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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


It took me too long to realize you folks didn’t mean pin as in pin the game to a dash board of something but a personal identification number for pin.

Private company going private will fix the greed for sure. China is known only for good things

I found it takes two to be way more fun then a way out. I wish there was more to it takes two

I don’t even get the free games…they aren’t worth my time. I’ll pay to get them elsewhere instead even if it’s free there when I’m looking

You said it better with just don’t buy AAAAAAAA games ever…

Most are absolute garbage.

Oddly enough, my switch has the original controllers. No drift on em.

Granted I mostly use a PS4 controller on my switch so they do have limited use on them.

Not just China…but everywhere. WHEN they cancel it your just up shits creek without a paddle.

There is nothing wrong with emulators. The ROMs themselves, sure. Emulators? Heck no

I give back what I receive, so in theory…yes.

Id rather see someone play a leaked game early, then have to deal with some corporate garbage trailer that pulls all the stops to deceive it’s fans. I’d rather see actual gameplay, from a normal user then the slop they script.

They aren’t selling anything, so what does it matter other then tendo can’t lie as easily.

Amazing response to Nintendo. Get fucked tendo, get fucked. You control nothing

K…I’m sure nobody cares.

Edit…Ugg…it’s very annoying and very unhealthy when people make it their entire persona, online or not. Added to the list.

No, only remasters of the remakes while remastering a remastered remake.

I hope they changed the weird combat system. I know people do like it, but it’s the reason I didn’t end up buying it after playing the full version demo

I call that the console camera. It’s ok I guess for console players, but once you use a mouse it feels jank and broken. Camera glitching into terrain and just feeling Garbage

I don’t recall any wow toons having feet bigger then their heads

Not if Microsoft collaborating with these trash developers can help it. Gotta attempt to stifle all Linux advances in favor of spying on customers for profit

The one built in?

Why are you giving your information to 3rd parties, who will sell that same information to places that will send you spam. I don’t get it.

Lol ok, have fun I guess? I’ll be playing/doing anything that doesn’t require as a service because get fucked?

Game was VERY confusing at the start Then started to understand it Inventory management was annoying and the benches were too much.

Never touched it again after a few hours over 2 play sessions

This was my experience playing it when it first released. It felt like a bland shooter and didn’t interest me in the least.

Needless to say, I’ve been playing the crap out of tarkov pve lately. About time they removed the pvp tryhard stuff

Cool,lower the price and maybe you’d get more. Ain’t no way am I considering a fighting game for like 90-120$

Too bad it’s samsung. Never again will samsung see a dime from me

I swear it’s only expensive because of the CEO taking most of it, and the rest being spent on ads and other trash like that. Basically propping up their friends

I’d be shocked if they spend close to 50% on the actual game design/function

May I introduce you to EthrA


What SE has failed to do, appeal to fans of final fantasy sprite games. StoneLabs Studio is filling that void with amazing creativity. I support Indy devs. The more As a company adds to their games, they less I consider them viable products. I flat out ignore their existence.

Pretty sure Bohemia specifically said that they were planning to stop doing anything with reforger as it was a testing platform for modders and the like.

I specifically didn’t buy it knowing it was a precancelled project and I’m fairly confident that the reforger mods will be transferrable to Arma4.

That said, ARMA4

I take this as theym confirming android 15 itself isn’t secure then…

What? I’m surprised they didn’t already do this. You will do what Samsung wants or get get lost, that’s the samsung way.

It’s possible that people are upset with certain companies and aim to pirate their games

I’m kinda the opposite. I won’t even pirate some companies games because those company’s suck that much…ea and Ubisoft being major players in the slop I don’t even pirate.

I will pirate almost every other game though, as a full version demo. If it’s good, or I boot it up more then once I tend to buy it. Otherwise, I won’t even give it a second though.

The 2 hour refund window is sometimes not enough time to find out how trash a game is, so I use my above full version demo method.

Especially 24 year old games with a coat of paint…

And it’s the gamers problem that rockstar is shit at documenting their own engine? It’s not like they used someone else’s engine that went out of business, it was their own code.

Just makes me have even less faith in the near non existing faith I have in this company