Maybe look out for single player games?
Diablo-likes are not good, when the design team thinks about retention and game time instead of accessibilty.
Stuff like Van Hellsing, Victor Vran and other AA release are not about the grind.
Insteaf of 120 hours of PoE you can have 30-40hrs of 3 to 4 different diablo-likes a d I will tell you the difference is greater then within PoE.
Isnt Icefrog one of the lead devs? I guess he likes this style of game. How many Total Wars, 4x and CoDs were released while Valve made one more Dota-like. Valve has some cool people working, vut O don’t see a Suda51, a Raphael, Swery or Co, who has the focus to develope such a single player experience. If the flat structure with ‘at will’ project focus is still a thing, than sp games have probably a problem getting devs.
I feel like people dont understand, that the RT part in rts will always be the important part.
If you free up macro work, people will micro harder. WC3 got rid of most of the macro demand of SC and in consequence you will lose if you dont micro your units ik battle.
SC1 had build pipe lines and it wad still better to issue commands seperatley, because the player is more flexible.
A strategy is worthless if it csn be executed and the limits of execution create strategy.
Extraordinary pathing and all-select created the a-click deathball, that is one of the most boring ways to see, play and lose to.
RTS always requires micro - it’s real time. If micro is not required, strategy is not requires in an RTS.