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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Not one mention of WoW anywhere in this article or this thread, I find that at least somewhat surprising!

Not sure why you’re down voted, because it’s not FOSS? But SketchUp is what I used when I designed my studio and it worked fine (and free). Learning the CAD options listed above is gonna be way harder. Otherwise, there’s always blender but same thing with the learning curve.

The base game and the extension once a year + the sub were the ticket. Pricy, but when you consider how many hours the typical player spends in game it’s not that crazy.

WoW was my answer, there’s tons of taverns and you can buy alcohol and it makes your character tipsy, doesn’t walk straight anymore and the vision gets blurry. I’m pretty sure most of these RPG style games have things like that.

I play pinball deluxe on my phone instead, tried to get some simulators running but gave up and this game is good enough. My brother and his friend are super into it, one has two real tables and the other has a fake, full size table with a TV inside that plays emulators. Good stuff.

Any recommendations for other media set in post-war Japan?

I guess we could use the term “swappable” here as a distinction.

Damn I’ve stopped buying vinyl for a while already and only get them as gift but this one is really tempting…

Is it good solo? I don’t have a lot of time for games but this looks like it might be able to scratch my (MMO)RPG itch a bit without being too much of a time sink.

I had such a great, if brief, time in sea of thieves. It fell out because the main reason I enjoyed it was the team aspect and our friends stopped playing it, but damn if it didn’t give that immersive vibe for a little while, kind of like when I first played WoW.

I entirely thought that this thread was going to be about the plane.

I beat you to it, but not by much ;p

Doesn’t look like anyone listed the Ori soundtracks by Gareth Coker yet, they’re amazing. Also can’t go wrong with WoW if you’re looking for more classic fantasy style.

I guess if it’s a situation where multiple enemies are in sight everyone would focus on the cybertruck so you’d be even more targeted than normal (I have no idea how to play Fortnite).

Not sure if it fits your criteria but the only mobile game I play is pinball deluxe. If you like real pinball, then you’ll love it, it tries to stay as true to real pinball as possible on some/most tables, it does have small transaction stuff you can buy but I still haven’t bought any including all the additional tables etc after playing it 6 months + and if you did, then it’s just an 8€ one time buy to get all the content and remove the ads, I’m gonna get that once I actually get bored of the “free” tables.

Does Germany ever “shine”? I was under the impression they tend to be solid and impenetrable, with some classically constructed tactics for scoring, but not fancy like Spain etc (I’m a noob).

While pro has been misused a lot, I feel like it still has it’s original meaning at least with people, if not in marketing. That is, that if you’re a pro, you’re earning money doing the thing.

As stupid as the apple glasses are, the gesture function sure seems like it would work well with something like this.

Can’t wait for when I’ll be in a retirement home grinding WoW all day (yes, WoW will still be around).

Right I was mostly referring to the whole “the game is your job and you pay to do it” aspect.

I’ve finally cancelled my game pass (and my WoW sub but that’s because I don’t have time). I’ll be putting the monthly savings towards buying games I actually want to play, starting with Portal.

Yep my wife likes these games so I usually get it for her but only 6 month/a year later when there’s good sales. Personally I lost interest after Odyssey (which I loved), I’m just waiting for one set in Japan!

To play devil’s advocate last decade could mean the rolling decade e.g. 2014-2024.

I’m sure the studios will get around to it and then we’ll get a million sequels. Maybe the estate owning the rights is not keen on authorizing works.

That’s it, I never played Nintendo games because I never had their hardware. For me personally it’s just not worth getting into their closed ecosystem. Basically same reason I never had anything apple.

Some streamers are pretty good, I’ll go through phases where I put some on in the background once in a while. They’re rare though the vast majority I also don’t understand.

I literally only played this afternoon and got my main from 35 to 59, for an old player like me that’s insane, on classic I played countless hours and never managed to catch up to max level. Not gonna lie, it’s working, I’m excited for end game and it feels like this might be an actual return. Haven’t tried the new dragon mounts I guess that’s something for when I hit 70. I’m definitely buying the war within now with the included dragon flight X-Pac (so far I only restarted the sub). I don’t know if it would work since I’m on EU servers but if you want to play soon, I’m down!

First impressions are good, I’m SHOCKED by all the quality of life stuff, and the levelling is soooo fast! Feels great but definitely a bit confusing, I quit in warlords so a lot has changed.

I did play a bit of classic during the break, I’m giving retail an honest go now. I did hear good things about the current X-Pac but also saw the blizzcon extracts and seems they are starting to cater more to folks like me who might not be able to play all the time. I’m also harbouring some hope they bring a port to Xbox after the Microsoft acquisition which would be great for me to be able to put more time in.

I’ve just renewed my WoW subscription after many years away, wish me luck.

Did you also watch Tom’s latest video? Only the first half or so is about vaping before it goes into bigger context. https://youtu.be/XuTQbOo3Y30?si=M2CqXlX6tiGmAkJ4