Some benchmarks were leaked and thought you would be interested. Link.
Apparently full press embargo will be lifted on the 12th.
I did come across the competitive scene there about 2 years ago. Honestly I found it both fascinating and a bit disheartening. There was I happy with my occasional dad game where I was regularly beating the AI on one of the higher levels. Nope. Apparently still a noob after 25 years.
The speed and accuracy that they move and build at is astounding.
TL;DR I think most people are full of goodness.
In this instance that’s definitely the case that it’s shitty behaviour IMO but in general I still hold dear to my view that most people are good and it’s my default position on new people I meet, with some bad vibe exceptions, until proven otherwise.
It’s like the old Mr Rogers quote about looking for the helpers. I see (and try my best to also do and am so lucky to be married to someone the same) so much good in this world.
Oh you can have all the google apps with Lineage and your phone is in the “fully supported” list. You just install the gapps package during the install process. I’m in the same boat as yourself - fully tied into the googlesphere so wasn’t prepared to jump without it.
Not sure about your DAC AMP as tbh I don’t know anything about them but if you’re not sure you could do a backup, install Lineage with the google stuff, see if it works then revert if not. Total time I’d say would be 2 hours or so if you needed to revert (edit: plus reading time if this is your first time doing something like this).
Cheers. You too. :)