No reason has actually been given as to why. Most likely, this is coming from Netflix, who actually acquired Night School Studio back in 2021. Probably as they’re trying to pull in more people to play games under their umbrella directly on Netflix.
It’s sad that digital subscription services reserve the right to remove your subscription. If you are in EU, consider signing the Stop Killing Games Petition
So if they watermark, then this may become an issue. If you buy a game over steam for the purpose of leaking, steam or some payment provider knows your bank account. From that you can be traced down.
So to hide, a cracker would need to have a fake bank account, or live somewhere lawless like in Russia.
Interesting. Yeah my comment was just a shitpost. But what you are saying makes it seem completely nonsensical what AMD is doing.
But then maybe they just want to push faster video cards, and freesync is something that people care about. Then they can still sell better cards to those people that don’t know that freesync is less useful at higher refresh rates.
How do you circumvent this problem:
Let me point out a more positive view of this program: fairphone may want to bind customers to them. They now sell more than just phones, including headphones and earbuds. Customers can choose freely which brand they want for each of these. But if there is an advantage in buying them all from fairphone and not from some less sustainable brand, that creates a positive impact on society.
But your points stand. I believe that as a startup, it is simple to keep up noble goals. As an established company, that gets harder over time. So far, I have my trust in this brand to provide fairer electronics than the rest. And not every company must necessarily lose their ideals during growth. But they are a company after all, and are subject to the same forces as all other companies.
I’m sure it was not. With specially prepared USB hardware you can read out main memory without any protection, and thus get around DRM. So they surely wanted to counter that.