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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


this is the one I have and it’s amazing.

lockdown protocol and astroneer is pretty solid

it’s like people who complain they paid for 1gb up/down, but only get 950mbps at of course some of it is lost in translation and data routing and hardware usage. every link between you and the end is going to reduce speed a bit.

your 250hp engine loses some where the wheels touch the asphalt too.

L4D2. simple and AMAZING arcade zombie shooter. will never be uninstalled from my computers and super cheap.

you could group multiple in W1. you could only build buildings adjacent to your road though, I remember making a road right to the enemy and putting the barracks in their camp lol

I NEED to order another nvme to install Linux and move on. still need to have windows for a few things but will be an afterthought.

wouldn’t it be ddr4? I think since 6th Gen Intel.

oh man, i stopped playing rust due to the toxic atmosphere, it’s disgusting. used to run a few servers and it turned into a shitshow. didn’t even know it was available on linux actually.

I can’t get into that game, but other people’s videos on YouTube are entertaining.

L4D2. built a new computer for that game specifically after loving L4D. super fun arcade shooter that will never be uninstalled from my computer.

I got the MIG switch card to play a single player game. they gave me a temp ban. switch is en route to get a mod chip now, fuck em. no more money for them from me.

and there are no manuals so you had to figure that shit out on your own. it was a whole different ball game when we figured out you could stick your pipe in the spokes of the motorcycle next to you

God damn I miss road rash, staying up all night flinging racers into the sky, crashing them into cars and just laughing all night with my brother.

5 already did so… maybe we’re halfway there? 10 more?

maybe you played vice City? that shit was amazing too.

coworker took a weeks vacation t when this came out to play it. came in with the map games used to come with and got it laminated lol.

was the most pirated game for at least a decade.

oh I wasn’t calling you little bro I was calling the steam deck a little bro

technically, the post didn’t as what letter they are categorized by

S technically

so many amazing games for Super Nintendo back in the day that literally started with “Super”

they own WeChat too, China’s biggest chat app, also used for bill payment and government tracking.

there are alternatives, but when you take shitty games (at least crippled games) and pack them into another client that also requires you to sign up, again, is it worth the effort? the games aren’t worth at that point in my opinion.

exact same. even gave away licenses that came with humble bundles.

no shit. a basic graphics overhaul and add mp features would bring in so much money and many fans. the fans of the og consoles are older and have money now, we yearn for simpler times and not being tethered to drm single player games and shitty cash grabs.

shit, id buy a remaster Mario 64 or GoldenEye in a heartbeat.

yeah, I did like the mods that added weight to ammo, pretty solid challenge with that since you can have 2000 rounds for each weapon.

my favorites were in the fallout series, if you were good, bad guys came, if you were bad, good guys came. nice random fights in new places.

even in BOTW the ninjas showed up periodically