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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 01, 2024


Not just leaking data, outright installing rootkits.

Origins is enjoyable, Odyssey felt bloated and empty to me. Origins had little bits of story in every sidequest. I wasn’t rushing to get it over with.

Far Cry 2 through 4 specifically are the best of the series.

There’s a difference between “villainous bulldog” and “association with them may get you shot in parts of america” (Appalachia IIRC)

They have also had over a century to rename themselves and haven’t, which means they want the reputation the name has.

Nah, I figure Bethesda would need to move to a modern engine to take advantage.

Itd be real nice if they can kick Nvidia in the balls with this, Nvidia prices are batshit crazy for any level of GPU these days.

Lockdown Protocol looks fun from what I’ve seen of it. Social deduction game, first person with knives and guns (with limited ammo)

Goose Goose Duck (Amogus but better, all roles are unique)

There was definitely more exploration but all the “dungeons” were just cookie cutter copy/paste sections from what I remember, Origins at least had some unique puzzles

I enjoyed Origins, Odyssey just felt so… empty. I couldn’t bring myself to do the post-game content I was so bored with it. I got to the Medusa and just… stopped. Have no desire to go back to it.

Ooh, SSX, that’s a game I haven’t thought about in a while. I had a lot of fun playing SSX tricky and the reboot

I wonder if this has any implications for Nintendo? Doubt Microsoft really cares, they’re going all-in on PC gaming (or at least cross platform with Xbox and PC) and modding is kinda part of that territory

Nah, Escort Missions are way worse than Ice. They’re always so janky too

Copyright is long past the point where lawyers and lawmakers need a good swift kick in the head as a reality check for thinking any of this is acceptable or deserving of merit.

I don’t think I’ve really enjoyed a single Ubisoft title released later than watchdogs 2 or AC Origins. They’re just such utter slogs to get through, and every enemy is so spongy for no good reason. Origins at least had an enjoyable story to go along.

There’s just no replay value. Far Cry 5 was too railroad-y. Watchdogs Legion just… sucked.

Having never played these games, dude on the cover looks like they fused Trevor and Michael from GTA V

3d printing != paper printing. It’s largely hobbyist ran technology, and almost entirely open source. You’re not going to get tracking dots or currency replication prevention into open source software.

Legion was such a disappointment… I still regularly go back and play WD1 just because it has a great vibe.

FC2 was fucking awesome, loved that shit. Actual challenging and smart NPC enemies, not wave upon wave of stupid bullet sponges. You had to actually think about how to approach areas and combat.

I enjoyed 6, it was an improvement story wise compared to 5 (which was a railroad slog. Kill in a region till you get kidnapped, 3rd time, you can kill a mini boss as a treat!)

Hmmm… I have been eyeing a 5950x to upgrade from my 3800x (to turn this rig into a home server, full new gaming rig later).

And that they completely dumped their PC gaming division(?) SOE a decade ago, and expect people to pretend this is their first go around PC gaming and give them slack for it.

Pretty much why “it runs doom” got boring. It turned into “we hooked up a computer to this weird proprietary screen to display Doom” rather than “this weird computer hardware runs Doom”.

Not a fan of yachts but it beats the usual rich person hobbies of “buy a politician” or “fund a cult/hate-group”

(okay maybe gamers count as a cult, now that I’m thinking about it)

Valve has been dealing with frivolous lawsuits for stuff like this for a while now, Epic Games just made it very public. I’d put it on par with copyright trolls.

They deliberately DROPPED linux support for rocket league when they bought it. Like, immediately. It’s just a hate-on for Linux.

Can any console even run actual 4K yet? Not just upscaled 1440p at reduced framerate?

Hah! Get baited, now I feel younger /s

I miss fun stuff like showing off cheatcodes to friends in couch games. And couch games in general. And friends. ☹️