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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Are they labeled as refurb? As long as they’re not being passed off as new, 100% can get behind this.

Yeah, it was a good deal on the monitors. Went from 22" to 27", redid my whole desk.

Yeah, I used to steal the physical CDs from Kmart back in the day. They’re old as hell.

I got the 3060, and returned it for the 3070. Upgraded from a 1070, a 10 year old card. But the 3060 performance wasn’t there, and for $100 more I stayed in the xx70 lane. Needed the 3070 for 1440p monitors, the 3060 was good at 1080p but choked on 1440p. Was worth the upgrade for me, was my Christmas present to myself after 10 years of my old equipment.

Mines fine also, ublock origin and a few other small plugins

No, but why argue with someone’s opinion over what games they like??

How is that related to his/her opinion at all? Are they not allowed to dislike something? You don’t have to agree, but wtf.

I don’t really care for japanese style games either, whether it’s rpg games like Chrono trigger, or sailor moon, or any final fantasy games. Are you going to shit on me too? Because I don’t like something that is popular? I just never got into them and other things interested me first. I do love secret of mana though.

So update names and jerseys and keep on rolling?

No you’re good. I never used the vsync before because I felt like it always made my movements too slow but now with a better graphics card and a better monitor it’s super smooth and accurate and I really like it

I upgraded from a 1070 and a 1080p basic monitor. I now have dual 1440p asus IPS monitors and the 3070, so huge upgrade, about a decades worth of technology

No idea, I don’t know what freesync is, I turned on vsync and it was super smooth, didn’t look past that.

I don’t game a lot, just wanted to play a few newer titles.

Maxed out, 60 fps. I like vsync when the card is good enough, so it’s locked there. Buttery smooth, I just suck and run out of ammo all the time lol

I’m loving doing eternal on my new 3070. But not from game pass though.

can’t play online without hacks unfortunately. sad state of affairs. but overall, game wasn’t bad except for the money grab with sharkbucks

this is the one I have and it’s amazing.

lockdown protocol and astroneer is pretty solid

it’s like people who complain they paid for 1gb up/down, but only get 950mbps at of course some of it is lost in translation and data routing and hardware usage. every link between you and the end is going to reduce speed a bit.

your 250hp engine loses some where the wheels touch the asphalt too.

L4D2. simple and AMAZING arcade zombie shooter. will never be uninstalled from my computers and super cheap.

you could group multiple in W1. you could only build buildings adjacent to your road though, I remember making a road right to the enemy and putting the barracks in their camp lol

I NEED to order another nvme to install Linux and move on. still need to have windows for a few things but will be an afterthought.

wouldn’t it be ddr4? I think since 6th Gen Intel.

oh man, i stopped playing rust due to the toxic atmosphere, it’s disgusting. used to run a few servers and it turned into a shitshow. didn’t even know it was available on linux actually.

I can’t get into that game, but other people’s videos on YouTube are entertaining.

L4D2. built a new computer for that game specifically after loving L4D. super fun arcade shooter that will never be uninstalled from my computer.

I got the MIG switch card to play a single player game. they gave me a temp ban. switch is en route to get a mod chip now, fuck em. no more money for them from me.

and there are no manuals so you had to figure that shit out on your own. it was a whole different ball game when we figured out you could stick your pipe in the spokes of the motorcycle next to you

God damn I miss road rash, staying up all night flinging racers into the sky, crashing them into cars and just laughing all night with my brother.