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Cake day: Oct 19, 2023


Marvels Midnight Suns. Really wish it got a sequel but that’s not happening. I really enjoy the hangouts and exploring the grounds. And the cat.

Can’t wait for the one free pokestop spin a day and one free Pokémon in a gym a day. Better hope multiple Pokémon don’t come home at once, you’ll be charged to let them come back and still won’t get any extra coins for it. Coins from gym are put into escrow until your watch ten ads.

I haven’t played it much but I liked what I did play. I mostly have been about playing the abomination a lot.

… something Heaven’s Vault related is coming in 2025. I really really hope it’s a video game and not just more novel things. Really hoping something to do with Mazwai!

Good luck! All my rogue likes/lites are “I will now die fifty billion times ooooo I win! Once! Woo!”

I loved what Spore was, and I’m still sad and what it could have been. What we saw at the various shows.

Dave is great! I love Dave. Also I like in general restaurant sims so it was a very easy sell for me XD

Ohno, my twin will see what games I play. Although they already get the friends popup saying what I’m playing when I start playing it.

They also wander into the computer room frequently to ramble at me so see what I’m playing them.

In short, we all play Dwarf Fortress and it’s not a secret.

I didn’t enjoy it very much. Which was surprising to people. I just really preferred to faff about and investigate things and die to things I was not suppose to say hello to yet.

I usually wrote a lot of scribbles for Stardew Valley, at least when trying to go for perfection.

Heaven’s Vault feels like it should have its own journal, but it really didn’t.

Sid Meier’s Pirates! could use a notebook at points or at least scrap paper.

For me, it’s audio in the background that I can interact with if I want.

Sometimes the people are funny too, but it’s not like my first monitor. Streams are a second monitor thing, with me doing something on the main. Reading, gaming, writing.

Also sometimes I’ll watch the various leagues to see people do games I’d hate to play do really really well at it.

Dwarf Fortress Adventurer Mode. I was a jaguar woman. Mostly a vomiting jaguar woman, as I was shot in the gut by a rude human.

Ahh, what a difference! I love mods, I’ve modded both Stardew Valley and Darkest Dungeon quite a bit. I also like them unmodded. One never has to mod so it feels weird to hate it.

Loading Ready Run doesn’t always play through a game, as they make a lot of stuff, but they do have a thing called Play It Forward where they do do that. There’s several competed games in there, I think. They’re all streams first so not very edited though.

Still playing Wazhack solo, and Stardew Valley (heavily modded) with my sibling. I have no idea when Orna came out, but we’re all trying that because Pokémon GO got more annoying in general.

Crimson Curse was always the one that gave me trouble.

But I also modded the game to make it a bit easier on myself!

I loved Marvels Midnight Suns! Exploring the grounds, finding kitty, then slicing people up with Hunter and Wolverine!

I’m not the only one to use this machine, and the message greatly upset the other person, so we just got a new machine over dealing with the possibility of it continuing.

While I’ve thought about linux, actually making the switch is scary.

I can put together a computer, that part is easy. It’s very fancy lego! The software scares me, and it often just gets weird on me. I’m unsure why. Tech support is also confused, because they’ll watch me follow instructions and then it just explodes.

But with linux I would mostly be the tech support, and that seems dangerous for having a machine that works!

Maybe the windows 7 machine can be made into linux. It still worked, after all. I only switched because I wanted to still play games.

I could not upgrade from 7 to 11 because the hardware was bad, yes. I did try to upgrade before this also, but it also didn’t want to upgrade to 8? Or maybe it was 10. I forget why it refused to do those two systems though.

Heavily modded Stardew Valley with sibling. Also got uhh…a new game about battling monsters and cooking them and the name escapes me entirely right now. It’s fun though.

In board games, we’ve been playing Betrayal Legacy when it’s the three of us, or Space Hulk when just two.

I was using 7 right up to the point last year steam said they’d stop supporting it.

I run a computer into the ground because I’m broke.

Yeah, same feelings. I played the demo when it first dropped and enjoyed it.

I then watched someone play the full (ea?) game and it felt…identical if not worse than the demo. It needs a lot more going on before I’d want to spend money on it, even though it was nice and chill.

Heaven’s Vault! Several times, because each new game plus adds new words so you just learn more!

Me and sibling are playing it again, and the very first chest I found in the skull caverns was an auto petter, we went off when I found out! I wish your wife all the luck finding many auto petters!

Most games these days have these options, but some still don’t!

Anything to help with motion sickness.

Head bobbing, first person, motion blur, field of view, how fast you turn based on mouse speed but I always forget the name, others.

Oh, I loved Marvels Midnight Suns. There were some bugs I wished were fixed and never will be now (the problem with the chest and the armor thing) but otherwise adored it. The gameplay was fun, I loved exploring the grounds, loved talking to people!

I do not write for Eric Andre, but it sounds fun.

I am recounting an event that happened when Star Wars Galaxies was around.

A friends of mine comes to me and we start talking about Star Wars Galaxies. She tells me about her friend who plays, and the character he has who is a non combatant because I ask if I could be a chef or any other non combatant role. She says I can, using her friend as an example. She gives me the gift of a spork. Because we’re teenage girls and it’s random times.

I then explain I wouldn’t mind if the game is grindy or slow because my tolerance for that as a teenager was very high. But my ability to play the game at the time is hampered by my lack of money so I can’t pay the monthly fees. Or buy the game. Because I’m a kid.

A girl who have me a spork told me how her friend played the game and he was a hair dresser in game and once watched a battle between two jedi, when I asked her if I could be a chef in game.

I might have liked it, back then, but my tolerance for things was very high. Paying for a subscription was very veery low, being a young teen.

Almost any, but I wish I had played Star Wars Galaxies in its prime. But any, really. I was not allowed to play almost any video games growing up. Except for Detective Barbie: Mystery of the Carnival Caper. And Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Of, and Oregon Trail 2! Not 1. 2.

I’ve watched a stream or two of this game! Which is exactly how much horror I can take. It’s quite funny when I’m not dying to ghosts but random stranger is!

Been playing the update and wow wow, love it. Love all the new voice acting, and places, and things! There’s so much!

I want more cooking mini games and this is not sarcasm! I want to make lots of silly foods and hopefully give it to other players if multiplayer or gift them to npcs if not or just eat them! Foods amazing!

I am on windows, so I’m not quite sure why my steam version of the game just…stopped working one day. And the work around fixed it. Until it didn’t. But now it’s better? Maybe? I haven’t checked in a few months, maybe it’s back to Not Better.

Ahhhh computers.

Goodness I loved that game. Then it wouldn’t run for awhile. Then it worked again. Maybe.

I’d love a new one but I’m not hoping anymore.

I started a new game with patch 7, and I’m sure I’ll actually finish this time! I’m positive!

I found a new way into the spider lair. I’m terrified of how much this game has!