You living under a rock? Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man, Elden Ring, God of War, Doom Eternal, RE8, and Tears of the Kingdom are awesome AAAs of just the past 5 years to name a few.
It’s just that bad games tend to get more publicity cuz the mob likes to shit on them. Tbh, Cyberpunk wasn’t even a terrible game, it just dropped with performance issues that took over a year to mostly fix.
I’ll give you that all recent Ubisoft titles have sucked though.
That doesn’t mean that implementing fail safes would still be nice. I think Google has it so that your information can be dumped into another family’s email if the account hasn’t been active in 500 days or something along those lines.
Why not just have a select Steam inheritor account if inactive for more than XXXX amount of days. It could also crack down on dead steam accounts.
I did the research and it’s a bit interesting. It was known was GMOS (General Motors Operating System) made for IBM devices. Yes, THE General Motors that makes cars like Buicks.
I’m oversimplifying, but if DOS was Windows Command line, GMOS would be like a Linux equivalent. It’s all input/output and maybe executing a very specific program like a calculator.
Blind fanboyism?