ve ever seen (I skipped fallout 4, maybe it was better IDK) but that’s honestly not saying much. It’s way better than cyberpunk was at launch.