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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


So if I understand it correctly, DLSS uses some sort of ML to interpolate the extra frames. Isn’t that like the “smooth motion” options on TVs that let you get 240Hz from a 24fps movie?

That’s a bit disingenuous of a headline. They compared a prototype to an inservice production speed. As stated, other prototypes have exceeded 500km/h. Now if this goes into service it’ll hold the record there.

$50? So it was almost the price of another new game for what? A few more characters?

This is the sexism that we saw come out during the election. We thought the country was getting better but they were just quietly simmering but connecting online.

I said that with an American slanted focus but sadly it’s worldwide too.

you can’t really blame the manufacturers for this, either. They can’t reasonably continue maintaining software for their products for an indefinite period of time.

Shh, anytime I say this about Windows I get people coming out of the woodwork that say Windows 7 should be supported 15 years later.

Online is unplayable for the reasons posted but I’m more pissed they scuttled the single player DLC to focus on online instead.

So this looks more like an upscale than a remaster? I was hoping they’d use the RDR2 engine for it since a chunk of New Austin was there already.

Say anything nice about Windows, or hell, anything about Windows period and they’ll come out of the woodwork.

We don’t want them to win either. The comment was a glib remark that usually people who go in without a lawyer get the book thrown at them. If so, a perfectly plausible outcome is actually being sentenced to jail. If so, that could look very bad for Nintendo. It’s all just hypothetical extrapolation.

I played the original and it was such a trip that I bought Plus when it came out, but haven’t gotten around to playing it because I know the twist and it doesn’t hold the same.

Yeah no. You hit the “it’s just a joke bro!” phase. You meant things prior to getting called out and downvoted to hell.

“Wow, Nintendo, way to go, sentencing someone to hard time in prison for trying to enjoy your games in new and unique ways. Is this what you stand for?”

That’s one thing I do like about iOS, there’s a secrets manager API and you can use their default keychain, or a 3rd party app like bitwarden and they all interface the same.

I’d be good if it was a game set in the universe where you’re a bender but not one of the main cast. For example if you’re in the fire nation you’re in the military and may have run ins with them. Same with the other tribes. You could do unique situations for each element and not be tied to the main characters

I use a 4K TV that’s 43”, but I like to run games at 1440p native (I.e 1:1 pixels, no stretching) when I measured it out it was the same as a 27” monitor which I thought was perfect.

Maybe I’m missing something, but what does Steam care? All it is is another game they’ll get some additional revenue on. It’s not like they’re betting the farm on it.

“Family I like talking to”

“Family I deal with”

“Family I’m obligated to talk to”

And then let them fight out who renamed the group if they miss the notification.

I’ll be your friend (I have never played Terraria)

I’d say wait for Chapter 2 and then go have fun.

Glad I wasn’t the first one to suggest it. It’d be so much better if they finish it off and provide the missing gap to the original game.

Am I the only one who thinks those prices are still too high for 25+ year old titles? Don’t get me wrong, absolutely love the games, but this “discount” feels closer to what it should be.

Cloud was never supposed to be “cheap”. It has always been a utility based model where you pay for how much you use it. The problem is, way too many people used is as a 1:1 replacement without rearchitecting their workloads, so of course it’s gonna be more expensive.

  • Final Fantasy (torn between 6 and 12)
  • Deus Ex (probably Mankind Divided)
  • Forza Motorsport 4 (the non-Horizon, Xbox 360 version)

True, but don’t forget the K6-2 and how they screwed up the paths so when it heated up it’d short itself out. Coupled with the lack of a thermal regulator and you could turn an AMD into a pile of silicon.

Repost, like and reply are metrics that can be used to gauge how popular posts are, by removing that they can push whatever they want as “popular” with no real way of knowing. This is like Netflix Top 10 with no insight into the metrics.

We will update the Backstage Pass Cars list with all the remaining cars that have previously been Festival Playlist Exclusive

It’s most likely not automotive either given the above. However FM4 didn’t have any licensed music (that I remember) and that was due to the cars, I wish they’d bring FM4 back that was the peak.

We will update the Backstage Pass Cars list with all the remaining cars that have previously been Festival Playlist Exclusive

That’s nice that you’ll at least be able to finally get exclusive cars you may have missed.

Finally! The return of MvC2. I bought MvC3 when it came out and I was so disappointed. Not because of the smaller roster but because they reduced pretty much every player to the exact same move set. So it didn’t matter who you chose, it was always the same.

I still like the one suggestion I saw to combat that… “sure you can claim it as a loss on your taxes, but in return it must be released to the public domain for free”

Glad I didn’t have to scroll far to find this. That’s right where my mind went. Though if you think about it, it’s functionally no different than GPUs, upcoming NPUs, E-cores on chips or other ASICs.

Make fun of it all you want, but I really liked X-2 and the dress sphere concept