Civ7 is the newest Civilization game that is coming out. Given that this c/patientgamers, I think its safe to assume OP is asking if there are any new games that you will not be patient to aquire.
For myself, I’m going to buy the new Elden Ring at release. I have not been let down by Fromsoft and feel each of the previous Souls and Soulslike games have been worth the full price.
I agree that the bonfire mechanics and level design resemble dark souls, but the mechanics are nothing like dark souls to me. I’ve played all the games as well. Fallen order isisn’t 1:1 with those games, but closer to them than dark souls. Combat is very forgiving and cinematic. It was made to look like darksouls, but the combat didn’t come close. Maybe kingdom hearts combat would be a better comparison. Still easy to get fucked up if you don’t know what your doing, but once you get the hang of it you can just mow down everyone no problem
That wasn’t my experience with fallen order at all lol. I could mostly rush into any group of enemies because enemy attacks were predictable and very easy to dodge. The iframes felt more like the combo beat em up games and enemies generally attacked in turns unless they were all shooting then all you had to do then was hold the block button. On second thought I’d say it was maybe closer to kingdomhearts combat
I loved this remake. I played the first one when I was about 12? Looking back that seems very young but it was one of the only games I completed at that age. I didn’t have internet in my room at the time so I printed the walk through from I think gamefaq lol. Had it holepunched and stored in a ring binder. Over 20 years later and it was really fun remembering events and areas in this remake even if they were slightly redesigned.
Why do you think it is the responsibility of the user to fund youtube’s server costs? Youtube is free. If it wasn’t, it would require a login with presumably a subscription fee like Netflix or Max. Youtube’s work around is to push ads and offer a subscription for an ad free experience. They created a problem for their users, then offered a paid solution. Many people accept that mainly because they either don’t know how to block ads from their end (or cant), or like you they think they owe youtube something. There is nothing unethical about choosing what information is downloaded onto your hardrive from the web.
Not sure what adblocker has to do with piracy, but the right to use adblocker is an even easier argument to make. I don’t see why anyone shouldn’t be able to parse through files downloaded from an http request however they want. I doubt most people read every bit of text from every web page they visit, why make an exception for ads? That’s like feeling obligated to reading every bit of junk mail that makes it way into your mailbox after you sign up for a new credit card.
I’ve not seen many pirates say that they expect companies to roll over and give them stuff. The biggest push for piracy I’ve seen is because companies refuse to sell their products. It’s all licenses to use which can be revoked at any time. Many people aren’t interested in licenses and since there is no legal way to actually purchase most games or movies, that just leaves pirating.
I think the worst thing about their subscription price is that it is very close to the same price as WoW or FF14, but with runescape you can only have 1 character. If you enjoyed a quest or lower level content, you have to create a new account with its own subscription. If you want to try an Ironman or hardcore character, that’s a whole other account and subscription.
I may have to try it again some day. I thought the story and world was interesting and engaging. I played without guides and despite trying to explore and do everything while following the main story line, I soon found myself extremely underleveled to enemies. I thought it was hilarious that each person in the game is assigned a color based on their role in the colony so sometimes you meet someone who is introduced a being “a black”
Because it shows many people are playing it. That in itself may be of interest to people who are considering purchasing the game. Also it let’s the devs know there is a market potentially interested in DLC or sequels. If the news was that player counts dropped to a very small number, neither of those things are likely to happen
Found the series when 3 released. Like many people I thought fallout would he awesome with coop multi-player. 76 is not the experience myself or I’m guessing most people had in mind. I’m not saying there is anything inherently wrong with the game. Just not what I was looking for when thinking “multi-player fallout”.
I don’t have a lot of experience with roguelike games. Before I even knew about the genre I played quite a bit of Spelunkey. As someone who loves Super Mario Bros I thought that game was great. I recently found Vagante and am having a lot of fun with it. It gives off Spelunkey vibes, but is more traditional fantasy.