Doesn’t really matter if there is enforcement, something is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
If someone is willing to pay $100k for 1 Bitcoin then that is what it’s worth.
If someone isn’t willing to pay $100k for a piece of property in Idaho, the police can’t force you to pay that much.
Okay maybe not 3 months but some sort of time frame and maybe not a full halt but perhaps a more significant warning like an are you sure popup on adding to cart.
Plus maybe require monthly dev posts as to progress for early access so people know it’s still actually being worked on., otherwise the warning.
Plus the longer refund times if updates haven’t happened in months
Nobody buys a game because they made a cool new and innovative mechanic.
They buy it because it’s a good game and the mechanic helps that.
If your game sucks and no one buys it despite the new mechanic, perhaps other more talented developers should be able to use that their games to improve the industry.
Yeah I can’t imagine choosing to game on a device that has no physical controls and just touchscreen which is what I imagine this device would have to be if it’s foldable.
It will probably also be over $1000 if it’s a foldable touchscreen and have shitty hardware so may as well get a steam deck if you’re intent is gaming.
If I want to game on a touchscreen I’ll do it on my phone because it’s convenient. I’m not carrying a second device around for touchscreen gaming.
I had a phone with one on the back and currently have one with it on the screen. Personally I had absolutely no issues with its functionality in the screen and do prefer it over the back. I like that I can unlock my phone without having to pick it up off the desk or while its still in the mount on my vehicle dash.
Seems to work perfectly fine to me but maybe it’s a quality issues with the brand of phones. Mine is a OnePlus and it’s almost 4 years old now, still works fine and never had any issues.
Ya I did go vertical in my last attempt, but I could only fit 24 smelters on the first floor and then got to tier 5 and unlocked more stuff which put me over the edge of needing more I needed to build a second factory or a new floor on top with more smelters and it just got super complicated for me, needing to send ore to two different spots and organizing the ingots going everywhere I needed. I also have a thing about organization, symmetry, and logic and I just could not find a “satisfactory” way to build it knowing once I unlocked a new tier, without knowing what I would need ahead of time, everything I built would probably need to be redone at some point again
There should almost be some sort of technological transfer to nearby empires, like cultural influence. If your neighbour is at 10000 tech points or whatever while you are at 1000, you should be able to leech some tech points from your neighbour to develop faster.
Transfer rate increases with the disparity between nations and decreases with distance.
So a super advanced empire on continent A will contribute to nations on continent A and B, but those on continent A get more of a bonus than those on B.
This aligns fairly well with reality as neighbouring countries would transfer students to universities all the time, less so the further the nations are apart.
Eh, not really. They aren’t called star wars 1, star wars 2, star wars 3, etc.
They all have individual names and they are just ordered 1-9 without it being in the title.
Witcher has the number in the actual title (at least the second and third do)
So instead of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and then releasing The Witcher 4: ???, I just think it may be more logical to release it as The Witcher ??? 1: ??? or something, just so that it is obvious it’s a separate trilogy and storyline.
I imagine it was a typo*, but this article in Nature reports that in specifics circumstances the median maximum that people can perceive a difference may be around 500hz, with the maximum in their test possibly being as high as 800hz.
Normally though it seems closer to 50-90hz, but I’m on the road and haven’t delved too deeply into it
Edit: Type to Typo
The thing about older games and Minecraft being addictive is that it’s sort of fine, because they don’t benefit financially from it so obviously it was unintentional and just because of the entertainment.
It becomes a problem with these new games when they are subscription based or have lots of microtransactions because the more addictive the game, the more money the company makes.
In the case of Minecraft the issues you listed are pretty much present in almost anything entertaining, video games or not, including in-person events and social functions.
As with anything moderation is key and people just need to learn not to let it control them. Some people are incapable of that though.
There are definitely certain things that game companies need to avoid doing but multiple goals, a little bit of luck, and online cooperative play is not it.
I mostly wish that companies were upfront about how long the service will last.
From day of release can they guarantee at least 3 years of server time? 5 years? 10? It would factor a lot into whether or not I think a game is worth the purchase. Especially if you’re buying it 4-5 years after release and it can shut down any day.
It should be illegal for a company to sign you up for an account on any other platform than the one you made the account for.
If I sign up for Facebook I don’t want to have an Instagram account, or vice versa.
If they want to integrate everything then put it all under one platform name. If they need to you have a “Meta” account to use Facebook and Instagram, then you at least know you can delete your meta account information and it won’t show up in two different places. One centralized place for your information.
It is early access, fine tuning resource usage isn’t exactly a high priority.
It definitely is annoying but I wouldn’t put it as a negative until they outright say it will never change or they go full release without changing it.
I would be fine if you could break down building materials for a 50% return on materials.
But yeah for crafting you should be able to craft almost anything from your work bench as long as the proper workstations and craftsmen are present.
If their zombie survival shelters are anything like the ones in the game I would have no faith anyone would survive a single night in a zombie apocalypse.