migrated to @[email protected]
Oh ya I use that as well, to turn Youtube results into Invidious, reddit into web.archive.org/save/, twitter into nitter, tiktok into proxitok, and AMP results into normal articles. It’s nice because, since I use kagi on my phone, it reaches where extensions don’t normally.
Totally valid. For me the killer feature is being able to change the weights for various sites, making it so websites with content that’s not useful to me or I don’t like don’t appear[1], pinning websites that I consider best-of-class for their relevant searches[2], and prioritizing websites I do like, but aren’t always the best answer[3].
They also have a “Lenses” feature that lets you make your own search lens (like I have one for Lemmy-only results), but I’ve not really had much use for those.
e.g. wikipedia, the ffxiv wiki ↩︎
e.g. opencritic, speedrun.com, cbc, w3schools, github ↩︎
For me the biggest thing was motion controls in the future Xbox controller. To me that means motion controls in XInput, and a standardized motion control library on PC that’s not reliant on Steam. Hopefully means multiplats will be more willing to implement them where they make sense, for people who like them.
Internet Archive’s been victim to anti-preservation efforts for years. They’ll deal with them likely the same way they always do, and are dealing with a lawsuit right now over The Great 78 Project.
Please use the Godot Development Fund so more of your contribution goes to Godot.
How does Unity track my installs?
All they’ll say is what amounts to “just trust us, it’s fiiiine”
X/Tweet/thing from Stephen Totilo
NEW - I got a major update from Unity about their new fees
- Unity “regrouped” and now says ONLY the initial installation of a game triggers a fee
- Demos mostly won’t trigger fees
- Devs not on the hook for Game Pass
Good. Free trial is continuing to be all but the 3 latest expansions, and is expanding with the next expac launch. It’d be nice if I could switch my account to limited-access so I can do free trial content on my main even if my sub lapses, though.
But them being driven by subscriptions has helped them keep the game focused on player enjoyment. I hope it never goes F2P q-q
For clickable links: [email protected] [email protected] ^^
I don’t think the content creators really left significantly, but the sentiment to users has certainly changed. This was never going to kill reddit, and was never gonna be a long term problem for them - for that the former mod and activist for r/jailbait was correct. But it creates negative user sentiment, which will make it easier to move people, or even make people just less excited to use the platform in the long term.
I don’t think this applies to just people who support the protest either. People who just wanted to see their content and got mad at mods for shutting down subs now have more negative sentiment to the moderators and the users who may or may not support the protests.
This is a W in my books, as I never liked corporate ownership of people having conversations, which is expressly Reddit’s sole product. Maybe a few hundred people will use the site less this week than last. Maybe an additional few hundred come the API changes, but the next controversy Reddit has will move more. And it’ll snowball, just like Twitter’s seen, and the content will change to reflect the worst who decide to stay and support reddit through it all.
This will go nowhere, however if it were to try to go somewhere, Mods would need to enter legally binding agreements to abide by union rules.
That meaning, if the union votes to private your stuff, to shut down scripts, etc, you can be held liable to some extent or another.
Right now, these protests are largely people pussyfooting, jumping in, and when the water gets a little hot, screaming “oh no” and hopping out. This cannot happen if you want to effectively collectively bargain. Scabs cannot be amongst those united. There can be no question on loyalties.
It’s not gonna happen, but it’d be hella interesting if it did.
I appreciate the apology ♥