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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Considering how many games are released unbaked, its a great decision.

If a game is only released on Epic, it hasn’t been released yet. Its just in some weird alpha state until it has broader release.

I thought about writing a long ass response to this but fuck all of that.

I honestly am happy with where it is as a game after playing it since 1.0 and hope they keep making it better and better. I get why some people don’t think the sub is worth it and that’s entirely their value judgement to make. But there is loads of shit to do and it’s pretty happy if you come hang out then leave for some months and come back later for a good binge. And the community is still pretty awesome though there have been a few too many people trying to avoid assimilation. But resistance is futile. They will assimilate. And the game will keep going until they get tied of it and jike the whole shebang again.

You can accidentally hit it and use your your battery! :D

I don’t think LLMs and other models will ever go away I just want them to not be shoe horned into absolutely everything. They’re actively useful for certain analyses and tasks, they just aren’t a panacea.

I would be so happy if AI burst like the dotcom boom on steroids.

Not only is AI a new market but it’s the only market where someone with way less investment can leapfrog the shit out of you and that group can just release shit for free just to stab you in the dick after billions of investment. Open AI only has a hope if it can get massive state level contracts to fund it, likely by offering some type of surveillance service which they aren’t even specced for but models like these are great at. Just all round bad investment decision to buy into them unless you know what they’re planning.

I’m not sure I get the rationale of having accounts for a single player game even from a corporate suit perspective. They already have your email and other details about you what is the point of an account?

Sounds like it will have actual progression in gameplay and that is awesome. Inb4 it had the most hellish anti cheat possible.

A good move on their part. Gets some people back into kingdom hearts in time for folk to think about the next installment.

Brotato isn’t pay to win afaik. From round 1 you can beat the main track and follow up with an endless build.

Brotato is good and available on multiple platforms.

Weird to leave it in and not just cut it out with a flag on text to speech audio but at least they claim they will update it. I will definitely be waiting before buying.

Yeah agreed. I’m not spending that on something I genuinely don’t need lmao.

Why. No one I know is willing to spend money for something AI related. Is this corpo types thinking that small consumers are driven the same way they are? This is getting goofy

The luddites were right tho

If you’re gonna use a new technology to churn out cheaper goods. Great. If you’re going to charge me the same for these goods and keep all the profits while still mis treating labor, fuck that.

This is pretty much Glaze 2. It just intentionally poisons the data set with specific targets so model is more fucked. Originally it was just noise being put in and ultimately a image that had been glazed would just get tossed. With this, the image will actually fuck up the resulting model of there is enough poisoned data included.

Probably, I’m not an expert obviously.