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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


The single player is pretty good. You can also mod the single player to launch you into a separate online mode that doesn’t interact with R* servers. I don’t think there’s a way to sample GTA:O without signing in to the actual online mode. But like 99% of Twitch streamers for the game are playing a modded singleplayer version that lets them connect to roleplay servers

It is actually the best 1080p DX11 card ever made. And lots of people who bought it are still using it. Nvidia is doing everything they can to entice people to upgrade annually or to at least pay through the nose for the barest future proofing.

Yeah the only progression is in terms of gear really. There are some skills you can buy but they don’t seem to matter as much as a good weapon or shield.

I played Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey starting with a NG+ save I downloaded. Had a blast. Plenty of games are fun without shoehorning in a leveling system. In tabletop systems there’s a different context too, usually when you pick a feat or spell it’s in response to a difficulty you faced, whereas in games it’s just grabbing perks.

Literally all they have to do is beat nvidia by one GB of VRAM on any card and people will go nuts. Nvidia is so afraid of making another 1080ti that even their 4090 gets like 2 less frames in Fortnite at 1080p.

Shit I loved Divinity Original Sin and the sequel, but even I don’t think Larian could match or exceed BG3

Outward is definitely not for everyone, but it felt to me like playing Morrowind for the first time. Not in the dialogue or character writing but in terms of looking at a weird thing on the horizon and asking myself ‘WTF IS THAT’.

There was a green mount similar to this one they added in BFA for a large sum of gold. But they claimed to dislike how it encouraged so many people to play the market and removed it.

As someone who played each demo version, I was really expecting a different pace in the final game. I was surprised to find that the release version was just as feast-or-famine. Most runs only get a few extra cards or extra stamps unless you get jokers that seriously accelerate the rate. I was expecting the game to have more of an RPG curve to it where I would have more time to shift toward a suit and preferred card quantity.

When they first released their keyboards the equivalent to iCue was fine. Now it’s actually adversarial.

The UI is definitely easier to navigate. But the game is still about timing wars and angling to get heirs on thrones, and the game still does not do a great job of shouting out nearby wars.

And rulers get free navies now so Ireland is actually kind of dangerous. I recommend new players start in modern Norway

I never had egregious visual bugs like Skyrim’s dragons flying in reverse. But when I first launched New Vegas the doc waking you up from your coma had a glitch where his head would gently rotate like a clock hand while his mouth flapped. If his mouth stopped flapping his head stopped pivoting on the top of his neck.

I honestly thought it was intentional until his cheek went inside his shoulder.

I love it. Low poly and horror really belong together in my mind. Probably for similar reasons as your own

It was my first Rated M game and it set the bar impossibly high

And for me it’s not even a principled issue. I just hate using their store. I’m not saying they need parity with the weird social media aspects of Steam (though I have come around to dropping comments on friends’ achievement notifications on the library page). But let me see reviews and let me refund and some other basic stuff I’m forgetting.

I made a comment referencing how bad DayZ early access was and the reply has me considering reinstalling. I remember zombies flat out ignoring walls though.

Capitalism is bad not because “grow or die” is ridiculous, it’s bad because it’s true.

Could you imagine if that were true? Waggle to move toward the nearest enemy, swish to retreat. After all the enemies are dead waggle to move toward left exit, swish to move to right exit.

One thing I appreciate between BG3 and their Original Sin series is that the latter games felt like turn based Splatoon whereas the former has much less surface spam barrelmancy (though it is still present)

The triumph of modern marketing. The company is my friend and the product is my child.

If that was possible we wouldn’t have public education, we’d just sleep for the first 20-30 years of our lives so we could work weeks long shifts at McD’s.

That’s fine. Poker is just a theme. And it’s got a guide for poker hands, but after a couple trips to the item shop you can usually throw everything about poker out the window.

My neighborhood was just poor enough that basically no kid had a PS memory card. They were all jealous of my n64’s ability to save on the cartridges. When the PS2 and GameCube rolled around we just left the machines on all day again

Let me gift games, let me wishlist games to receive gifts. There’s lots of other features I would also like but if other stores had that I’d be much more inclined to use the other stores.

One thing I loved about Elite was the collection of mini games. Navigating through the space station to your landing pad, finding a suitable patch of surface to touchdown on a planet, having to fight or yield to a supercruise interdiction, they all came together to make Elite feel like a driving game where your vehicle happens to be a spaceship.

In No Man’s Sky landing and takeoff are achieved with a singular button press. And the ship combat is there to check a box. The game is mostly about taking pics of flora and fauna and digging trenches in planets for minerals.

The sort of alternate universe I yearned for once upon a time was Zelda continuing to be about time gimmicks. OoT had two points in a timeline, MM had the groundhog’s labor day weekend, and there was oracle of ages/seasons by Capcom. I guess there’s only so many ways to spin it though.

I really enjoyed the writing of the side characters in the N64 games. Sure most only had two maybe three things to say outside a side quest but they all had a nugget of commentary on the human condition.

Yeah I was surprised at how completely playable Moonlight was at a friend’s house, we live an hour apart on the interstate and we both have coax Internet with its anemic upload speeds. I was playing Tears of the Kingdom without issue. I don’t even bring my desktop for LAN parties anymore I just stream my game

It’s amazing that Newgrounds is essentially as strong as it ever was. Sure it’s small time now but the activity level is still about the same

I loved getting my Assist medals in BF3 for consistently being just a bit slower than my opponent and dropping them down to 5% health. I am keeping the tradition alive in Finals

Brand recognition is cool and all but the rest of the world wants numbers or entirely new names, cmon N**ntendo.

It’s a common issue with lots of team play games. The other player decided that it was better to have two people operating separate mortars than to have one of them provide small arms cover on the flanks of the tank.

Helldivers 2 has a similar problem where some players can help other players reload their larger weapons at a much faster rate than typically; however the player base decided that it’s better to fan out and each operate the weapon solo because shots do not need to be made so rapidly and clumping together increases the odds both players die.

No the laser cannon is supposed to be an lmg that you don’t need to reload. It only got its buff because people were confused about a weapon with ‘cannon’ in the name, that you have to rest on your shoulder, getting completely blocked by armor. But initially the lascan was completely in line with other laser weapons.

Even the orbital laser weapon only kills chargers and bile titans by reapplying the fire DoT unless you strip top armor first. And the scythe primary weapon is a complete waste of everyone’s time since it is eclipsed by any DMR.

That’s what they mean though. Weakspots multiply the damage received. Their only lever without redesigning the way weakspots function is to drop base damage.

The Arc Thrower for example ignores armor but does relatively low damage, however sometimes it will oneshot a beefier enemy when the arc hits a weakspot. Even with the flamethrower it is better to hit the charger’s armored leg because that is a weakspot on that enemy.