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Cake day: Sep 30, 2023


nah everyone should just get a 5090 or something. this is what the gaming endistry has settled on.

all this time since ps release and like -137 optimization was done

IIRC there is a non vr mod for the game, but no idea how enjoyable it would be

its the non casino themed gambling that should be banned. casinos are too boring for modern kids but all the real money transactions in games clearly are super appealing. I had casino video games as a kid and I don’t have a casino gambling problem at least. I gamble with whether to stay at my job or find a new one, or rent vs buy this or that regularly though. Or gambling over whether to work or spend money on school for a low chance of a higher paying job that didn’t cover the increased debt in 4 years and didn’t land me a new job of even approximately the same pay grade1. Actually I have won in casinos before but I’ve only ever lost non casino gambles.

“You kissed you.” -Vegas Stakes ending sequence as played by a group of dumb kids in the 90s, SNES

god of war ragnarok. it will be the first of 2025 too while I finish off the berserkers

I mean Horizon zero dawn remaster does look better and supposedly fixes some other stuff like janky script flow, but I still wouldn’t. Maybe for newcomers to the series.

I haven’t played this but I would imagine it’s just as anime style as it looks, in which case why even. Unless there were major flaws that should have been fixed in an update rather than a remake, and/or loads of new content that should have just been a dlc, I can’t see much merit in a new version.

edit: the article mentions it being remade in 3d, so I guess the original wasn’t. It mentions voice acting too but I dont know if it already had that. That could make for enough of an overhaul I suppose.

edit 2: it was isometric 3d based on screen shots, new one looks fully modern 3d

I liked the ones that were on ps1 but haven’t played anything after that

borderlands 3 made me lose interest in borderlands. I should have played pre sequel first but now I probably won’t.

I don’t think it was whatever toilet humor refers to though. It was other stuff. Mainly Ava at all and cringe dialogue in general.

With huge delay where it should be discounted by release but they treat it like brand new, maybe a mediocre texture enhancment fans could have done better and calling it remasteted, then with the forced useless psn log in…

it only took how long? did a non remastered part 1 make it to pc or was that also remaster only on pc? I played the part 1 on console but not part 2, should I replay 1 before 2? Is there much you are expected to remember?

make a shitty game in godot with all these things and file for patents before all the big players do

I’ve had this thought that game devs should plant killswitches in their games so if they get mass lay offs the game just stops working and displays messages presented as being from the parent company that tell the user they are banned, and for the most idiotic reasons.

Realistically though if the game is successful by any metric a hacker or dataminer will find it first or it will be abused in some other way.

So its actually good? Honestly surprised. The devs haven’t been canned either?

It’s kinda yet another corporate apocalypse, but it does write the characters better. The additional lore in the second game really makes you feel like these are real life billionaire assholes. Halfway through the first game and the entirety of the second game I was done with the combat and couldn’t be bothered to try out all the weapons and armour, just went all in on stealth snipe and souls rolled anything that couldn’t be stealthed. I think I used the special moves like 3 times only. I’ll still play the third one though. I’ll probably just unga bunga the whole thing when the time comes.

you have to do manual intervention or one of the launchers that supports gog and as far as I know that always worked, but there’s no built in and ready by default method. It’s literally one flatpak install away though.

used to be smash bros melee but I can’t do it any more. my hands just can’t go that fast without seizing up here and there.

weren’t there a few titles where the disc was effectively nothing and the whole game just downloads anyway?

they should improve the flight model and add hotas and hosas support.

then race course parts and the ability to build them in space. If both could be used together that would make for some really wild courses.

and the ability to have a drone or hired npc pilot your extra ships to haul stuff or pick you up if you get gunned down in space, and pilot ejection module to go with that.

maybe also a less clunky way to open the rng upgrade module in bulk and choose the top 3

I could go in blind on stardew and it’s in the family library…

i mean if palworld had terraria like craftables and npcs and bosses I’d probably buy it

can they succeed at handheld again? wasn’t everything after the orignal psp iffy level of success?

anywau predicting overpriced proprietary memory, or fixed soldered storage with shit price per gb.

hell yeah. If its deck controls as a standalone controller it will easily become my daily driver. except not actually daily because of work and shit…

I don’t think that even matters. There are plenty of people that would surely be best simply deleted regardless of their affiliation. The us needs a revolution at this point. canada isn’t even that far behind. our former liberal party in the last while changed their name, then just fused with the conservative party. so now we are also down to two parties plus a bunch of effectively useless riffraff.

No its just missing AI. If they add AI in another expansion they can save the game. You can ask any corporate exec and they will agree.

Literally turning america entirely into an unsafe place then threatening others for it. Are they trying to do a government take over of a shiny appealing money maker? It sure seems like they actually want the nazis everywhere else, I bet if they actually do anything they will keep the nazis if they actually exist in the first place.

nothing will ever top my smash bros melee hours. I could start now and I simply wouldn’t be able to do it even if I picked the game I already have the next most hours in. I am also entirely unlikely to add any hours to melee, but it still wouldn’t be feasible.

yeah now its brutal for anyone trying to make a living and excellent for anyone who already inherited a living and has more money than they could use in multiple lifetimes. I’d hate to go back to when it was just brutal for anyone trying to make a living.

what platform can they even do that? i have tons of delisted games on steam that are still in my library

I didn’t know about concord until it was announced to be shut down.

I didn’t know about lego horizon even more than that.

I always thought that was a joke about modders adding in big bouncy titties and the game not having much else going for it…

also schlongs of skyrim mod sounds super important for living those exhibitionist fantasies

The dev put the title in the game. nobody said it wasn’t allowed. I say its really weird to request it, and clearly the dev thought it was a dumb request given the price difference in game, but it was put in anyway.

Let me just go and get my badges that say “default config” and “normal” from the drawer here somewhere. Then I’ll explain it to you while wearing them.