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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I don’t summon real people unless I’m truly desperate, but I absolutely use what the game has given me. I don’t like to repeatedly have my ass handed to me, and while I could “git gud” (and would have done so in my teens and 20s), I’d rather enjoy my limited play time.

I’m with you on that front. I almost never pay full price for games and loathe microtransactions.

Be that as it may, the only interest I have in this newest iteration of FF7 is as a retelling (or whatever) of the original. If it’s going to cost $210+tax for that experience (in full), I’ll pass. It’s not about the hours, it’s about getting the full experience in one package (and the associated price tag).

To be fair, BG3 is very much the exception. It’s a fantastic exception that others could learn from, but an exception nonetheless.

I’m not paying $70 for a single game, much less multiple $70 installments. If you want to choke on what they give you, be my guest, but I’ll pass.

Maybe if they sold it as one game, instead of selling it in parts and charging $70 for each…

I know I’m in the minority, but I absolutely loved MoP. It’s probably my favorite expansion.

Oh, for sure. I don’t think he’s necessarily a bad person, he’s just not particularly likeable anymore. Maybe it’s age, or what life has thrown his way, but his personality no longer seems as appealing. That’s the main thing he had going for him, imo.

I really only liked Will Smith as an actor because he seemed to be a likeable person. Now I know better.

I’m with you on that. The DLCs all feel pretty mediocre compared to the base game. I will still buy the next one at full price, but only because I love the base game so much.

Oh wow, a new Delta Force game? I used to love the series, so I’m interested to see how this one turns out.

It’s not a game, it’s a lifestyle.

My boomer dad is definitely an FPS gamer, and he has been since Doom.

Don’t you have to beat it in under 10 hours for the first speed run achievement? HowLongToBeat says 27 hours for just the main story; 41.5 hours for main + sides. If you managed under 10 hours on your first run, you must be a serious metroidvania veteran.

I mean, I’m not, but only because I am too lazy to change (so far). I’ve been remarkably content with the Steam Deck desktop experience, so I’m leaning more and more towards Linux.

It’s easier for people who don’t know what they’re doing. The limitations keep those users from breaking things and provide a decent out-of-the-box experience for the user. The very same limitations feel, well, limiting to users like you.

So it’s more accessible. You don’t need to upgrade your PC regularly to play an MMO.

Beyond that, WoW is very stylized, and it’s far from ugly. No, it’s not realistic looking, but it is nice looking.

Ah, console, that might make sense. I never had any trouble with aiming in 3 or NC, either. I rarely even considered using VATS.

So, is it actual discrimination, or is it just that their data Facebook has shows that other ads are better suited to them, statistically, in terms of profit? I’m sure all sorts of patterns show up in the quantity of data they have, and algorithms show ads based on these patterns. It’s possible that gender is a factor, but it seems just as likely that there are other patterns (perhaps some common to a given gender) that factor into this result.

Edit: To be clear, I did not read the article, because I don’t actually care that much. I just find statistics and patterns interesting. Having worked in insurance in the past, I was always curious about which exact information factored into premiums, and in what way. I know everything from marital status, to job, education, location, age, credit score, and much more, factored into decisions, and not always in ways you may expect – all based on statistics.

I have no problem with competition, but don’t force me to use your inferior product. If any of the major companies developed an actual competitor with the Steam launcher (in terms of features, not just a lousy storefront), it would likely get some use. If they somehow made it better than Steam, plenty of people would likely jump ship.

Epic is just a failure of a launcher. Nobody uses it over Steam by choice, because it’s lacking in nearly every way. While I’m not big on exclusives, if the launcher was a reasonable Steam alternative, they wouldn’t bother me nearly as much. As things stand, I’m firmly in the “fuck Epic” camp.

Same here. My wife and I considered it a while back, but we opted against it after seeing how pvp heavy it is.

Baldur’s Gate 3

Armored Core 6

Remnant 2

…and (depending on your definition of “recent”) a lot more. Any of the big games coming over from PlayStation (God of War, Spider-Man), Cyberpunk, etc. I don’t generally buy games for over $20, unless it’s someone I want badly and it hasn’t gone below that after a couple years.

I had forgotten it until this post.

It’s also relatively safe as far as language and bloodiness. I felt comfortable playing it with my children (of about the same age as OP’s kids) around.

Stardew Valley and Deep Rock Galactic, same as the last couple months. My wife and I have been playing Stardew in the evenings, while listening to audiobooks.

Yeah, sounds about right. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into…

Yeah, I’m being quite pedantic, but it is genuine. It’s a common language mistake that frustrates me.

Don’t try to multiply a relative descriptor when you can use hard numbers (i.e. it’s 20 hours shorter) or the appropriate relative measurement (i.e. it’s 20% as long). It’s both improper English and less clear (maybe “2 times harder to understand”?) to do so.

To The Moon.


Life is Strange.

Last Day of June.

All of those made me cry, and they seem common recommendations on this kind of request.