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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


I don’t mean to be a dick but without giving actual reasons all you’re saying is “I preferred ow1”, which is kind of what my original comment was referring to. Tank synergies is definitely something that was lost with ow1, rein/zarya and dive comps were very fun and definitely something I miss. But it was also a major source of balance issues and player frustration.

Two tank team composition was a consistent balance issue and severely restricted the design of tank heroes. Sigma is a really fun and interesting hero, but when he was added overwatch entered a prolonged two shield meta which was incredibly boring. The devs added a cool hero, and he made the game worse. Not only did he make the game worse, but there was no obvious or easy solution, because sigma wasn’t the problem, two shields was the problem. In my opinion that exemplifies how bad of an issue the game was facing and justifies the changes made.

There’s nothing wrong with preferring ow1 but the person I responded to called it “a terrible game compared to the original” which is just blatantly incorrect in my opinion.

I agree. I was a die-hard ow1 fan and quit because of the absolute disgrace that was the transition from OW1 -> OW2. I have every reason to hate OW2 but I don’t because it’s a fine game and improves on OW1 in every way that is important to me (gameplay and balance).

In my opinion, anyone saying OW2 is worse than the original is saying this for personal reasons and not trying to be objective. OW2 is, in my experience, much more balanced than OW1. Many of the more frustrating aspects of the game have been fixed or removed, and most of the characters added since OW1 seem fun to play and not frustrating to play against.

There are very many valid criticisms one can make of Blizzard. The history of being a shitty workplace, the objectively awful decision to make OW2 a sequel, the treatment of Jeff Kaplan by execs, the monetization, and probably more. None of those criticisms (except monetization to a limited degree) have anything to do with whether or not OW2 is a bad game or not.

But I’m speculating since the person you responded to has not elaborated on any of their views.

Why? I played OW from beta, stopped playing after all the shitty workplace accusations came out, then played again for 10 or so hours last month.

I didn’t play much competitive (in my recent sessions) but the game seemed like it was in a pretty solid place. The only “major” issue I can think of is that the tank role is incredibly important, which creates a bit of a toxic environment where people are scared to play tank because they get flamed if the team gets rolled. But I think the downsides are worth the benefits, with tank being so important it’s become the core that the rest of the game balances around. Healers have more agency and dealing damage/contributing to elims is a vital part of the role. A lot of the frustrating/cheesy aspects of the game have been removed, scattershot, damage-doomfist, mercy 5-man-res, goats, double shield.

Again, I took a long break from the game, but before that I clocked a lot of hours in competitive. Personally the game feels about as balanced and enjoyable as it’s ever been.

Obviously the monetization is gross and that entire side of the game sucks now but that’s an entirely different conversation.

Everything I’ve heard coming out of this studio is great.

People are being harassed and doxed by a group of people that have turned one of their most popular games into a fucking cesspool. They need to either throw in the towel and drop support for TF2 or wage war on these losers.

Hire a dedicated team, involve the police, I don’t fucking know. The current state of TF2 is an absolute disgrace, it’s fucking pathetic.

The fact that they’re letting this shit happen to one of their own communities is extremely disappointing. They should take it personally that a group of people are using their game as a tool to harass people, but they don’t give a fuck.

I have lost so much respect for Valve over their handling of TF2. I’ve gone from a fanboy to a hater.

Plenty of developers continue to develop content for years after release without selling overpriced DLC. Y’all are coping.

$60 CAD and sales do not justify the base price. Nothing you’ve said has remotely convinced me any of their DLC is worth what they’re charging.

You’re not going to convince me this shit isn’t predatory and vice versa. Later.

Just because you’re able to spend $60 on 3 DLCs instead of whatever the 62 DLCs cost, doesn’t mean those DLC are worth what you’re spending. I can buy a single banana instead of the full bunch if I want but if they cost $10 each I’m not getting a good deal.

The fomo is because I’ve already invested in the base game. I can ignore content about games I haven’t bought yet but if I want to watch tutorial videos that have every DLC I have to filter out all the content I haven’t paid for. I can’t engage with the community on equal footing unless I spent 4-5x the price of the base game on overpriced content. That is not an enjoyable experience and has left me with a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to Paradox games. I don’t want to navigate the cesspool that is their monetization strategy so I simply don’t buy their games (I pirate them :^) ).

CK2 dlc was mid as fuck. Every single one adds a few features at most that don’t meaningfully change anything, just enhance things slightly. Some changes are borderline QOL but all of them leaving you with fomo when you watch streamers. It’s always been bullshit and predatory.

They sell you 15 minor features for $10 each and then every tutorial/gameplay video you watch has 5-10 features you’ve never seen before. It fills you with fomo and when you do cave you end up spending $80 to make a $40 game slightly more interesting. It’s predatory as fuck, paradox can go fuck themselves.

Sorry, I really hate paradox.

80% of the game being made is definitely a stretch. The engine and many assets were there but they still had to build the world and populate it, that in itself is a gargantuan task. Call it DLC if you want but it’s a fully fledged story with a full game’s worth of content and deserved to be full price.

13 yo me had so much trouble with SVN. Thanks for the flashbacks.

Yo not gonna lie kinda vibe with this comment. I love gaming as an art and a social activity but it’s also the “sand I bury my head in”. I’m currently on a Factorio playthrough that I started purely as a distraction for my latest bout of depression.

And I do also agree greed has ruined a lot more “important” things than gaming.

But also, no need to shame people for wanting something they love to be free from corporate greed. Be cool friend.

Yeah I love Gabi but it hurts that she doesn’t even seem to question whether or not she should stop buying these games. Like, I get that you love Pokemon but you acknowledge yourself that this shit isn’t going to change if people keep buying this shit.

I love Gabi but her videos are never well researched imo. They’re fun not informative.

Maybe watch the video lol? She acknowledges games are better then they’ve ever been, she’s just pointing out how corporate greed has created a trend of publishers forcing half-baked games out the front door and fixing them later (or not).

This is why I stopped buying Paradox games and just pirate them if I’m curious. No way I’m getting trapped in a fomo cycle everytime they release a minor feature for $5.

I’ve hated Paradox ever since I bought CK2 and then realized how many minor features were locked behind $5 DLCs. I later pirated the game to play all the DLC and there is absolutely no fucking way that shit was worth what they are charging. Decided then never to buy a Paradox game again.

Compare that to the Factorio devs Wube. They released their game as a beta and then just kept updating it and adding features until it was done. Then they spent years fixing basically every bug in the game. As far as I know they never decreased the price or put the game on sale, and at one point they increased the price of their game because of inflation. Which honestly is fine, they made a great game and they are continuing to support the game, why decrease the price?

I know I’m coming off as a Wube shill but in my eyes they are ideal devs. Paradox in theory make really interesting games but in practice they poison them with shitty monetization strategies. If they just made games and added free updates for a while afterwards if they wanted to I probably would have spent a shit load on their games.

I’m ranting but as a side note, Paradox definitely abuses fomo. They make games that basically require you to watch videos of how to play and those videos inevitably mention DLCs which you then start wondering what you’re missing out on. That’s definitely what made me want to buy their DLC.

Fuck paradox

idk if this is a stupid opinion but I feel like us, the consumers are to blame. If everyone just waited a week and read reviews before buying games then publishers wouldn’t be able to get away with this shit.

That subreddit was simultaneously the funniest and creepiest subreddit I’ve ever visited. It’s hilarious how sure they are that they will all be billionaires but I always got the creeps when thinking about how I was reading the comments from a bunch of people just throwing their life savings down the toilet.

Unrelated but this is why I stopped play BotW after the first boss temple thingy.

Thank youuuuu.

The world building was solid enough to distract me from the writing for a long time. This probably sounds like a nitpick but here goes.

The part where the scientists are explaining GAIA (whatever its called) was so badly done I lost all suspension of disbelief. Like why did these people spend, presumably hours of their precious time, creating an Apple style keynote speech explaining their plan to save the world. Like maybe just focus on saving the world? And one of them has a valley accent. No disrespect to valley accents but if you’re trying to convince me I’m listening to one of the smartest people in the world it’s definitely a bad choice to give them an accent attributed to ignorant white girls.

Thank you! They advertise it pretty confusingly, I didn’t figure it out until I saw a reddit post explaining.

A new app I’ve tested is Spotube (Spotify open source alternative).

This is super misleading. Spotube isn’t a Spotify alternative, it uses Spotify metadata and streams the audio from youtube.

This used to happen to me all the time but I think it randomly stopped.

“We were going to charge $60 but then we added 40 hours of tailing side quests so now we’re charging $120” - Ubisoft.

Hours of gameplay is a god awful metric and only a corporate dipshit could utter such a stupid fucking sentence.

universally hailed as a great game, but I still call that underrated


I *sort of *understand what you mean. Factorio is a complete labour of love. I can’t think of a developer who respects their playerbase more than Wube. The fantastic optimization, the way they’ve handled mods and bugs, the FF blog and overall communication, just everything about them is awesome. So maybe I’d agree Wube is underrated? Factorio sold extremely well and has great reviews, so calling it underrated is just strange.