Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
Hardware hasn’t changed in the way you think it has for quite a while. For shits i span up a compatability check on my fifteen year old file server and it qualifies for w10.
The big wank issue with win10/11 is microsoft trying to enforce corporate hardware requirements on home users. Mostly so they can start trying to garden wall their shit.
As a tech, i’m fucking howling because 99% of answers to any given question is already bullshit that ranges from useless to dangerous.
“The machine” can’t tell the difference and it’s going to be considered authoratitive in its blithe stupidity. hoover up SA all you want, you’re just gonna agregate it with bullishit and poison your own well anyway
Those were the days my friend…
I’ll tell you what though, i still have that 200gb WD. It still works. Chucked it under disk tools and ran some deep diags for shits and giggles, no errors found. 24 years old (ditto with an ancient 20gb toshiba that runs the head for a nas). Ya just can’t kill them. I have quantum fireballs in a DOS box that are still trucking
Badger badger badger. Explain that shit to a boomer