I give back what I receive, so in theory…yes.
Id rather see someone play a leaked game early, then have to deal with some corporate garbage trailer that pulls all the stops to deceive it’s fans. I’d rather see actual gameplay, from a normal user then the slop they script.
They aren’t selling anything, so what does it matter other then tendo can’t lie as easily.
I wonder if this group will reform themselves…
May I introduce you to EthrA
What SE has failed to do, appeal to fans of final fantasy sprite games. StoneLabs Studio is filling that void with amazing creativity. I support Indy devs. The more As a company adds to their games, they less I consider them viable products. I flat out ignore their existence.
Pretty sure Bohemia specifically said that they were planning to stop doing anything with reforger as it was a testing platform for modders and the like.
I specifically didn’t buy it knowing it was a precancelled project and I’m fairly confident that the reforger mods will be transferrable to Arma4.
That said, ARMA4
It’s possible that people are upset with certain companies and aim to pirate their games
I’m kinda the opposite. I won’t even pirate some companies games because those company’s suck that much…ea and Ubisoft being major players in the slop I don’t even pirate.
I will pirate almost every other game though, as a full version demo. If it’s good, or I boot it up more then once I tend to buy it. Otherwise, I won’t even give it a second though.
The 2 hour refund window is sometimes not enough time to find out how trash a game is, so I use my above full version demo method.
It took me too long to realize you folks didn’t mean pin as in pin the game to a dash board of something but a personal identification number for pin.