My sensor is on the button that turns on the phone, and it’s on the right side where the thumb is placed anyway. You press it, phone turns on and you can enter the passkey, you slide your thumb over it, you unlock the phone directly.
I have it deactivated though. There’s no need to store my fingerprint anywhere to save 1.5 seconds.
Capcom is still in FY24. It ends March 2025.
It isn’t a single mod, someone stringed mods together in a particular way that makes it turn into a first person experience.
Mods needed are:
The mods used by Proxy Gate Tactician are Norbye’s Baldur’s Gate 3 Script Extender (Norbyte), Native Mod Loader (kassent), Native Camera Tweaks (Ersh), WASD Character Movement (Ch4nKyy), Remove Camera Move (Gycicada) and Choose Your Size (Guilty7), along with a couple of optional mods.
I think you’re true for Germany.
The first part of the law is pretty clear and seems to support my idea.
(3) Bildträger, die nicht oder mit “Keine Jugendfreigabe” nach § 14 Abs. 2 von der obersten Landesbehörde oder einer Organisation der freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle im Rahmen des Verfahrens nach § 14 Abs. 6 oder nach § 14 Abs. 7 vom Anbieter gekennzeichnet sind, dürfen
einem Kind oder einer jugendlichen Person nicht angeboten, überlassen oder sonst zugänglich gemacht werden,
It says that you’re not allowed to show or sell the material to children if it doesn’t have a label.
The 2nd part is worded more difficult
nicht im Einzelhandel außerhalb von Geschäftsräumen, in Kiosken oder anderen Verkaufsstellen, die Kunden nicht zu betreten pflegen, oder im Versandhandel angeboten oder überlassen werden.
It says it isn’t allowed to sell them outside of stores like corner shops, mail orders and otherwise POS that people don’t enter. This might include Steam online services, but it just says “enter” and not “physically enter” which might give leeway that an account with password might technically fulfil that requirement, but then you would be fighting before a judge about the definition of entering a store.
It’s complicated as usual and I can see why Steam doesn’t want to rock the boat and end up having to require passports for signing up, rather sooner than later.
We’re living in a “either 1 star or 5 stars” world. There’s no in between, and I fully understand that it can be frustrating and put immense pressure onto developers.
I don’t know the company behind this game, but I’m not giving them the 1 star review just because I assume every tiny company is bad as well as all the big companies.
What if there’s a boss that tries to protect his employees and sees the issue in extreme expectations?
Not saying it definitely is that way, but why assume the worst first?
Early access games are marketed as such, and it shouldn’t come with a suprise that it’s an unfinished game. Some do it better, some worse, but an early access title shouldn’t be treated with expectations that reflect a finished product.
I’m not a fan of most early access titles myself though, at least not early in development. I don’t want to help develop it, so I wait for an almost finished product.
Tactical Breach Wizards