Some nerd that likes open-source

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Hopefully in a year years Linux gets more support and becomes a viable alternative

Edit: for me it is and I’ve been using Linux for years, but some people need certain software

Haha felt that. I jumped from distro to distro constantly then finally settled in fedora after trying it a 2nd time

I feel this. They already released the new OLED model. If/when they make a 2nd deck I’d want it so be a noticable upgrade

Just use matrix. Revolt is just giving your data to someone else for no reason. Like you could technically self host it but it’s not federated like matrix

Personally I don’t trust it. Don’t really have any reason not to but it just feels eh to me. Just use matrix

No clearly not but we’re talked about the latest console from Microsoft. Not saying it’s insanely powerful but it sure as shit ain’t weak or outdated hardware

I completely understand it. Publishers want pretty graphics at all cost and give 0 time for developers to optimize it

Saying it’s “state of the art” isn’t an excuse for poor optimization. Developers have been able to pump out 60fps on way worse hardware and still make it look good. We have more powerful hardware now but worse software. In the past 8 years alone new optimization techniques have been found but no one uses them

Not surprising. We went 6+ years without any good games. It’s looking up though. I haven’t bought helldivers yet but it looks really good. I just need to upgrade my PC

Yeah windows 11 had no reason to come out when it did. It’d make more sense to come out now or next year. I think they did it to try to capitalize on all the people buying new PCs when working from home during COVID

I want a Titanfall battlefield game. Image huge maps and destruction with titans and wall running and shit. Plus they could fill the lobby with bots and no one would care because that’s how Titanfall is set up to be played.

I didn’t even know they had a free teir. I could a been playing Fortnite this whole time

For a while it’s just been a kingdom hearts machine because I hate fucking chibis and so many 3DS games are chibis except kingdom hearts. I’ve started playing Xenoblade now and soon I’m gonna try to get into monster hunter. I already have 4-5 hours into monster hunter 4 but still have 0 idea what I’m doing

Not really emulation but my vita and 3ds are still so fun to this day. Both consoles, especially the vita, had so much more potential

Idk why but my brain automatically filled it to “porn me off” why did they censor piss?

Same with Battlebit, that’s $15.

It’s annoying seeing people buy the same copy paste games from AAA companies then complain that games aren’t good anymore. Like no shit, you just preordered it without even looking at a review

But that’s what emulators are for. I’d agree completely with remasters if they weren’t usually shit

Nah I thought hype was like being excited for something to be. As far as I know most people weren’t excited for it before it released

In my opinion that’s really surprisingm PlayStation is probably the one console left that’s able to sell units because of their exclusives. Nintendo usually has that title but every console they make is able to be emulated within a year

All my friends and I never heard of this game until it came to early access. We weren’t hyped at all more surprised. Plus I want to play it before Nintendo tries to sue. I know they have no right to but it’s Nintendo, they’ll probably try

I think that’s a good idea. There are so many games coming out all the time and if they spend more resources on a single game it’ll be better. Right?

About fucking time. I started playing battlefield for the destruction and 2042 had less destruction than bad company 2

It’s definitely something I can see Nintendo doing. I hate that company so much but I hate that I love a lot of their games. Until they get their stuck out of their ass though I’m going to continue to pirate all their games and help hack all my friends consoles so they get them for free as well

Been playing the shit out of battlebit. Just bought it for my friend as well and we played til 5AM last night

Haha honestly same. I’ve only ever played GTA Liberty City and 5 tho

Online play is premium? I know this generation does have backwards compatibility but what about the next one? Your used games won’t work when you do decide to upgrade.

Plus the online if you’d want to do that. PS5 is crazy. My cousin is on his 5th $70 controller because they keep getting stick drift. I honestly don’t know why he still plays console

Consoles are for the rich and my mind can’t be changed about that.

After all these years I found a ps3 getting thrown away so I picked it up and asked my cousin for a controller and it’s really fun and convenient for gaming but damn back then I could never afford it. Now it’s worse. You have to pay for online, games are more expensive, controllers are more expensive, and it’s way more locked down. I remember my cousin and I were trying to watching a YouTube video and we couldn’t because sony servers were down and you had to be logged in to watch a YouTube video.

Ah Yes $500 plus $70 a year plus a library that won’t work on the new one in a couple years plus more expensive periferals is definitely much cheaper than a used PC