Resol van Lemmy

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


First Neopets, and now Flappy Bird? No thanks.

I REALLY hate this “rolling out” of new features. Seriously, I hate it. I remember Instagram doing it when pressing the screen during Reels playback, on some accounts it pauses, on others it simply mutes the video.

Good riddance, Instagram.

I mean, every giga company does this, and profits from it.

Can you tell I hate corporatism?

I gotta admit, I have no problem with introducing a completely new feature and locking it to paying members. But taking away an already existing feature from non-members, or limiting it in some way, is simply outrageous. They could’ve kept the upload limit at 25MB, and increased it for Nitro users to something like an entire gigabyte. This would’ve encouraged people to get Nitro. But lowering the upload limit for free users would just encourage them to leave and find an alternative (and the problem is that there aren’t any viable ones because they aren’t used as much).

That apps list reminds me of Windows Phone for some reason. Oh, and the mobile version of KDE Plasma too.

I’m glad I literally JUST bought a copy of Minecraft so I didn’t have to deal with this mess.

But unfortunately I have to deal with Microsoft shenanigans now. And I can’t even play the worse version on Linux.

I especially remember playing the Flash version of Sugar Game a while back, it was my earliest memory of that guy. But yeah, that game specifically wasn’t my favorite, but it was still pretty nice especially with the calm soundtrack that plays in the levels.

I don’t remember when Alto’s Odyssey became free to play on Android, but it’s honestly such an amazing game. Its prequel is pretty nice too, but I like this one better.

I used to be addicted to Super Starfish too. I’m even pretty close to completing it, but just never had my chance to do so because… reasons. I would love to see this game on the Nintendo DS.

I played the original Sonic trilogy. It was fine, I guess.

The Dadish series was super annoying and very infuriating despite looking like something a child could complete in one sitting.

Bean Dreams was absolutely phenomenal, though. I loved every second of it. Why on earth did they have to take it down from app stores???

I played Okay. It was okay.

Bart Bonte’s “color” series of games are also pretty fun to play through. You actually can finish all of them in one sitting if you’re brainy enough to do so. I did. “Black” was my favorite, since you get a glimpse of the Belgian flag at the end (Bart is Belgian after all).

I even played Goat Simulator on mobile (not the sequel, the original). For some reason I enjoyed that one the most despite how very obviously limited the mobile version is.

Conclusion: I like very niche categories of mobile games.

Someone else mentioned the lack of a browser on the PS5 too. This doesn’t apply to PS4 so I didn’t mention it in my comment.

PS3 lets me play online for free. Later consoles don’t.

PS3 plays CDs and stores media files on its internal hard drive. Later consoles are limited to external storage solutions for media playback (and no, streaming doesn’t count).

PS3 has a snazzy user interface. Later consoles have… a user interface, I guess.

PS3 plays PS1 disks. Some models even play PS2 disks. None of the later consoles do that, having a strong reliance on digital downloads for PS1 and PS2 compatibility, meaning some games are straight up limited to the earlier consoles.

PS3 even lets me transfer games and media to a PSP or PS Vita through a USB connection. Guess what, the later consoles straight up don’t do that.

Don’t have an HDTV? PS3 works with composite, component, and even S-Video in addition to working with HDMI. It even downscales Blu-ray Disks to fit on your super small screen. Got an HDTV? PS3 upscales your DVDs to fit your super big screen. Later consoles only work with HDMI, and I’m not sure if the upscaling/downscaling thing with DVDs and Blu-ray even works or not.

The choice is yours.

I’m not a girl? “Anti-HDD drama king” makes more sense.

That’s enough for the entire filmography of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera in beautiful 1080p (upscaled using world class software), and it would probably still be enough for some of the early shows of Cartoon Network, at least in 480p.

But then it would take ages to load anyway since it’s a hard drive and therefore has moving parts, leading to a significantly higher failure rate.

Flash games.

I recommend Bluemaxima’s Flashpoint if you want a hassle free way of doing it.

I was never a fan of TouchWiz. It was pretty slow, especially on most of the Samsung phones I had (it kinda made me miss my iPhone 4 before the flattening).

However, I really like One UI. Sure, it’s got some bloatware, but it’s pretty snappy and looks pretty nice.

So has Google, they’ve done the Chromium browser, but everyone on Lemmy sees that so called “open-source project” with suspicion.

The fact that GitHub is owned by Microsoft alone makes it not open-source.

Toontown Online

Seriously, some parts of the task line take months to finish. You better finish those 20 four story buildings in order to get to Donald’s Dreamland. And if you didn’t train your gags before this point then good luck.

That doesn’t look like TikTok to me.

You’re making great progress.


It still smells like corporate data collecting nonsense in here. And I think I know why.

Spoiler alert: it’s WhatsApp.

The Chinese government actually does something right for once? My year is saved.

So good that even Steve Jobs promoted it in one of his keynotes.

I wish I could, but I like browsing Logopedia which is hosting on Fandom and has announced no plans to leave the site. If they did, I’d completely abandon that place and block everything that has to do with them.

And no, it’s not easy to migrate a database of hundreds of thousands of logos to another wikifarm, especially if new stuff arrives all the time.

I’m still mad that they got rid of the headphone jack since I can’t access my radio anymore.

iPhones never had the feature anyway but they should add it, at least through the USB-C port on their newest devices.

Fandom isn’t a social media platform. All these others are (at least for the most part).

Fandom has since become one of my least favorite websites, simply because of the ads, and the “Honest Trailers” videos that automatically show up (and follow you) regardless of the topic of the page you’re on, not to mention that their mobile site is pure garbage. It’s just pure garbage, alright.

And I’m a person who browses Logopedia regularly, which is still hosted on Fandom. Boo. Thank goodness the Minecraft Wiki left that.