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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Even huge companies like Google have encountered roadblocks trying to expand broadband services because of regulations.

PC launchers though is one that can be started even by you on Windows or Linux with the difficulty being getting customers as opposed to whether you are even allowed to make a launcher in the first place.

Companies still fear piracy so DRM isn’t going anywhere, and companies are still reluctant to release games on PC.

Hate of monopolies is one I have when a company uses their position to make products worse than it was before like Sony and Nintendo moving to charging for multiplayer. And it’s a monopoly on a platform they don’t control. There’s no regulatory body preventing launchers from popping up like broadband expansion being blocked by government lobbying like traditional monopolies.

When steam shifts in bad direction I’ll complain too. For now I haven’t found reason to complain about Steam. I like the product Steam offers simple as that. I don’t care about the personalities of the CEO or how much money it makes. It’s not some checkmark of X is Y so must hate.

Isn’t that what sale is with it being sporadic? Retail price is for people who can’t wait for sales and need it now.

Not sure how retail price would be used. Permanent price drops are rare for pretty every purchasable good out there beyond digital games with companies saying something is X% off leading to more purchasing with consumers thinking they are getting a deal.

Publishers I believe are also the ones with power to fill the market with Steam keys to then have it priced however they want and including them in bundles that are sometimes less than the price of just the game alone during a sale. Some publishers opt to not make steam keys available at all.

As consumer it’s just unusual to see accusations of price fixing, since I can so easily get steam keys for cheaper. And only times I usually go buy direct from Steam these days is if a company doesn’t offer steam keys, so the only way to buy a steam copy is through steam. And prices for games feel like they’ve been so cheap that it’s the one thing I have no complaints about.

I enjoyed the first game. Didn’t really like the other entries, but the first once did a great job with the soundtrack and a vibe that made things feel nostalgic.

Games like Risk of Rain Returns is selling cheaper than it’s ever been on Steam. I use isthereanydeals often to check current and historical pricing before buying a game.


Feel like that is never actually enforced with my frequent use of isthereanydeals to check current and historical pricing before buying a game.


I wonder what would be said if isthereanydeals is pulled up as evidence, and shows games listed cheaper than steam on other stores. Pretty much reason a majority of my Steam games have been bought outside of the Steam stores, since I’m able to consistently get the games cheaper with better earlier discounts.

Is it listed retail price that is being talked about as opposed to sale price?

Yeah, from my experience anything marked playable has been pretty flawless. Found I actually enjoyed the PS3 games more than I did the PS4 ones reminding me of why it is my favorite Sony console.

This awesome. I actually do have a copy of the PS3 copy of the Jak and Daxter collection, but I’m too lazy to hook up my PS3.

I’ve never watched game awards. I don’t even know if there is even a main one. Watches speeches is boring which is why I don’t watch award shows in general.

Only goty I care about is the goty edition where the game releases with all the DLCs bundled at a discount.

It won’t be released on PC for many more years because the double dipping strategy has worked for the past three Rockstar titles.

I have no trust in Bioware with last game of theirs I bothered to get being Mass Effect 3, and being highly skeptical of Andromeda even before the memes over the launch bugs.

It doesn’t. But, doesn’t excuse parental responsibility either, since they are the one with the final deciding factor. Especially over monetary access.

They are the one that controls finances in the household and what their kids own.

They’ll probably think we didn’t have enough DLCs and microtransactions to make people happy, and out DRM needs to be more intrusive to improve our sales.

We vote with our wallets. It’s the huge majority of the mainstream audience that also voted with their wallet by buying that makes out opinions irrelevant.

The people who care enough to complain are also largely the ones who keep buying it, so they train companies to realize that complaining is something that can be ignored because it’s all bark and no bite.

Short attention span leading to doing gaming in short bursts. Sometimes I lose interest in games for months and get more into the mood to watch TV shows and movies. Then lose interest in that and move to reading then lose interest in that and going back to gaming. Rinse and repeat. Has helped me avoid the whole not having fun with games anymore threads that I’d see a lot, since my focus just naturally shifts back and forth to keep things feeling fresh.

Control ended up being given away through Amazon gaming and Epic, so even if it never comes to Steam if willing to wait it might be attainable legally without paying. I haven’t played the Dead Space or Resident Evil 4 Remake yet so got lot of other games ahead of it that are cheaper than the $60 asking price and hardware requirements.

Yeah, love mods. Especially for rhythm games for custom tracks.

Yep, had the PS3 and PS4 alongside the PC, but just prefer waiting for a PC port whenever it comes out this generation. Particularly because gaming caliber PC is something I’ll have regardless, so don’t feel like spending any extra on hardware anymore for just exclusives.

One of the good things about this being an epic exclusive is that I won’t get it for many years, so all these current hardware talks probably won’t matter if I ever get my hands on it years later through an epic giveaway.

Why would a company want to risk putting money into a game so niche it needs $100 per unit over a game that can make more money despite being priced $60. And you know… Just price it $100.

Most companies needing $100 per unit for a game to be profitable aren’t going to bother approving that type of game to begin with over a game that can be priced $100 and have much broader mainstream appeal.

Game would $100 but the same as they are now. Could be $200 and it’d be the same as they are now and still have mtx, since why would a company leave the option to get more money. Few companies operate with the approach of this is enough money we are content.

And games have only gotten worse if you are looking at triple a titles the same way someone might say movies have gotten worse because they think high budget super hero movies are the only ones that exist.

If the market could sustain $100 it would be, but barrier to making and releasing games has never been lower. So consumers would just move to alternative games that are cheaper or old titles they haven’t gotten around to. And worst of all to these comlanies the top sellers aren’t always these high budget titles, but some indie title that’s not even 3d. Then there’s game pass people would just turn to if game prices went up moving more people to subscription.

More resources are put in because there is an incredible amount of money to make with the game industry being bigger than movies and music combined. It’s no longer a niche upcoming industry but mainstream. And companies put in those resources because the market is that much bigger with more potential return on investment.

I’m happy they didn’t go for unity or unreal. Recent events showed just how unsafe it can be, and how having self reliance is a valuable asset.

I don’t want a curated store though and would rather have people be able to release games, and let users decide if it is something they want or not. I can access reviews myself and don’t need companies deciding what game is or isn’t worthy of being available. And users is who I trust more anyways, which is why for so long search term + reddit is what I’ve relied on.

Yeah, had Valve tried to push Linux again without trying to make it accessible for the average user it would have flopped like the Steam machine. Or at the very least users would have tossed Linux for Windows. Accessibility is very important, and technical users should not be looked to as guides on what is acceptable for the masses.

Yet, ease of access is what appeals to the average consumer which leads to preferring steam for Linux for the same reason people get hardware restricted consoles. If a company wants to appeal and expand their market making themselves more accessible is how they do it. Otherwise alternative is to be an overlooked option.

Doesn’t explain all the other games sold for cheaper than steam when you take a look at isthereanydeals. Or the bundles fanatical offers with no charity involved.

Like Walmart coming into a town to compete with the stores already there and then putting them out of business? Then moving onto the next town to compete again?

Waiting years has been my new normal for games because I’m cheap, and it helps save on hardware costs too due to pushing back the time frame for when I start needing a more powerful system to play them. It’s a win win.

WTF? These old games are cheap enough that I don’t see the allure of the tiny library of this subscription service.

I do same. Don’t got any accounts logged in either on it and just runs f-droid apps and Aurora store. It’s reason I value physical Sims since it makes it easy to swap when I need to without having to sign in to anything, since it’s my accountless phone that if I lost has nothing of importance in it.

One thing that has made me reluctant to purchase apps is finding some of them delisted in my own account down the road
There's been games that I can no longer download. Apps that are as if they never existed with it not even showing up in purchase history if it weren't for old email receipts. It's pushed me more towards Foss when it is an option. I wish Android would do better in that department. How does iOS handle old apps it delists. Is it still downloadable for the user who bought it at least?