My guess is that they knew it was going to be a shit game, but realized too deep in the development phase. So they just released it as soon as possible and didn’t waste more money on it (marketing). My guess is that the released it instead of cancel just in case they were wrong and people actually liked it.
I like that it is this easy to vote without eID, since eID is a pain in the ass.
But I fear how easy it is. Country+national ID number +name+surname? A lot of people have that information about me. It would not be hard to cheat if someone wanted to.
EDIT: corporations have that combination of data of all their employees, for example.
I don’t think they do actual games for kids anymore, they are money-traps most of the time.
I’d search instead for old console games and play them on an emulator on Android.
It might be very confusing for a child if she has never played on a console though, since no touchscreen support and having buttons on the screen instead.
Once you’ve played enough, the fact that it’s hard makes it better. I remember the first time I played dark souls, (dark souls III) I beat the 2nd boss months after the first try (i didn’t play continuously for those months obviously). I was just unable to beat it. I looked at the wiki for builds, for that specific boss starts and so on.
Once I beat it, though, I kinda knew how to play, and the fact that the bosses were hard made it better, since now I got a big dopamine hit after I finally killed them after tens of tries.
Now, most games I play I beat them on the first try. Not because I’m good, but because the games are easy. I watch other people play and they kill them first try too. I don’t get that same sense of “oh this is a boss, it’s gonna be hard but fun.” Instead I think “oh no, I was having fun oneshotting everyone and now here comes the bullet sponge”.
I thought you meant they send a code that never expires so you can recover your old account. What you are proposing is give everyone who didn’t migrate a code to redeem Minecraft?
That is even less viable. That’s basically giving everyone that didn’t migrate a full refund (+ extra because now Minecraft is cheaper so you can sell it for more). Which would also lead to a potential customer lost because they bought the “second hand” key.
Why would Microsoft do that. They’d be better off just paypaling every non-migrated account 20€.
They got sent a link before closing for good. That was their option to redeem. If they didn’t in all that time, it’s probably because they don’t want to keep their account.
Keeping legacy systems costs money, they have no reason to keep those codes valid for 30 years just in case someone decided they wanted to keep their account after 30 years.
They gave users more than enough time to migrate. 3 years is a lot of time. In most Democratic countries elections come up every 4 years, it’s almost a full election cycle.
There are some things you just can’t do without a guide/wiki. For example the achievements of “collect every weapon/ring”.
Also, the NPC quests are just undoable. There are basically no hints as to how to do them, and there are many ways to permanently lose the quest. Doing correctly a NPC quest going blind as an average player consists of plain luck.
My problem with strategy games is that they’re too hard to get into. I tried to play civ 5, but they are a thousand mechanics and the tutorials are very bad.
The difficulty setting in strategy games shouldn’t be “how smart is the AI?”, it should be “how many mechanics do you want to manage at the same time?”. That way you can start by playing on easy mode, then the next game on normal, then hard. Instead of that there are 10 difficulty levels and half of them are impossible, the other half you can beat by following the exact same strategy every time.
Pokemon is the highest earning franchise of all time. We do pay for it. Now, where are the Pokemon games? I don’t see them.
And by Pokemon game I don’t mean scarlet/violet/Arceus, those are prototypes that are lower quality than single-dev indie games.
Nintendo has more than enough money for developing games, everything else is greed.
Kids are constantly being made. While it might be your 15th CoD game, it’s someone else’s 1st