If im reading it correctly only the sharing is prohibited not the preservation.
I can live with that and fight again another day. As long as they still exist in an archive they will see the legal light of day someday(im being optimistic)
The high seas will take care of retro gamers who want to play them im sure, as Gaben says piracy is a service issue.
You arent wrong and they have every right to use emulation themselves as the legal owners of their products.
The hypocrisy, as i see it, is that they have in the past painted emulation as bad. Fullstop. So for them to have had that opinion, then use it themselves is where they come into being called out for it. Hence the rules for thee but not for me phrase.
And its not a perfect fit which is why i said “more of a” if that helps explain how i intended to mean it
The inconsitency is in their past words vs actions especially where going after emulators is concerned.
Thats all i was getting at hope that helps
people like myself never see it
Totally wrong my guy. I do see what you mean, but im claiming to be an exception to the case you have laid out.
Their actions are more important than their words which is why i made my point. Im well aware of nintendos history with going after emulation. They almost rival the mouse
For the record im not defending Nintendo here, i just apprciate honesty and accuracy. Otherwise its just slander and misinformation which we have way too much of.
There IS a difference between reality and fantasy. We see it all the time.
There is an actual fetish for consesual non consent aka rape fantasy/roleplay. If we allow that people routinely engage in fake rape, then why are you surprised if anything else is sexualized. People are weird.
But is it not just as disturbing to you when people glorify violence and gore such as the Saw franchise?
I do not understand the attraction to these things either, but I dont think its healthy to pretend that reality and fantasy cant be separated.
Intel pushing into the gpu space is so obviously them trying to get the public to R&D AI hardware since Nvidia is so far ahead of everyone in that game.
It would be great if they accidentally did some good, but it’s not something they are going to keep getting better at.
A Linux optimized GPU would be an interesting product, even if its still just R&D for an entirely different goal
But that scenario does have a flipside, possibly even a silver lining if it was macximized. Makes games a hell of a lot easier for indie devs to close the gap on aspects of production that right now. Decreasing a significant portion of cost/budget that will be to indie devs advantage.
Which if luck holds, would really hurt the triple A dogshit studios and create a lot more competition that they have consolidated with the big mergers and acquisitions that have happened in recent years.
Im all for empowering the little guys.
(For clarity i dont want devs to replace any humans with AI)
Now compare that narrative experience the Super Mario Bros.
Im sure it’s been done, but i would love to see interpretations of a First Time User Experience of OG mario if it came out today.
I cant tell you how many games ive just noped out of because i just want to actually play the game and not read or listen to either dialogue or forced tutorial railroading for 20+minutes (even 5 minutes of NOT being in control of what im doing is annoying) when you start a new game.
Even character creation can impede just wanting to get started. Let me come back later, or engage with that as i PLAY the game. Injecting extensive dialogue or forced interactive tutorial should be a reward or a much appreciated rest from the action, not a burden i must bare.
Not every game needs to be story rich to be fun, thank you vampire survivors
You can unlock fast travel in game. You can pay to unlock it early.
It’s basically cheat codes as mtx. Doesnt affect the gameplay.
All reviewers were informed that there were going to be microtransactions. Only 2 of 25 reviewers even talked about it in the reviews but both of them said the mtx doesnt have an affect on enjoying the game (the mtx are basically just for people who dont want to play the game as intended)
Cheat codes have long been part of gaming history with. Up up down down…
Timthetech is justified in calling out dishonest commentaries. Timthetech is just saying call a spade a spade and be honest if you are going to complain about it.
" Out of the 25 English language reviews of Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s PC version on Metacritic, only two mention the microtransactions.
It’s worth pointing out that both of these reviewers (from XboxEra and TouchArcade) said they didn’t find it necessary to purchase the paid DLC to enjoy the game.
Despite this, players have the right to know exactly what they’re getting when they buy a full-priced title. And if a game deliberately holds content back so it can be offered as paid DLC, that may be a dealbreaker for some.
Given that Capcom informed gaming outlets that Dragon’s Dogma 2 would include microtransactions, it is unclear why so many failed to highlight it."
The article lays it out why timthetech is right to call out bad arguments.
Ill bet you money timthetechs opinion IS restricted to this one specific event not the game release itself.
You are arguing in bad faith
Glad you are enjoying it. Any advice on getting it up and running on a steam deck? Just got one a few months ago and havent looked into emulation yet but intended to, life just got in the way and havent gone back to it yet. Maybe you can inspire me to get my some old tony hawk games running. Loved the ps era skater games
It wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t need to sell the things you make and could just give them away.
So copyright is only useful to protect your profits. There are many people who put effort into many things not because they expect to make money but because of the act of doing it.
Just something to think about, not really sure what point im trying to make
I hope you mean broodwar and not just the original release