You got lucky. I also bought the wireless dongle and my phone was not compatible. Only the latest phones are but the requirements are nowhere to be found. I also tried a simple phone with android Go but turns out Go does not support android auto at all. This is also not said anywhere on android auto page. Now I have another ohone and a cable and it does mostly work but the voice assistant (like the most important feature when driving) is buggy, the screen gets all messed up from time to time, support for it in apps is still not great and of course it all goes through google so bye bye privacy. Of course it’s better than the infotainment systems that all the car brands had because it’s does support more apps and the big car display is better than phone holder but overall it still sucks. A truly open standard that would let phones just display stuff on the car’s screen and get input from it would be so much better but of course there’s no hope for it.
Android auto is, to put it lightly, shit. The compatibility issues itself are enough to make one vomit (try finding out what’s required to use wireless connection) but once you manage to connect it it just gets worse and worse. I would not put it on my main phone even if it did work. Instead I bough cheap stock android phone and got a cheap, data only SIM (€2/month). The phone stays in my car, is not used for anything else and doesn’t have any personal accounts. I’m fairly happy with this setup.
making it a financially viable endeavor
So it would actually be more expensive to put those trains on a ship and bring them to US than to build all the manufacturing facilities? Interesting. I guess it’s because they were planning on building more trains? Because setting all this up for 23 trains sounds crazy.
I remember when about 20 years ago they were about to close train factory in Poland and there was a lot of protesting. In the end government ordered so basic passenger trains from then and saved the factory. It’s still running to this day. Looks like his Amtrak story is a good example why it’s important to have this capacity in house. Once you loose it you’re fucked.
Personally I don’t have an issue with the animal testing part. New medical procedures are often tested on animals, that’s how you save lives. But Musk is clearly making shit up here and now tries to proceed with human testing? With the amount of stupid hype he’s spewing about it I don’t believe absolutely anything that is being said about this technology. I say let him go first and show us how useful this is.
Ok, I agree, the OP was wrong to pretend that he represents the community. So we agree that removing mini jack made the product worse for a lot of people, those people have the right no to buy this product, they have the right to complain, they just shouldn’t not do it in the name of the entire community. Let’s call it a day.
What I mean that you’re only point is “you’re not the majority so shut up”. You’re confusing this with some zero-sum game. Me having a mini jack in the phone doesn’t mean that you, a person that doesn’t care about one, is somehow disadvantaged. There still are flagship phones with mini jacks. Those phones are not bigger or more expensive. You agreed already that Apple didn’t remove the mini jack to make the phone smaller, it was just to make more money. It’s the same 7 years later, people still don’t believe it’s for any other reason than to make a little bit more money. Ok, so you’re a docile consumer. When company does something you don’t like you just say 'well, I’m in the minority, I will still just buy it without complaining". That’s ok, do you. It’s just weird you’re so annoyed with people who do complain, especially on lemmy. Linux has ~3% market share. I guess we should just stop complaining when companies don’t support it, majority of people don’t care. Most people don’t care about privacy, they care about cheap and easy products, let’s stop complaining about Google and Meta tracking everyone. And obviously no one here represents any community. People just express their opinions.
You keep making the same point: majority/most people didn’t care so it’s ok. I get it. You have a different standard. If a corporation can get away with something because most people will still blindly buy it’s product it’s ok for them to do it. But for me what Apple did was wrong. Mini jack was not obsolete, significant (for me, I know not significant enough for you) number of people were still using it and their decision didn’t result in a better or cheaper product. It just made them more money while removing important feature for a lot of people (again, I know, not enough for you to care). And I simply try not to reward such behavior. Even you admitted they only did it for profit, not to deliver better product but you just don’t care. That’s fine, just don’t criticize people that do care. It costs as little to protest (by avoiding companies that do the same) and we’ll do it as long as we can.
OK, so a quoter of all music consumed everywhere is consumed on the phone but you still claim that people don’t use phones for music. I mean, if that’s your point of view then obviously you will say that nothing related to music on phones matters. If you ignore all the people that care about an issue you will conclude that no one cares. Even though obviolsy a lot of people still care…
Most people don’t even listen to music on their phone
Wow, that’s a bold statement. After a quick ddg:
There are some useful stats on ‘device share’ of music listening time in the IFPI’s report. Radios are still the most popular device, accounting for 29% of the time respondents spend listening to music. However, smartphones are just behind, with a 27% share of listening time – unchanged from the IFPI’s 2018 study.
Of course, smartphones are bigger for younger listeners: they account for 44% off the time 16-24 year-olds spend listening to music, according to the study.
So yeah, ‘most people don’t listen to music on their phones’ is only true in the sense that most people in the world don’t own a phone. Lots and lots of people actually do it. I think you’re looking at yourself and thinking that everyone is using a phone the same way you do. In reality people were used to just plugging their headphones into heir phone and now they can’t. New standard was pushed on them and the only reason was to make some extra money on AirPods. Are the phones without mini jack cheaper? No. Are the USB headphones better? No. So yeah, people will move on in the end but they are right to complain. If we don’t companies will just do it again.
Well, I think you’re simply wrong. I remember when PC makers stopped including floppy disk readers in the computers. Everyone just shrugged because no one was using them any more. Same happened when laptops and cars stopped including CD players. Same with many different ports and connectors. This is how it should be done: you introduce new, better standards, people switch and when it’s actually obsolete (no one is using it any more) you remove it. People were (and are) still using mini jacks and companies simply decided to force the new standard on people. That’s why people complain.
Oh, I agree. If it came down only to mini jack or no I would just get the phone and the dongle. The thing is, when I’m looking for a new phone, I check the price, if it’s LOS compatible, if it has pinhole camera, how long will it be supported and so on. When I’m down to couple of equally good options and some of them are ‘dongleless’ I will go with that. It’s a small issue but it’s not a non-issue.
You using obsolete technology doesn’t make it any less obsolete…
obsolete (adjective) No longer in use.
It does actually. The fact that I can go to literally any electronics store and choose from dozens of different 3.5mm jack headphones, the fact that my laptop, my PC, my BT headphones and my phone all bought within last 2 years have 3.5mm jack interface literally proves that it’s not obsolete, it’s still in use. I would say that in the near future it will slowly become niche (jack interfaces will be in use in musical instruments for a very long time. find a entry level electric instrument with BT please) but it’s definitely not obsolete. You’re making things up.
Yes, with time more and more people will buy USB-C headphones, it will become a standard and dropping jack will not be an issue but the problem is phones makers, following Apples stupid idea, started doing it first. One of phone’s functions is being a portable music player. Why start removing jack where they are used the most? I wouldn’t complain if my BT headphones used USB-C for wired play, they came with non-standard cables anyway. I use my PC with BT headphones (almost) exclusively, I wouldn’t care if it dropped the jack. People complain because with phones they are losing function they actually used, not some obsolete port no one was using any more.
the old audio jack standard is obsolete
Funny you say this because I’m using one as I write this. Why? Because simply plugging in my headphones into the phone is way faster then connecting ones using bluetooth, because I just have pair of small cheap headphones in my backpack and because I wanted to listen to music now. Yes, I have BT headphones but those are big (over the ear headphones with big case) so I left them at home. Yes, I could get spare, small BT headphones but those are way more expensive and I would have to remember to charge them. Also, if I forget to bring headphones to work desktop support can give me a pair… with 3.5mm jack. So I’m also avoiding phones without a jack and it’s not because I’m stubborn. It’s because every now and then I still find myself using it. The day I stop using it I will be ready to get a phone without it.
I think part of the issue here is because the output from LLMs looks like a human might have wrote it people tend to anthropomorphize the LLM. They ask it for its best recipe using the ingredients bleach, water and kumquat jam and then are shocked when it gives them a recipe for bleach kumquat sauce.
That’s the point I was making. In the end it’s just some statistics based text. I doesn’t have opinions and it doesn’t represent opinions of it’s creators. People don’t understand how it works so they think it ‘believes’ something or ‘thinks’. In the end it just a bug or they are using it wrong.
25 wpm 83%
I was using phones with hardware keyboards for way too long and never really learned to type on screen keyboards. Now I just hate them and use desktop communicators whenever I can.