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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: May 23, 2024


It’s fine, it just couldn’t live up to BioShock. If nothing else it helped destroy the trope of the useless sidekick character in video games so we owe it a debt.

Ah yes, Corpse Stomping Simulator 2008.

There was a way you could tell the living ones from the dead but I’ll be damned if I could tell you what it was exactly, I just developed a feeling after the first couple hours.

Bro he’s a sexist not a Nazi, take it down a notch.

Plus Kanye would have won because he convinced all the best game developers from the last ten years to collaborate and do his work for him.

Yeah but that’s cottage industry compared to what’s coming if this game has staying power.

I wonder what Disney is going to do when people start making Blender porn with their models.

They haven’t pissed off the Blizzard players yet.

There’s definitely an exception to be made for linking announcements, but my personal solution is simple:

Don’t follow the link

I tried to finish out a Trooper storyline I stopped basically at the finish line like five years later and couldn’t even figure out where to go so I just quit again.

tells the oligarchy they’ll pay to not be annoyed

acts surprised when not being annoyed becomes a subscription service

You’d think, but there’s actually a pretty big subgenre for fascists in space.

I was actually pretty upset that they set up this beautiful narrative and symbolic growing storm/kamikaze coming in to sink the Mongol fleet as you accept that you must dishonor your code to defeat the invaders and then didn’t fucking do that.

Like, okay, you are the kamikaze or whatever, but still. Duel in a lightning storm where?

It genuinely gets worse every year, which is impressive

The possibility that you’re actually a synth was a much better played twist, especially because it’s vague enough that the player can choose whether to believe it themselves or not.

G*mer moments used to be private affairs shared between strangers in a CoD lobby, like God intended, now these kids stream them, smh.

It always amuses me when a certain type of person hears “private company” and thinks that means “better than public”

Like the concentration of wealth makes it more moral or intelligent.

I mean, I do, to see what new mods are out.

Gun modding is an absolute shit show btw. Everyone tries to make their guns use the real or unique calibers and it’s kind of a massive pain.

AKSHUALLY my ancestors are carpetbaggers, SUCKER.

That aside “Dixie” isn’t really the same thing as the Confederacy, but there’s a lot to be said from the sociological angle about how cultures often develop in opposition to outside pressures. There isn’t a lot a Texan should have in common with someone from South Carolina after all.

It follows the Midwest BoS chapter, but in all fairness I can’t blame you for the confusion. Texas is big enough that even though it’s the only state to fight for slavery twice and as such is as Dixie as can be, parts of it are considered more properly Southwest and Midwest so there’s plenty of room for debate.

I do not, however, retract my statement on Yankees, as being uncharitable towards them is traditional.

If one more brainless Yankee can’t tell the difference between the South and the Midwest I’m going to do nothing because I expected no better

Oh, good. I was about to give in to weakness and spend money on Space Marine 2.

They’re pretty easy to counter in Rome 2, you just need to remember it’s necessary and not all-in on heavy infantry. Infantry skirmishers clap them right back to the steppes and there are good auxiliary cavalry options from the start available in Italy.

I definitely remember being frustrated when I first played it trying to chase them around with legionaries but the correct answer is don’t do that then.

Also because they were absurdly expensive for the civilizations that were using them. The loss of their chariots to Sea People invasions and the cost of replacing them is sometimes listed among the reasons for the Bronze Age collapse of the Hittites and the decline of Egypt despite their battlefield victories.

And a lot of porn games

All your bases are covered

The eternal conflict between being an indie dev and not wanting to be a shill :'(

The most obnoxious thing is that hoarding commodities is not capitalism, at least before it’s time to unload it on the rubes.

If games sucking was the same thing as games being unprofitable gaming would be in better shape.

I played the game and loved it and still don’t know what the hell this is.

The DLC I guess? Didn’t realize it had any tbh.

You might not like it, but that is the ideal male body.