I’d rather be sleeping.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


The other part of this decision is just that if we made it so that you can free-aim and shoot from the speeder then we’d also have to then make the speeder drive nicely when you’re not looking forward, which is actually a really hard thing

  • Fredrik Thylander, lead gameplay designer

Is this guy for real?

I love your personality and think we could be great friends, too.

Why does this always happen? “We really struck gold here. Let’s completely change it, and make it like everything else.”

Ackshully, Mundus is a collaborative construct in the void of Oblivion, not our universe’s outer space.

God, I wish I’d dedicated that memory space to something useful in highschool.

Well I can’t access the Xbox One/PC servers from my PlayStation, so I have no idea how active they are.

It sold 10,000,000 copies. It was the best selling first-party PS4 exclusive released.

I know the loud internet people were upset about Girls With Muscles or whatever, but it did fantastic with normal people.

Yeah I’ve tried all the standard stuff. Boots to the Windows Update screen for half a second and then restarts, even after hard resetting it like that.

Thanks though.

Literally scrolling through Lemmy right now because my work Dell is stuck in a bootloop and IT’s solution is to let er buck until the unremovable battery dies.

UESP is amazing for everything Elder Scrolls, especially if you’re looking to go down a lore rabbit hole.

I’ve been playing this, too. Supports all of RCT1 and 2 mashed into one game, which is neat. Runs great on Linux, too, which is also neat.

Fallout: New Vegas.

At the end of Boone’s companion quest, we’re watching the sunrise, having barely survived the night. He confesses what really happened to his wife. Nat King Cole comes on the radio with “Love Me.” I weep.

Accounts that are 4 days old can bypass restrictions and easily vandalize pages

What can we do with this information, I wonder…

Haha hey man you accidentaly missed an I there after Dark Souls

If I had to pick my favourite Halo games, those would be my top three.

Bloodborne, Portal 2, Halo Reach.

Yeah, Reach. Come at me.

Edit: New Vegas, Skyrim, Super Mario: Odyssey. Assassin’s Creed 2. World of Warcraft in its prime. Runescape in its prime. Club Penguin in its prime. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Bloodborne again.

I’m in a Hell Let Loose clan. We play twice a week. As a boring adult, its a nice way to schedule game time that otherwise would get pushed aside.

Please provide a list of Real Game requirements. I’m sure Valve would be very interested.

Great addition, I didn’t know about that.

Figure I’ll just dump a list of non-fandom wikis I use here.

Tolkien Gateway - General Tolkien stuff

LOTRO Wiki - Lord of the Rings Online

UESP - Elder Scrolls

BG3 Wiki - Baldurs Gate 3

Halopedia - Halo

OSRS - Runescape

Just like how every new Call of Duty is a stunning return to form.

I love Timberborn. I haven’t played the two games you’ve mentioned, so I can’t commemt on how they compare, but it is a great game.

There’s some lets-plays on youtube that’ll give you a better feel for it than the trailers.

360s are in their golden age of cheapness right now. They’re outdated, but not yet retro. Buy a couple extras and toss them in the closet for when you need spare parts.

Damn dude, you should contact the devs. You solved the problem that their engineers couldn’t. Big brain.

All of the “Simple” apps are great.