Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
Regarding Fable, get the original first (fable anniversary on steam). Since you’re big on JRPGs, you might want to check out Ys, Trails and FATE series. You will definitely want to check out Metaphor ReFantazio
You can also experiment some of the “only on PC” or “best on PC” games like Cities Skylines or Planet Coaster (try the 1st game for both) - neither has an available demo, but will definitely run on your computer. Wait for a sale, shouldn’t take too long. Factorio, on the other hand, has a demo that lets you experiment and get a good feel of what to expect of the rest of the game. If you’d like something comparatively simpler and better looking, try Satisfactory instead (no demo)
On the RTS front, you can actually play the first Starcraft 2 campaign for free, though you need Battle.Net instead of Steam. That game can be a good introduction to the genre and, if you enjoy it, I can point out some other games in the same vein.
A personal recommendation of mine is Palworld. I like the gameplay loop.
Also, please learn to use commas.
Catherine Full Body Alan Wake Ni no Kuni2 The forgotten city Until dawn A plague tale 1 innocence TLOU1 Uncharted
From the looks of one of the reviews, a 3-week long daily grind quest if you want to get the good stuff without paying. Plus “ACE” anti cheat which will remain installed after you uninstall the game and an overly long, forced tutorial.
Overall, possibly fun if you only intend to play it sporadically and don’t mind not having everything, or abandoning it within 1 or 2 months.
“Top metaverse creators”
You mean, fuckzuck’s metaverse or…?
top Roblox and Fortnite creators
Oh, those. Dunno how stuff is for fortnite creators, but roblox would probably get a much better deal than their current hamster wheel
It’s also super ironic that rockstar, who shutdown several GTA mods, is now looking into making their game “the place to make your mods EXPERIENCES”
Constellation 4K collection on Nexus so that’s around 200 mods
You mean this one? https://next.nexusmods.com/starfield/collections/npk3lv
I can’t login atm and while ublock can remove the login overlay, I can’t open the lists to see the proper list of mods and changes.
I’ve had plenty of experience with Dwarf Fortress, but never managed to fully weaponize magma before the FPS death killed my fortress. Using bridges to atom smash raids was always funny as hell.
I know Rimworld is a lot more expansive in some areas but, much like Factorio, is a game I’m avoiding because I don’t need yet another addiction 😅
I like systems that allow for outrageous combos, whether unintentionally or by design. Roguelikes and roguelites usually have them, but it’s almost entirely luck based. Dynasty Warriors 8 allows for plenty of OP combos if you manage the right weapon attributes. Skyrim and its broken as fuck perfectly balanced enchanting + alchemy (or Morrowind’s even more perfectly balanced permanent fortify attribute magic)
I need to get back on Rebel Galaxy, I think I got some 2 or 3 missions past reuniting with your aunt. The sound track is fucking amazing, though the gameplay being essentially naval battles in space really let me down at first, as I personally prefer 6 degrees of freedom, but the game does all things well.
I’d trade that update for one that fixed the jank combat. I will continue to complain about the gun being auto-holstered after 2 seconds without firing as one of the worst parts of combat, so “line your shot” is a terrible strategy because by the time it’s lined, you’ll miss due to the animation creating a 1s lag between click and shot.
The almost random targeting of what you’ll interact with when holding E is another big annoyance.
Capital ships are a total letdown, too. All they do is sit around motionless in space. Can’t destroy anything bigger than a fighter.
Depends on what you want out of the game. Freelancer is old, but it’s still one of the best experiences you can get. If you really want to feel like a nobody pilot going from rags to riches, X4 or Elite: Dangerous can scratch itch, but both have considerable learning curves, with X4 allowing you to own space stations and pilot anything from fighters to frigates.
Battlestar Galactica boardgame. It’s mostly cooperative, with the chance of having one or two players being traitors, but even without them, it’s very unlikely the humans win in the end. It’s expensive and needs a lot of table space to play, tho.
Captain Sonar can be an interesting choice, since it can be played turn-by-turn or in real time, with two teams of 1-4 each. If you working with your team doesn’t create a sense of connection, I don’t know what will.
2 has very interesting character development and interaction, but I agree that the final boss is a fucking joke, both as a fight and as something within the lore. Those collector praetors were much harder for me to deal with, the fuckers would easily kill off my team and fully restore barrier as soon as I started hitting its actual health
I’m with you there. 2016 has a much better pacing and general feel. While both kinda feel like serious Sam, moving from one enemy arena to another, Eternal has a much stronger feeling that that’s all you’re doing. I also disliked the super limited ammo and being semi forced to change weapons for each enemy. All the parkouring and bar swinging didn’t feel like it added “good variety” to the gameplay
Probably for the better, though the general spacesuits as armor theme doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense either.
I really wish one of the devs would come out and talk why they a-ok’d the RNG to be a single pass with nothing between POIs - also generated without a single thought about anything since, to me, that’s the third biggest letdown of the game (the first is the universe/setting, the second is the main story, )
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH get fucked, assclown. The sweet spot of productivity is 6h per day, tops.
Besides, “torture yourself 12h a day so we can be the first to bring AI overlords into our world” is less likely to entice the workforce than “we’ll suck 100ml of blood off all of you in order to keep my skin young”