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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2023


I’m not saying you are wrong but I do feel there is a huge part of this that I see a ton of people who share the same sentiment seems to always be over looked. What people don’t seem to address is the fact that these corpo monsters don’t thrive on feasting on your bank account, they thrive feasting off the mass compliance of consumers bending over and taking each and every butfucking these corpo vampires can throw at the consumer market.

I can’t imagine a better business model than having the ability to actively lower operating costs, forcing their workforce to produce worse and worse quality products or services for every subsequent generation of the product, passing all the shit onto a furious customer base who constantly expresses hate towards the corpo circus all while continuing to fucking purchase the shittier and shittier products like it’s some mating cycle, which further allows the corpo clowns to cut MORE costs by all but dismantling their customer support branches because they’ve realized customer satisfaction carries ZERO weight to give any sense of return on the investment they put into customer satisfaction or retention.

I dont mean for this to be any slight towards you, and I acknowledge the Lemmy community is prolly the strongest demographic out there who puts up a stand against the enshittiication movement. I’m just bitching to bitch because the biggest corpo holiday just concluded and fuck me did it put a dent in my wallet. Granted it did alnost all go to toy manufacturers cuz I’m still new at being an uncle and love spoiling the niece and nephew to fuck with my brother.

So tldr: fuck the enshittification movement right in its fucking fuck hole but it will never have a chance to die unless a massive amount of people decide to toss personal conveniences to the wind and start standing up for their greater qualiry of life’s sake.

I’m late to the thread but am I understanding this correctly? The issue is gaming on a Linux or non-windows pc, right? Also, the general sentiment in this chat room is to not buy the games requiring windows, right?

Are you all high or just idiots? What cinpany is going to give a flying fuck if 1% of their customer base stops buying. 100% of all Linux gamers would have to commit to even make the 1% dent. 🤣🤣🤣

Yo that shit is funny as fuck. The whole trailer plays like something out of Maic Quest.

One of the most unexpected games I fell in love with. So many unique approaches to rpg gameplay techniques really made it so refreshing to play. Can’t wait to see the what the sequal does to expand on them.

Those are some dramatic game summaries lol. Each one seemed like the person writing them had an action movie voice over playing in their head.

What in the fucking shit? I didn’t make it past the logo with that obnoxious song blasting. Is that the real trailer? I’m assuming I’m not the demographic this game was intended for.

I think you are confusing development with improvement updates and fixes. It was developed before it was released. Then everything after release are updates. It’s more than just the syntax that matters by this correction because I feel any studio still actively improving its product ten years down the road is commendable. I could be wrong, but from my understanding they aren’t adding any more revenue by improving the game at a very high cost it takes paying people to make every update for ten years either.

Idk. I’m the only nerd out of my family and friends and a bunch of them watched and loved the fallout show. Including my parents who are 60 years old and haven’t played an “idiot games,” what my mom calls video games, since Robotron lol.

Plus they made a fuckton on new fo4 purchases when show released for zero additional cost. Steam had a killer sale for all the fallout games when the show released. Seems like no brainer especially because you never know if a show will be a hit. Look at Witcher, it never really caught on to the larger market outside of its already existing fans.

Absolutely! Just lost all of mine so this is perfect timing!

What a stupid brand icon for super cell. Horrible font and horrible design. You shouldn’t have to soung out a brand icon image to figure out the brand name.

WRONG! Companies specializing in the luxury car industry are recession proof. No matter what the economy does, the tax brackets who can afford luxury cars aren’t affected enough to lose their ability to pre-order the next year’s Ferrari model every year. /s

3 steps:

  1. Install OG FO4.

  2. Then install the mod for downgrading the version of FO4 to the one compatible with FOLON. Does all the work for you.

  3. Lastly, install the FOLON mod.

This guide couldn’t be more straight forward and geared to first time modders. It only looks long because they’re counting every “click OK in the following dialog box” as a step.

FOLON installation guide for steam deck!

Not sure how the valve decks differ from steam decks but there are tons of tutorials i saw from a quick Google for how to get it on steam deck.

Can you mod games on your deck? I don’t even know what a steam deck actually is lol

No shit looks dope. Weapons they show look really cool.

Lol oh sweet summer child, the intrinsic value of any publicly traded company’s shares is unscathed by public opinion. Extrinsicly? Idk, maybe if your a meme stock like Tesla or Gamestop. For everything else, I promise there isn’t a single institutional investor or hedge fund manager who will even bat an eye at shit like this. CD Project would need to Kevin Spacy the LGBT game designers to move the needle and do it at a Deshawn Watson rape rate to actually catch any attention from their board members.

It’s so funny that you seem to equate quality indie game with a quality triple a game. I’m really good at golf when I’m playing against friends but put me up against someone making a living playing golf and I’m straight trash. Indie games that are good arent known as indie games, theyre known as the amazing start up that made the triple a sequel to the first game that put insert name of small gaming studio on the map.

Watch Bethesda miraculously over performs the unfathomable hype around next elder scrolls game. Puts out what is unanimously considered the perfect performing and engineered video game that all peoples of the internet love. Give it one week after creation kit is released for it and someone will have made a mod that injects all the old physics bugs/features into the perfect game and will be the #1 downloaded mod for the rest of its existence 🤣

I don’t want a fucking endless game I want a finished game for the price I pay at release that doesn’t require $3000 gpu to render the most obnoxiously detailed graphics of a game that has the fucking depth of mine sweeper.

Just started a molded fo4 playthrough because the whole series was like $20 on steam. My intentions before settling on fo4 was 100% to get rdr2 but nixed that when I saw it was still like $50-$60 on steam.

What I’ve learned from this thread is that bingo spot must be the FREE spot in the middle of every board lol

I just pre-ordered your next comment I enjoyed this one so much.

Well fuck me I bought 3 and 4 and all dlc for both for like $25. I’d be retarded not to lol.